Strain the gnat and swallow the camel.?.or some such nonsense.
Glad I'm out. I have never done well with being micro managed.
2018-04-11-e-boespeaker's monitor!.
Strain the gnat and swallow the camel.?.or some such nonsense.
Glad I'm out. I have never done well with being micro managed.
it's my first time on this site though i am no stranger in the ex-jw community.
i come to you now asking for your assistance in what to present to the dean of students at my university.. why am i meeting with dean of students, you may ask?
because today, while innocently finishing an assignment in the school library, i happened to look out the window and see the jws with their stupid little cart.
Sarabethy, good for you confronting them. Just make sure YOU appear stable and reasonable. You sound prepared.
FYI. My mom was baptized in 1970 in....Juneau, Alaska. My dad was career Coast Guard, mom was alone alot in a small apartment with 2 kids ...blocks from a Kingdom Hall. Two Special Pioneers studied with her multiple times a week. Dick and Jan Baker. Bet you knew them. I was 4. I am now 51. We left Alaska in 1971, dad left the CG 3 years short of retirement.
Jehovah's Witnesses ruined us financially and in life.
College saved my life in 2006. An ethics class opened my eyes....I also had a paper on JWs Left in 07.
Good luck with anti witnessing. I don't have the stomach for it.
Snakes (Rich )
just a brief history of me.
me and my wife got baptized into the jw cult in 1997. we were both protestants before and in fact it was me who dragged her into the cult.
during 2009, another jw friend of mine raised suspicions about his research on the blood and 607 bc theories.
I remember a brother in our congo questioning the UN thing, got an elder to unilaterally write a letter to the branch. Branch wrote the BOE back with some BS explanation. Our BOE was up in arms, I just laughed. Tempest in a teapot.
The CO ended up having a kangaroo loyalty JC, all elders on it. DF Donuthole. I still remember the Appeals JC. DH ran circles around them. Big ol middle finger, symbolically. Class act that guy.
Don't know if Donuthole is still around the board, looks like it has been 3 years since he last posted.
Borg has a standard reply to the UN thing. Most elders believe it. The elder who wrote the letter? Stepped down after that.
this is my 15th year without going to the memorial.
based on comments, it seems i did not miss anything.
11th year no Reject Jebus Party. Last one in 2007 at the Assembly Hell in St. Louis. Quit attending that same summer. Haven't stepped in a Kingdom Hell since.
Snakes (Rich )
i went with my wife to a one day ca the other day.
i haven’t been to a meeting in.
probably 8 or 9 months.
At least that was meat in due season.
Sounds as good as chewing gristle.
Snakes (Rich)
on the local news last night it was reported that two kingdom halls in olympia wa were set fire to.
i wonder who has a grudge with those congregations?
unfortunately we know the jw"s eat this crap up and enjoy the "persecution.
i missed my first memorial last year in 60 years.
it always amazed me on this special night that the jw's forget how to park their cars in the parking lot.
i would pull in with my wife and there are 5 brothers giving directions on where and how to park my car.
2007 was my last one. I think it was at the Assembly Hall in St. Louis, Mo. This will be my 10th missing it. It is a Saturday. Even if I am not working, I wouldn't go.
we are not a support forum for people with serious depression or thoughts of suicide.
if you or someone you know are struggling with such issues there are professional support services in most countries with people who are experienced and qualified to help:.
I appreciate your reminder Simon. My little brother killed himself 2 years ago. I wish he would have gotten help.
If I didn't tell you then, I truly appreciated the PM you sent me at the time. It meant and still means more than you know.
Snakes (Rich)
just thinking out loud here.
i drive a lot of miles for my job in the st. louis, missouri area.
digital billboards popping up.
I wouldn't waste my money if it were expensive, but it's not.
just thinking out loud here.
i drive a lot of miles for my job in the st. louis, missouri area.
digital billboards popping up.
I threw this out there just as a mental exercise, see what kind of input I would get.
Yes, the only ones who care would be the dubs, so a simple message pointing to a site such as jwfacts.
No, it is surprisingly inexpensive. $10 US buys over 200 imprints, depending on time of day. Each imprint last only a few seconds each, so it can't be wordy.
I would target two boards on two major interstates in the area leading to the convention site, targeting 730-930 am Friday morning and an hour or so after the session, maybe with a reference to the days theme but with a twist.
If WT got wind, maybe they would waste a LOT of money buying all the ad time...ha.
Anyway. Look up the site or similar in your area. Might be fun just to play with.