Great comments Billy and Data-Dog.
Thank you.
the watchtower study edition, august 2015, "keep in expectation!
" article:.
paragraph 3: "after looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?
Great comments Billy and Data-Dog.
Thank you.
march 15 2015 study watchtower:.
* the parables are all "simplified" now.. * doing away with most type / antitype interpretations (except for prophecies).. * the governing body was appointed in 1919 but will not receive their reward of expanded authority until the great tribulation.. * the evil slave is not a class of people, it's a hypothetical warning for each individual anointed one.. ---------.
may 15 2015 study watchtower:.
march 15 2015 study watchtower:.
* the parables are all "simplified" now.. * doing away with most type / antitype interpretations (except for prophecies).. * the governing body was appointed in 1919 but will not receive their reward of expanded authority until the great tribulation.. * the evil slave is not a class of people, it's a hypothetical warning for each individual anointed one.. ---------.
may 15 2015 study watchtower:.
March 15 2015 Study Watchtower:
* The Parables are all "simplified" now.
* Doing away with most Type / Antitype interpretations (except for prophecies).
* The Governing Body was APPOINTED in 1919 but will not receive their reward of expanded authority until the Great Tribulation.
* The Evil Slave is NOT a class of people, it's a hypothetical warning for each individual anointed one.
May 15 2015 Study Watchtower:
* Gog of Magog is not Satan, it is a Coalition of Nations.
July 15 2015 Study Watchtower:
* There is the possibility that people can still be saved after the Tribulation begins.
* The anointed will be raptured to Heaven at the end of Tribulation.
August 2015 Study Watchtower:
* We have no way of knowing how soon the end will come, and it could be in a future time period.
Jesus--The Way, The Truth, The Life book:
* This Generation that will not pass away are the disciples who see all of the many different signs of the last days, and this means the end is "near."
new "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
New "Jesus--The Way" Book, Pages 258-259:
"Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.”—Matthew 24:32-34. Thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near."
So now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?
And "generation" now just means "near?"
Also, if this "generation" must see all the signs, then it would have to begin after the UN (Disgusting Thing) was created in the 1940's, right?
the watchtower study edition, august 2015, "keep in expectation!
" article:.
paragraph 3: "after looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?
The Watchtower Study Edition, August 2015, "Keep In Expectation!" Article:
Paragraph 3: "After looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, ‘Do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?’ Let us see."
Paragraph 5: "Jesus did not say how long that period of time would go on before the end arrived"
Paragraph 6: "We might ask: Could not 'the conclusion of the system of things' refer to a future time when world conditions will become even worse? The Bible does indicate that wickedness will greatly increase 'in the last days.' (2 Tim. 3:1, 13; Matt. 24:21; Rev. 12:12) So we can expect that world conditions, bad as they are now, will continue to decline."
Paragraph 10: "Many of us have been keeping awake spiritually for decades. However, let us not allow the passing of time to weaken our resolve to keep in expectation."
Paragraph 11: "He said: 'Keep on the watch.' So a long wait would not justify mentally postponing the end or totally dismissing their expectations."
Paragraph 14: "We will surely be thankful that God, who ‘has placed times and seasons in his own jurisdiction,’ exhorted us to live with an awareness that ‘the end of all things had drawn close.’—Acts 1:7; 1 Pet. 4:7."
This ties in with the "Newest Light" from the 2015 Insight Book regarding the "generation":
"So his comment about “this generation” logically had an application down to 70 C.E. However, he was also using the word “generation” with reference to humans whose lives would in some way be associated with the foretold events during his presence."
recently, several comments have been made in various threads in reference to some of the recent changes to a few of the rules by which jehovah's witnesses must live their lives in unquestioning compliance.
the assertion has been made that these rules are a "relaxing" of previous restrictions.
the suggestion has been made that this somehow indicates a corresponding relaxing or loosening or lessening of the authority which the governing body (gb) holds over the rank and file (r&f) members of the religion.
The Watchtower, October 1, 2014, Page 8:
"You are wise to be cautious instead of believing everything you hear. (Proverbs 14:15) In some ways, your caution could be compared to that of the ancient Beroeans.* When they were first told about the good news of the Kingdom, the Beroeans accepted what they heard, but not simply because they wanted it to be true. Rather, they carefully examined the Scriptures “to see whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:11) In other words, the Beroeans compared the good news that they heard with what the Scriptures say. In time, they became convinced that the good news was in fact solidly based on God’s Word."
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
My view is that "spirit" and "holy spirit" mean different things based on the context.
In some Scriptures it means...
* an angel
* God's dynamic power
* God's mind
* God the Father Himself
* Jesus
* A mysterious Third Divine Personage
* A holy attitude
recently, several comments have been made in various threads in reference to some of the recent changes to a few of the rules by which jehovah's witnesses must live their lives in unquestioning compliance.
the assertion has been made that these rules are a "relaxing" of previous restrictions.
the suggestion has been made that this somehow indicates a corresponding relaxing or loosening or lessening of the authority which the governing body (gb) holds over the rank and file (r&f) members of the religion.
The Society is based on their belief that the New Testament says there should be a "governing" group of Christians like the Apostles and Elders of Jerusalem in Acts chapter 15, and that this group has authority to send "letters" to all the Congregations ordering them to accept certain doctrine and teachings.
I don't agree that this governing group is something God intended for any time period after the Apostles died.
However, this could be open to various interpretations, including the one the Society believes in.
The example quote given by the OP is speaking about direction given during the Great Tribulation, after the events predicted by the Governing Body have come true. If these events never come true, that command doesn't apply.
On the flip-side, the Society has issued many statements saying every Witness must imitate the Noble-Minded Beroeans of Acts 17:11 to make sure the Society is teaching the truth of the Bible.
Does the Watchtower Society,, and the Governing Body 2.0 still have many issues that can cause them to be considered a cult? Yes, they do, and the sooner they change these, the better.
I'm not defending any of their cult-like practices and beliefs, but I refuse to issue blanket condemnations and bitterness over every single thing they do, even when it is actually an improvement.
quote from today's watchtower study article that's being studied at the halls (march 15, 2015, page 24):.
"understanding the illustration of the talents".
"when the master rewards the slaves.".
So, they're saying that the Faithful Slave was APPOINTED in 1919, but that's NOT the year they received expanded authority?
I thought the Watchtower always taught before that Jesus came and inspected the Faithful Slave in 1918-1919, then He rewarded them. Today's Watchtower article says that this "reward" did not occur in 1919 but instead occurs during the Great Tribulation.
Or are they now eliminating 1919 as having any Scriptural significance, and they're merely saying "history shows that since 1919 the Society did such and such..."?
Also, if the Faithful Slave wasn't appointed until 1919, this means that Charles Taze Russell and his followers were totally wrong on saying that the Faithful Slave Class existed in their day?
i see an attitude among some people here which is not very helpful.
i can understand it, but still, it's not constructive or helpful.. if you condemn the society for not changing, but then you also condemn them when they do change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the society to ever want to change for the better?.
also, what does that attitude look like to current witnesses who are having doubts?.
Oubliette and Steve2,
I've merely been waiting and observing so I could see all of the amazing "friendly and tolerant" posts here.
But seriously, positive changes in recent years' publications (no I'm not going to spend my entire off day to provide you the exact page numbers of each change. They're all available on, or include:
* The statements that Witnesses should call the police on child molesters.
* The elimination of the vast majority of wacky Bible interpretations that applied to the Organization.
* The Society now PROMOTING and APPROVING the use of social networks/media.
* The Society now highly encouraging Internet use, even for children.
* The Society repeatedly posting new statements on their website saying that Witnesses cannot earn salvation by preaching or works.
* The huge increase in focus on Jesus and repeatedly acknowledging that Jesus is divine.
* A gradual removal of the 1914, 1919 teachings.
* A gradual improvement of their shunning practices, especially with their New Convention and Return to Jehovah Brochure.
* A much, much improved simplified interpretation of Bible events and stories.
* A gradual improvement of their blood policies, including the approval of hemoglobin and many other fractions.
* Repeatedly stating that only Jesus judges the goats and they are not to be judged by anyone until the end of the Great Tribulation.
* Acknowledging and discussing many, many of their mistakes.
For example, start watching the 2014 Annual Meeting Talk at the 2 hour, 8 minute mark, and you'll see a Governing Body member acknowledging some crazy Type/Antitype ideas of the past, in addition to acknowledging and condemning Russell's Pyramidology / Numerology.
Also see the March 15, 2015 Study Edition Watchtower articles to see many acknowledgements of past errors.