Terry, that really is beautiful writing.
Snakes (Rich...only dreams of being a writer)
a cat's last emily (emily's last cat) __________.
lifting her elbow up off of her cat.
emily whispered, .
Terry, that really is beautiful writing.
Snakes (Rich...only dreams of being a writer)
i think back on all the missed opportunities i could had not being a jehovah's witness.
however, now i'm thinking about all the fun i could of had if i had been a pimo and had fun in that position.
the possibilities are endless.
I think the reason the local yokel elduhs leave me alone after 11 years out is ....
....because they think I am nuts.
I am pretty certain they are relieved I am no longer an elduh and a pain in their collective fat asses.
I put the word out a few years ago to the then PO to leave me be ...shit don't stink unless you stir it.
I think he spread the word.. no one stops by here anymore....LOL. He is about 88 now, not PO anymore. Good ol boy.
Snakesinthetower (of the "don't mess with me and I won't mess with you" Sheep Class)
just got done watching this program and what impress me the most was the bravery of those x-witnesses to sit there on national tv and tell everyone how the wt.
cult affected them.
no hidden faces, no avatar names and no disguise.
I haven't finished watching the show, but I hope my JW mom watches it. She is 75 and 48 years a dub, I still think she will shun me if I am DF. Let them.
I outed myself long ago here....I remain....
Snakesinthetower (aka Richard Bailey....)
And ps to any local elders......and I know some of you lurk here.....
remember my promise if you EVER DF me while my mom is alive....good luck preaching in this town. Leave sleeping dogs lie. After she dies, I could care less. LOL
how many here have been active here on this site in the the last seven days?.
I check on from time to time, and my 75 year old mom is stil a dub. If not for that, I may have moved on from all things Borg...except so many nice folks here.
I checked in today because of the news about FHN dying.
a few seconds ago this hit the net todayhttp://jwvictims.org/conventions-kingdom-halls-relief-funds-and-other-financial-scams-and-schemes-of-jehovahs-witnesses/.
conventions, kingdom halls, relief funds, and other financial scams and schemes of jehovahs witnesses.
jehovahs witnesses often note that at their meetings (like church services), they dont pass a collection plate.
I used to be the one to go buy toilet paper for the local kingdom hall along with the other janitorial supplies.
I had an elder get mad that I "wasted" money buying 2 ply instead of commercial grade 1ply.
You better believe I bought what we needed. ASSembly hall bought BS commercial grade.
You cant even use a Washtowel magazine as a substitute anymore. Glad I am not there anymore.
Snakes...of the freedom Sheep class.
hello everyone!
does anyone have any confirmation that the governing body uses the business class for its flights?.
also interesting is the information about the hours that were on the hand of one of the members of the governing body..
I was on a red eye from London to Dubai to India. One of those legs was nearly empty. I was told sit in whatever row I wanted. LOL. Only time I ever traveled First Class.
In 1992 I arranged a bethel bus trip for 40 people, I made sure I only booked 40 not the 44 capacity of the bus. Cost was based on 40. The other 4 were for me, my mom, 1/2 price for a sister who helped with some phone work. The 4th slot I left unfilled. For every 15 room nights I booked, I got 1 free at each hotel. The bus driver also got comped by the hotels.
4 to a room was $200 pp. $250 pp 2 to a room or $300 for a single in a room. 5 hotel nights, bus from St. Louis to NJ and NY. Then Walkill and Patterson (under construction), then Niagra Falls, and Canada Bethel, with DIY sightseeing available. Pretty reasonable. All other costs were on the traveler.
Part of the trip was in Canada. When the trip was over, I applied for, and received, a refund of $200-300 of overpayments in taxes. Do you think I tracked down 40 people and divided it 40 ways? NO. Part of my compensation for putting together a really affordable trip. I was dirt poor, but even if I wasn't, I made a lot of long distance calls arranging the trip. In an era when internet, if available at all, was 300 baud Compuserve. No Travelocity. I had to do it the hard way, phone calls, faxes, mail, checks.
My point is ...squirrel.... the GB travels so much I am sure it is still a Dub owned travel agency, so lots of comps and upgrades for all of the business WT does. Partly normal travel agency practice, partly sucking up to the GB ....
Whole lot of tempest in a teapot. Let's focus on the real issues...hiding pedophiles, stealing money indirectly, trapping people in a cult....just saying.
i don't know how many of you have used the waze app.
it's a useful navigation app that alerts you to police and construction zones in route.
a lot of people use it to keep from getting a ticket.. i thought it would be funny to have one that alerts you to jws in neighborhood..
Too much trouble. I just avoid them.
i don't know how many of you have used the waze app.
it's a useful navigation app that alerts you to police and construction zones in route.
a lot of people use it to keep from getting a ticket.. i thought it would be funny to have one that alerts you to jws in neighborhood..
JW Carts = Road Hazard
i don't know how many of you have used the waze app.
it's a useful navigation app that alerts you to police and construction zones in route.
a lot of people use it to keep from getting a ticket.. i thought it would be funny to have one that alerts you to jws in neighborhood..
Resurrected thread...
I just started using the app. I like it. I am a medical courier and it is often better than my GPS.
I have been playing with the map editor, mostly drawing new roads in a nearby cemetery. Make mistakes tyere no big deal, just undo it.
Anyone else still using it 2 years later?
he said they read the letter to the congregation and were told the kh would be disbanded.
2 other halls in the area were slated for closure.
he said many people in the congregation began crying.
I think the reason the elder was excited was he would be moved to a larger congregation with more elders to carry the elder burden.
I know if I was still an elder I would be. LOL
Snakes (of the "not an elder or a dub" Sheep Class)