minimus...damn, you come up with some interesting threads!
my answer....its like Ivory Soap:
SnakesInTheTower (of the "99.44% certain I am right about fading" Sheep Class)
are you 100% sure that leaving the organization was the right decision?
minimus...damn, you come up with some interesting threads!
my answer....its like Ivory Soap:
SnakesInTheTower (of the "99.44% certain I am right about fading" Sheep Class)
i haven't payed mine for almost 3 years because i don't like what the government is doing with its war machine and taking away our civil liberties with the patriot act:.
I can really feel the love.
I hope my post(s) to IP_SEC did not convey the harshness we experienced and/or gave as dubs. Maybe "Stupid" was a harsh word. If so, I am sorry. It was not intended as a personal attack, just an attack on potentially not well thought out ideas.
I stand by my point to IP_SEC: by making such statements (and if they really carry out their intent) they are not thinking about the future of someone other than themselves strictly to try to "make a point"...and such offspring are completely helpless to do anything about it until they are adults and can change...
hmmm.... come to think about it...isnt that what Witless parents do to their minor kids? Force this crap on them and they cant do anything about it until they are adults and can move out? And there are consequences to forcing the Borg on them in their future lives? Thats what my parents did to me...forced this on me...and if I had gotten married to the JW girl, that is what we would have done to her daughter (and she is still doing to her daughter)...until I found this....and then how hard would it be to get the girl's mother to dump the religion? I shudder. Unlikely she would leave the dubs. Both are completely trapped. I am still partially trapped. But at least I am thinking for myself now...but not without consequences.
Am I wrong on making this comparison to what IP_SEC is proposing they are going to do? Anyone?
SnakesInTheTower (of the "thought I was done with this thread" Sheep Class)
i haven't payed mine for almost 3 years because i don't like what the government is doing with its war machine and taking away our civil liberties with the patriot act:.
I have made sacrifices for things it is possible to sacrifice for. And maybe one day I will cut all ties to the WT. Please understand that I do not only think about myself and my own feelings. I also take into consideration the feelings of my mother who is a dub and my closest JW friends. I can fade and not force them to make a decision regarding our relationship. It is not fair that the Borg forces us into these no-win situations. I am making the sacrifice of TOTAL freedom to take into consideration of their feelings. THAT is what loyalty to friends is about. One day, if they and I all get out, they will remember that.
On the original topic... If you want to do the whole "avoid the government thing for yourself", knock yourself out. As I said, I will defend to the death the right to say such things...even if I think they are stupid or pointless. HOWEVER, IMO only, I do not think it fair to push this off on to your future offspring. Let them decide if they want to jump off the government bandwagon when they can make a rational decision on it as an adult. What you do to them has long lasting consequences....and that is what I meant by stupid.
Thankfully, this is all hypothetical, right? You have no offspring. I hope by the time you do, you will have grown up and thought this through more thoroughly.
Nuf said. Peace out.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "defending your right to think and say what you want" Sheep Class)
it's been a long time since i posted here but i often read your messages when ian (dansk) logs on.
as most of you will know, ian will be going back into hospital on monday for an allogeneic stem cell transplant and will be away from the forum for a good few weeks (hopefully he'll be back home within 4-6 weeks).
last time he was in hospital many of you sent messages to his ward and i know they cheered him up immensely.
((((((ian and claire)))))))
I hope ian does well with these treatments. and that egreeting link is cool. I sent a quick note.... I dont know any here personally (except maybe 1 person), but because of the support I have received here, it seems like we do know each other....
A thought: "Doctors practice medicine, I just wish they would not PRACTICE on me!" Medicine is amazing in what it can do, and frustrating in what it cannot.
Here is hoping that this round of treatment is the last because it worked.
I will keep you both in my thoughts.....look forward to hearing the updates as you have time....
take care....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "grateful for what we have" Sheep Class)
i haven't payed mine for almost 3 years because i don't like what the government is doing with its war machine and taking away our civil liberties with the patriot act:.
If I ever produce offspring, the child shall not have a SS# nor a birth certificate.
then I guess your future mother of your future child will be having the child at home and you will home school him/her? Just dont ever try to get school, insurance, etc. for him/her. And if they get sick...yep, you need ID at the hospital....and just birth do you prove he/she is a US citizen? Can you imagine the nightmare scenario you set up for that child when he/she turns 18. The kid could be deported, but to where? I guarantee when they go to try to prove their identity at some point in their lives, it will be YOU they come after. Why would you do that to your child over some stupid tax evasion protest issue that means nothing?
Voltaire once said "I do not agree with a thing you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Please think before you make/post stupid statements.
Oh, and by the way....I used to do data entry for the IRS a few years ago.....I processed payments of people who owed taxes from the 1960's!... that's right, the coupon with their payment said: "1st Qtr 1965", or something like that.....these people were paying on debt 30 years old. There is no statute of limitations on government debt. You can never run from any type of government debt (IRS, property taxes, payroll taxes, student loans, etc) someone else said, they are first in line for their money. don't put off the inevitable....get a good tax lawyer and settle with the will pay penalties, fines, and the original tax...but at least you avoid jail time, garnishment, criminal record, etc....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "cannot believe people still try this crap" Sheep Class)
l.a. archdiocese to pay $660m for abuse.
by gillian flaccus.
los angeles (ap) - the nation's largest catholic archdiocese has settled its abuse cases for $660 million, by far the largest payout in the church's sexual abuse scandal, the associated press has learned.
I should have known Oprah has JW wonder we never hear anything bad about JWs there. I wonder if Montel or how about Dr. Phil would do a show about this? Lets get a victim on their shows. Unless the dubs have reps there too.
I have the mailing list for my old congo... I wonder sometimes about sending a bunch of letters to them. Use the KH as a return address. That way, even the returned ones go somewhere.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "up way too late" Sheep Class)
i like the show "scrubs".
dr. perry cox is hilarious, so is janitor.
gotta love that show.. whats yours?.
of course..... why? Because it reminds me of Congregation Politics and Congregation Social Dynamics.
I once told a PO that in one congo I was in that I thought Survivor was like the congo......he asked "isnt that on Thursday night?" I said "yep, thats what God created VCRs for." PO: "what do you mean about it is like the congo.....?" Snake: "I always wonder if I am getting voted off the island next."..... PO still not amused.....I walked away laughing loudly.
too bad for him...and .I am looking forward to the China episode that is taping now and will show in September...
SnakesInTheTower (of the "finally voted off the elder island" Sheep Class)
i haven't payed mine for almost 3 years because i don't like what the government is doing with its war machine and taking away our civil liberties with the patriot act:.
welcome franzy to the board
(funny your first post is on a tax topic, not a JW topic .....please post your background story on the recent newbie thread )
and thank you for giving John a swift virtual kick in the A**. John Doe....dude....lighten up.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "paying his taxes and only whines when looking at the payroll stub each week" Sheep Class)
l.a. archdiocese to pay $660m for abuse.
by gillian flaccus.
los angeles (ap) - the nation's largest catholic archdiocese has settled its abuse cases for $660 million, by far the largest payout in the church's sexual abuse scandal, the associated press has learned.
I watched the second airing of Larry King Live tonight..they had the head of SNAP along with the lawyer, judge, and a Catholic rep. I wonder what would happen if people would inundate CNN with phone calls and emails asking why the JW settlement is not being given any press? Has Larry King said anything about the JW settlement? I guess a known set of figures $660 million for 508 victims AND the files being released is more newsworthy than 16 victims, and undisclosed amount of settlement, and NO release of files.
I am certain that Bowen from Silent Lambs would show for an interview, but that does not make sexy TV if it is JUST him......if the victims who settled CANNOT show up because of the gag order....(and I am sure the WTBT$ will not send anyone other than the JR Brown BorgPRDrone and he wont say anything meaningful)....then that does not make much of a show, eh?..and only 1 million (likely not watching) JWs vs how many millions of CNN viewing Catholics.....I guess its all about ratings and ad dollars.
But certainly there are victims who will come forward but are not involved in the lawsuits and dont care about the money....
The "faithful" R&F dubs wont watch it...but maybe their coworkers, non JW family, and bible students WOULD watch something like that...and word would trickle back to the R&F
Your comment?
SnakesInTheTower (of the "sick of mainstream media" Sheep Class)
i'll start with my congregation....... there have been about 7 disfellowshippings in my congregation alone within the last year.
over half the congo is inactive and many more are irregular pubs.
young people in the congo are dropping like flies.
Your congo sounds like a spiritual paradise! (for an apostate that is)
In my circuit, they closed one congo last year. It had been a combination of 2 small congos a few years before that...(2 becomes 1 becomes POOF! 0...New WT Math). The money from the sale of that KH I heard is going to a congo on the other side of the circuit. They are moving the english congo and spanish group there and will build in a town closer to the spanish population center. A lot of ag workers in that area. My old KH is going to have a major remodel next month (I heard they are putting WINDOWS in the KH ...OMG! . They must need more New Light!
We can only hope that the whole house of cards collapses, but dont hold your breath.
and as far as the MTS grads? ...they cant do anything on their own...they are told "it took 20 or more years to build these problems in the congregations. It will not be fixed overnight. Just go in, set an example, be encouraging. Jehovah will take care of the rest." THAT, my friend, is a direct quote....from a member of the GB to an MTS class on their last day a few years back.. bullsh*t I say.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "fading a bit too quickly" Sheep Class)
PS....on the risk of a partial hijack...I have to tell you.... I hate to increase their attendance figures, but I will be going back to a few more meetings each month because the fade accelerated too quickly. It is being noticed too much by some close friends and they are starting to nudge me too much and "expressing their concerns" squawking to the elders. Until I can move away, I have to back off it a bit.....maybe 4 meetings a month instead of 1. But I still will not go out in
Field Service Sales Cold Calls. Just turn in informal time (aka phantom time)....but I go to meetings on my terms not theirs...still not going to the BS..who needs the revelation book again
?... Since I am not voicing my "concerns", and I am not involved in anything a JC can get a grip on, their is nothing they can do except "encourage" me. (gag). peace out...