Anthony Fuc#ING Manera. Couldn't think of that old co#ksucker' name that was my other MTS instructor.
i posted this thread sometime last year but thought i would revive it due to the new ones on the board, and to change things up a bit.
my favorite?
bro murikami, from hawaii, very humble, kind bro.
Anthony Fuc#ING Manera. Couldn't think of that old co#ksucker' name that was my other MTS instructor.
i posted this thread sometime last year but thought i would revive it due to the new ones on the board, and to change things up a bit.
my favorite?
bro murikami, from hawaii, very humble, kind bro.
Paul Illingsworth was a nice guy.
Indeed he was. He was one of my 2 instructors in MTS (62nd US class - St. Louis). For who he was, and who he worked for, I respected him as fair in his dealings with me. I have a picture of him with his feet on a desk reading Sports Illustrated or something golf related.
The other instructor, and ancient fart, told me I needed to upgrade my suits, even though HIS looked like Goodwill rejects. Mine were off the rack, but custom tailored to fit. Fu#k him, he's probably dead by now.
Snakes (Rich, of the Free of Caring About Suits Sheep Class)
i was standing at a red light and i noticed the little cart standing there.
they're barely noticeable and when i continued there was apparently someone on the other side of the street too.
the only problem, the location is a very busy intersection which has virtually no foot traffic and they're hard to see to begin with, as you can see from my vantage point i couldn't even read the cart and three people next to them on this side and two of them on the other side.. .
I don't like it, but they have the right to be there. If I see their rags in a waiting room, I take them. What I do with them doesn't matter. Recycling is good for the planet AND the mind.
When I was still in, I always suspected the rags we "placed" in the laundronats were tossed. But the pretense of productivity was there.
The cart "witnessing" is just a variation of the old production scam. WT is running out of ideas. The carts are just sandwich boards on wheels with shelves. LOL.
so i've recently been travelling about usa and mexico and of course seen the carts parked at tourist spots all over and i had a funny thought ...if somehow we could get a bunch of identical carts together and print up a placard with a few key facts about the real truth with jwfacts logo and just park them right in the same areas ,dress up in our old meeting clothes and stand about with a coffee and look on our phones i wonder what response we would get from anyone ?
or park them outside assembly's and just at a distance ...basically the same thing they do to all society !.
We went to the Chinese Culture Days at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, MO. In the space of two blocks there were at least 12 carts and more dubs than that standing around. I avoided them on the way in by waiting to cross at the entrance. On the way out two JW women said hello, so I did too and kept walking.
I didn't recognize any of them and I am glad.
just noticed this very peculiarly uncanny similarity between website logos.did the jw.0rg come first or after--did the wt copy another website's logo?.
Tempest in a teacup, much ado about nothing.
I remember being criticized for using technology, especially keeping publisher records on software, making it easier to generate requested reports. Brothers criticized for having the bible and literature on a laptop. Even not having scripture printouts for the WT "study." Now, all that is out the window. I was 10 years ahead of Jehober's slow-assed Edsel, I mean chariot.
Snakes (rich)
jw special conventions.
who's going?.
are you "special" enough to be chosen?.
I went to one of these Not Special CONventions in Hamburg, Germany in 2006. My regret was wasting 3 days of an otherwise beautiful, albeit more expensive and restrictive than necessary, trip.
And what is with the Olympic style logos for each convention? Are they selling souvenirs? Although I do like the one from Bolivia with the llama. My wife says I remind her of one. Same temperament. Same look.
Snakes (rich)
yesterday i stopped at a local shopping center to pick up a few things.
i arrived at 9:45 am and two jw ladies had already set up their literature trolley and had opened for business.
but i didn't see anyone stopping by and taking advantage of their free literature.
Hell, I pass their KH taking my son to HS in the morning. Cart manned by usually 2 sisters, talking to each other. Only foot traffic they have are teenagers parking at the church next door and walking back to the HS. SAME students EVERY day. LOL.
up until i left recently i was participating in the cart work.
in the location where we used to set up near our local mall we never had one person stop and take literature or stop and chat - other than fellow brothers.
i thought maybe it was just a bad location or something.
Hell, our dubs are so lazy that they park in the KH lot, drag their cart(s) to the entrance by the road, and chat with each other between 8:30 and 9 a.m, Meanwhile, a couple dozen High school students walk by the cart every morning from the church next door to the KH. The students got permission to park at the church and walk to the school a few blocks away because the school lot is full. I know the elders refused to let the kids park at the KH.
The same students, five days a week. NEVER once stop at the cart. Been more productive to let the kids park at the KH. YA' THINK?
Snakes (Rich)
on the door frame, on the door, door knocker, bell.. loud, very loud, regular, soft... gentle... or just pretended and never knocked at all?
we just had a city worker come a knocking on our front door and my responce after she left was, she should go down to the local kingdom haul and give lessons.
her knock was so loud, she could raise the dead.
As a pioneer and elder, I "volunteered" to be the odd number in a car group and "offered" to work by myself so others didn't have to. Also, I often "extended the offer" to drive my vehicle. And "kindly" moved the car every block so others wouldn't have to walk back so far. All of this was "greatly appreciated." Especially since coffee breaks were a priority. Time counting for me was "fluid."
If, after all of that, I still had to actually had to knock at a door? Phantom knock or bell ringing, Pioneer, "extensive" record keeping. On the rare times I spoke to someone? Either 30 second tract offer, or 10 minute conversation about pets, gardens, etc.
I was SUCH a great example.
Snakes (Rich)
PS... when I became a in person "at the door" bill collector, I knocked like a damn cop. LOL. So, not afraid of knocking.
we haven't heard much recently about india.
whats the current situation over there?
I think at the time I was surprised at the blatant honesty if the brother on the desk there. I am certain that variations of that occur everywhere. I observed it first hand here in the US.
The whole Borg is corrupt.