I got sucked into MTS (the now defunct 8 week Ministerial Training School, part of WT School of Gilead, apparently also defunct). 62nd US Class, 2002.
Left very disillusioned but determined to make it work. Too many years invested.
3 weeks out, WT tries to send me to Middle-of-Nowhere, Kansas. The locals did not want me or my classmate (who DID go). Made NO effort to help us find housing, or a job. They ran off a previous graduate.
I declined, had knee surgery, kept my full time job, restarted pioneering. (Thanks in no small part to Steve "Rubber face" Lett). But WT sent me 75 miles from home to Not-Much-Work, Illinois. Me and TWO other grads from our class. This congo was THAT fu&ked up.
I did that 150 mile round trip 3 times a week. Sunday, Thursday, and Saturday for 4 months. Did Tuesday and some FS close to home and worked FT... back home. NO support from Crooklyn. Got sick, lost 25 pounds, got down to 115 pounds. Doc checked for cancer....nope...stress. Told me to quit the commute. I did. Got kicked out of the MTS program. Took 10 months of fighting to get reappointed as an elder to where I ended up close to home.
Fast forward 5 years. Former elder, pioneer, MTS grad. Walked away, never to return. Forward 12 more. Never set foot there again. Why? Because they LIED to me all those years, told me at those conventions to make FT service my life. You know who encouraged me to keep applying for MTS at those CONventions?
Samuel "Turd" Herd.
I pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster I never see that fu#ker again.