If the gladiator games are brought back.....
... and feed the Governing Body and the Legal Department to the lions....
....for their pedophile and blood policies....
...then they might see me enter a K'Hell.
Snakes (Rich )
i can sport my beard and they have a smoking section!
let's have fun with this thread..
If the gladiator games are brought back.....
... and feed the Governing Body and the Legal Department to the lions....
....for their pedophile and blood policies....
...then they might see me enter a K'Hell.
Snakes (Rich )
i still go to a few meetings a month just to keep members of my family happy.. the witnesses seemed to be getting all worked up about how close the end.
it sorta feels like the 1975 era only 35 years later.
the brother who gave.
what scares me is that I actually understood that algebraic explanation....
...did you go and get a college education behind the backs of the elders?
SnakesInTheTower (of the "graduating college May 19, 2010" Sheep Class...aka Rich)
i have attended district conventions since i was a little kid every year.
now that i have woken up from the wt nightmare, this will be my first year to miss a district convention!
and it feels so liberating!
I did not go in 2007 2008 2009 and I am not going in 2010... or ever.
What is sad is the all of the audio tapes I made...and then never listened to.... or all of the notebooks that I filled with endless jotted notes to be used at a future review on a Service Meeting....and then I wondered why I often got hit with that dreaded assignment as an MS and an elder.... and then never looked at again until time to throw them into the recycle bin or trash.
All of the 4 am wake up calls to go make hoagies at 5am at my assigned assembly.... and then go to the assembly to actually listen fall asleep the weekend after. I often wondered why brothers didnt just volunteer for another assembly and attend their own? (Actually, I think they did this in St. Louis and/or St. Charles, MO in the parking department so that brothers could attend with their families at their assigned one and vice versa.)
All of the hard physical labor carting around food or literature or trash, although there was a thin line defining those three things.
All of the walking around in dress shoes out in parking lots, hallways, up and down steep seating sections counting and lurking, or holding stupid signs that said "If it's on the floor please pick it up" or "Please Keep Moving"
All of the nasty labor of cleaning restrooms.
Staying around after late ... long after your own family and friends had hit the hotel pool, being stuck in the counting room until the last penny had been squeezed out of the sheeples.
All of the lost Thursdays doing "preconvention" work ...aka, cleaning stadiums that hadn't been thoroughly cleaned since its construction...and all of the stadium managers and maintenance staff "praising" our hard work while snickering in their offices at the suckas that were cleaning their building annually. Anyone remember cleaning up the day after a truck show, complete with a layer of dirt on every freaking seat in the stadium? Or hurrying to break down everything in two hours because the WT, in its eagerness to save money off the rent, agreed to clear out between conventions so that some rock concert could occur that night? How about landscaping outside the arena in KC? What kind of deal was that? Good for the stadium managers...good for the WTS saving money on their rent....bad for the free laborers doing the actual work,
Listening to the ancient of days, aka Governing Body members, droning on and on and on Sunday afternoon like no one else would ever be allowed...but it was allowed because they were the GB! Who on the local convention committee is going to tell Barr/Sydlick/Herd/Swingle et. al. to get off the stage? No...squirming children being restrained by equally squirming parents who are secretly sneaking glances at their watches (and later their cell phones) wondering why it is now 5pm when things were supposed to be over by 4? And why is the brother praying instead reviewing the convention and asking for Jehober to bless everyone like it was an Oscar acceptance speech, equally long and boring?
Sweat glistening off our brows and down our necks while we sweated in Busch Stadium, or froze to death in the upper levels of the old Checkerdome or smelled the horses and fought off the flies from the horses at the nearby stables at the racetrack at the State Fairgrounds in Springfield....or tried not to break our necks on the upper levels of arenas in Springfield and St. Charles.
Heartburn from the warmed over burritos, soggy hoagies, and dry danishes...dont forget the flat and warm Shasta (or Vess, or whatever generic soda was cheap and local).... and the eagerness of some brothers to buy the surplus up at the end? Why the hell would you want to eat that another day?
Sisters... you werent left out...did you enjoy cleaning the restrooms...and wondering why the brothers were overseeing but not scrubbing, despite the fact that the majority of those same "Cleaning Overseers" made livings as janitors and window washers? Or sitting in front of contribution boxes because you werent qualified to do anything else...Even if you had an accounting degree and made a living as a CPA, you couldnt count money -- because you didnt have a p*n*s. Or if you were an MD or an RN...you couldnt oversee First Aid...for the same reason.
I have no idea when or where the conventions in the area are.
Yeah, as a brother, I was worked like a dog. Do you think I miss District Conventions?
Snakes (Rich )
i'm on my way home from work and had to detour due to an accident on the highway.
i passed a wal-mart and instead of just sitting in the traffic, i pulled in to get some stuff i needed for the garden.. on my way out, i spot someone who appears to be selling something (rather common in parking lots here in south florida).
anyway, as i got closer, here was a brother sitting in a lawn chair under a tree on one of the little grassy areas where they plant the trees in the parking lot.. at his side, he had pulled a wal-mart shopping cart up on the grass.
Based on the new policy, he could have taken them back to the KH, no questions asked
Is this a policy after dec 2006? I dont remember a specific policy saying bring them back to the KH...but I do remember we had announcements made at the local kh...local policy...bring them back.... we ended up with a couple of thousand back issues stretching back a decade or more. I ended up carting several boxes to a recycling bin in town..... and going through and sorting the rest...after awhile, the remaining few hundred "back issues" followed their fibrous brethren to that great recycling bin in the sky (or at the local store).
But having the mags all stacked in a shopping cart seems a bit tacky to me ,but maybe that's how they do it in Florida ?
dunno about the shopping cart thing, but I know my mom and her friends used to have litterally (misspelling on purpose) hundreds of mags in their car trunks....they would go out early morning witnessing (aka, easy field service time), and hit the immigrants...apparently the immigrants used the free reading material to brush up on their English.... the sisters would place 15-25 English language mags at each bus stop with spanish speakers...I guess some of them must have become dubs because the Spanish congos grow like crazy in S. FL while the English are consolidating.
Snakes (Rich )
is that a tumor?
i know that wasn't there yesterday.
no, maybe the cats got into it while were gone for a couple of hours....resident cat swipes at the kitten (whose name is adventure) and this is a blood blister and/or infection.
pulled a long piece of yarn right out of his butt
ewwwwwwWWWWWdouble YOU wwww! lol
reminds me of guinea worm...wrap it around a pencil and let it wind itself around as it exits...ewww...lol
so far...kitty hasnt eaten anything...chews on everything....climbs on everything... lives up to his name of "Adventure."
Snakes (Rich )
is that a tumor?
i know that wasn't there yesterday.
no, maybe the cats got into it while were gone for a couple of hours....resident cat swipes at the kitten (whose name is adventure) and this is a blood blister and/or infection.
shooter...sorry about that...we were horrified at first...we really did think it was something serious.... not a freaking piece of candy...lol
I put the question mark in there because we didnt know... and it does get your attention...heh heh..
and yeah...kitty is fine and honery (sp?)
Snakes (Rich )
is that a tumor?
i know that wasn't there yesterday.
no, maybe the cats got into it while were gone for a couple of hours....resident cat swipes at the kitten (whose name is adventure) and this is a blood blister and/or infection.
The New Yorker awaits you!
Unlikely but thank you...kitten is in the window right now...not even sitting on Max's (resident cat) cat perch...just on the closed window sill looking out at the world.
That's gross and hilarious
it was just plain weird.... and yeah..happy ending.
What flavour was the juju bee? Was it still fresh? Hope you didn't waste it
I didnt taste it, are you kidding? it was blood red.....no it wasnt fresh, though it was still soft (ugh)...and it went right into the wastebasket....though it stuck to my finger after the first flick. (blech)
Snakes (Rich )
as some here may know, i got a cat at the local shelter a couple of years ago.
max (short for maxine)...is a very good natured, loving cat...as much as a cat can be.
lately she has really been trying for my attention.... why?.
We have been leaving the kitties out together at night and during the day when we are here. No major issues.
Here they are together yesterday (the pic is a bit blurry...it happened so fast I almost did not get the camera out...this tranquility did not last long...lol
We worried about the new kittie and his tumor though....WTF? read about it here....
Snakes (Rich )
is that a tumor?
i know that wasn't there yesterday.
no, maybe the cats got into it while were gone for a couple of hours....resident cat swipes at the kitten (whose name is adventure) and this is a blood blister and/or infection.
So yesterday my fiancee and I get home, its our only day off together minus the nine year old terror boy....just kidding...
...She and I are in the kitchen....and we are about to head for a nice soaking bubble bath together and a couple of hours of alone time.... when one of us picks up the new kitten....and on her ass something looks kinda funny ....on her hind end there was this dark red, berry looking thing...what is it? Is that a tumor? What the F*ck? I know that wasn't there yesterday. No, maybe the cats got into it while were gone for a couple of hours....resident cat swipes at the kitten (whose name is Adventure) and this is a blood blister and/or infection.
I tug gently, much to the kitten's dismay as she began to whine.... we could not see where it was attaching itself to her...maybe its not...sure looks like it..and the kitty seems to be in pain every time we tug.... Toni went to get some scissors (not that I think this is a good idea if it is indeed a tumor or blister).
Meanwhile I am looking at it closer...not really wanting to touch this pulsating thing...and the kitten is struggling.. Finally, I swallow my revulsion welling up in my throat....I was already negotiating with Toni the vet's bill for tumor removal...figuring out how to guilt her mom into paying for the surgery.... and I roll this thing in between my fingers. Kitty is not liking this at all. I persist...and finally I realize, with great relief, that there is hair stuck to this red berry thing....and not skin.
I remove the berry thing...damn if it isn't a red juju bee candy that apparently the kitten had laid upon under the nine year old's bed. That place is a wasteland or a landfill, not sure which.
With much relief we laughed...but by then the "mood" had passed...there would be no play time for us that afternoon. We took a quick shower and realized that it was getting time to pick up the nine year old. Sh*t. We would have to try again another day for some alone time. Not today it seems either, because apparently she is working over today..... Maybe tonight.
Meanwhile.... kitten and resident cat are, if not getting along, also not killing each other.
Snakes (Rich )
as some here may know, i got a cat at the local shelter a couple of years ago.
max (short for maxine)...is a very good natured, loving cat...as much as a cat can be.
lately she has really been trying for my attention.... why?.
outlaw...I have some video from last night kinda like that....it was too dark and grainy...i have to use better lighting and figure out how to post it on you tube
Snakes (Rich )