You are right about Apostafests. Never got to go to Tahoe yet. On our list, maybe next year after Hunter graduates.
We met at the Toronto Apostafest...What year? At the big microbrewerery.
Nice life summary Dagney.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. i was born and raised in southern california, with a brief stint with parents as need-greaters in central america.
my parents accepted a study in the d2d work, i believe my father was interested in the revolutionary aspect of the religion, and my mom said she wanted to learn the bible.
they were baptized in 1937 i think, and attended the one and only los angeles kh at the time.
You are right about Apostafests. Never got to go to Tahoe yet. On our list, maybe next year after Hunter graduates.
We met at the Toronto Apostafest...What year? At the big microbrewerery.
Nice life summary Dagney.
the first part was all about the the evils of higher education.
i couldn't stand it and left.
was anybody there today?
I was still an elder in 2006 when I went to college. One of the reasons they deleted me.
My first class I took was Ethics. I took stances on every issue we discussed that was opposite of what JWs believed. And it woke me up. I left JW in 2007.
A few years later, when my non JW wife took her class, I had a chance to thank that instructor and tell her how her class changed my life.
No wonder JWs don't want anyone educated.
hey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
Tell the nosy ass JW the 411....1 Thessalonians 4:11, from their own precious NWT ...."Make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we instructed you,"
i'm watching the new netflix movie "come sunday".
it's one more film about a person who has turning point in life that demands the person to reevaluate his own faith and belief system.
in this case, the man is a petencostal bishop that gets very famous and has a big church preaching about salvation to heaven and punishment in hell.
My family and I watched Come Sunday this evening. I wouldn't have watched it or known about it if not for listening to This American Life on NPR, which did this story in 2005 and rebroadcast this weekend because this movie came out on Netflix. TAL produced the docudrama.
Interesting movie, makes more sense if you hear the original story first. I enjoyed it. 1:45 a bit long. Big name actors though.
As for a movie based on anything JW related, it is too limited an audience to be economically feasible. As much as the ex-JW community makes of them, the religion is of little consequence in the minds of non JWs. The carts are a joke, the door knocking is limited, and it is a dying religion. Just not fast enough four our tastes.
Snakes (Rich)
avon lake ohio.
while new mega church being built right down the street!.
Go to the Borg site. There is a search feature to find locations.
I just found no listing for Vandalia, IL. I knew Litchfield closed while I was still in back in the mid 2000s.
Also, Mattoon, and Meredocia. Weirdly, Beardstown, a town of 6123, has an English, Spanish, AND French.
Go fuc#ing figure.
from 2012 thru 2016, congregations in georgia and alabama collected funds to build a new assembly hall in south atlanta.
to date, 3.5 million dollars was collected and 75 acres was purchased.
the branch decided that this assembly hall was not needed.
2018-04-11-e-boespeaker's monitorhttps://we.tl/em7bxi5o4oatlantis!.
Strain the gnat and swallow the camel.?.or some such nonsense.
Glad I'm out. I have never done well with being micro managed.
it's my first time on this site though i am no stranger in the ex-jw community.
i come to you now asking for your assistance in what to present to the dean of students at my university.. why am i meeting with dean of students, you may ask?
because today, while innocently finishing an assignment in the school library, i happened to look out the window and see the jws with their stupid little cart.
Sarabethy, good for you confronting them. Just make sure YOU appear stable and reasonable. You sound prepared.
FYI. My mom was baptized in 1970 in....Juneau, Alaska. My dad was career Coast Guard, mom was alone alot in a small apartment with 2 kids ...blocks from a Kingdom Hall. Two Special Pioneers studied with her multiple times a week. Dick and Jan Baker. Bet you knew them. I was 4. I am now 51. We left Alaska in 1971, dad left the CG 3 years short of retirement.
Jehovah's Witnesses ruined us financially and in life.
College saved my life in 2006. An ethics class opened my eyes....I also had a paper on JWs Left in 07.
Good luck with anti witnessing. I don't have the stomach for it.
Snakes (Rich )
just a brief history of me.
me and my wife got baptized into the jw cult in 1997. we were both protestants before and in fact it was me who dragged her into the cult.
during 2009, another jw friend of mine raised suspicions about his research on the blood and 607 bc theories.
I remember a brother in our congo questioning the UN thing, got an elder to unilaterally write a letter to the branch. Branch wrote the BOE back with some BS explanation. Our BOE was up in arms, I just laughed. Tempest in a teapot.
The CO ended up having a kangaroo loyalty JC, all elders on it. DF Donuthole. I still remember the Appeals JC. DH ran circles around them. Big ol middle finger, symbolically. Class act that guy.
Don't know if Donuthole is still around the board, looks like it has been 3 years since he last posted.
Borg has a standard reply to the UN thing. Most elders believe it. The elder who wrote the letter? Stepped down after that.
this is my 15th year without going to the memorial.
based on comments, it seems i did not miss anything.
11th year no Reject Jebus Party. Last one in 2007 at the Assembly Hell in St. Louis. Quit attending that same summer. Haven't stepped in a Kingdom Hell since.
Snakes (Rich )