I realize many people on here are very angry at the Watchtower Society and/or Governing Body for various reasons, many of which are likely justified, at least to some extent. I also can totally understand the cynicism and pessimism I see from certain ones regarding the leaders of the Society.
I think one thing that's often forgotten or overlooked, however, is the fact that members of the Governing Body who've been "in the truth" for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, probably truly believe in this Organization. In my opinion, it's more likely that they believe what they teach instead of being liars who are intentionally deceiving everyone. I think we would've seen many different-looking things happen if the Society is simply lying and trying to make themselves look good.
They would've totally abandoned the Blood Doctrine and 1914 before now if they didn't believe in it.
I also want to give points and credit to this new "Governing Body 2.0" for publicly and repeatedly admitting that hundreds of the older doctrines taught by the former Governing Bodies were likely wrong or going beyond what is written in the Bible.
They also deserve credit for telling people to focus more on Jesus and the main points of His parables instead of getting lost worrying about details. I also like that they tell Witnesses that pretty much anything written before 2000 may be incorrect.
Perhaps the biggest change has been the fact that this GB has fully embraced and promoted the Internet and technology.
So here are my Suggestions to this Governing Body 2.0: (everyone, add your own suggestions!)
- Lighten up on the shunning. This is the 21st Century. There are many legitimate alternative interpretations of those shunning Scriptures. There's no need to make mandatory severe shunning unless it's someone practicing something severely dangerous to the Congregation, such as child molestation, rape, murder, physical abuse, etc.
- Promote and reward free thought and expression. Don't punish or rebuke those who view certain Bible passages a differently than you do. Instead, look at it like you do with different cultures such as Native Americans. Celebrate the differences, don't scold them. Jehovah created everyone differently for a reason.
- If someone is openly speaking evil of the Governing Body, the Congregation, or Elders, or promoting atheism, then by all means, you have the right to excommunicate them. But don't separate or break up family relationships.
- Encourage deeper study of the Bible using other dictionaries and commentaries to compare with your own. Bring in a variety of views. Two or three pairs of eyeballs are always better than one.
- Be even more open and honest about the mistakes and misunderstandings made by the previous Governing Bodies and Society Presidents. People deeply appreciate integrity and honesty. You'll win the respect of many more people if you issue an apology/acknowledgment statement regarding some of your old teachings. It may upset and freak out a few now, but in the long run it will be much better for your public perception.
- Move toward making evolution and blood transfusions a matter of conscience and personal decision.
- Release new versions of older books that contain wrong teachings and misunderstandings.
- Allow actual Question-And-Answer sessions at your Watchtower Study, Public Talks, etc. Don't just have people read answers from a paragraph. Have Beroean Bible Studies!
- Here's a really novel idea! Solicit feedback on tough-to-interpret Bible verses from your Congregation Elders and members. Listen and consider their thoughts on Scriptures as you prayerfully examine them yourselves.
- Let everyone know in advance that this is a NEW Governing Body for a new era, and that you will be reviewing ALL PAST teachings to ensure that they are truthful, accurate, and don't go beyond what is written in the Bible. There are no sacred cows in Jehovah's Organization. But there is a new sheriff in town.
- Focus the Witnesses' attention and hearts on the love of Jehovah and His Son Jesus, and don't spend all your time talking about field service and preaching. If people are truly motivated by the love of Christ, their hearts will move them to tell others about Him without you constantly reminding them.
- Announce that you don't know for sure whether the number 144,000 is literal or not. Tell the Congregation members to listen to their spirit to see whether they desire heaven or earth. Don't discourage anyone from partaking of the Emblems.
- Admit that you aren't sure whether Daniel's explanation of the Great Tree had any secondary fulfillment after Nebuchadnezzar. Just point out any signs you see that you believe are fulfilling Jesus' Last Days prophecy.
Ways that I see the Governing Body can update their interpretation of"This Generation:"
- Say that "this Generation" simply refers to all of the Anointed, and Jesus was saying there would always be some faithful Anointed Christians on earth. (Matthew 28:20)
- Say that "this Generation" refers to the entire Christian Congregation replacing Israel as God's "chosen race." (1 Peter 2:9)
- Say that "this Generation" only applied to the people living while Jesus was speaking, and this was fulfilled in 70 A.D. (Use their new Types/Antitypes Rule to justify this change)
- Say that "this Generation" begins with the Cry of Peace & Security/Outbreak of the Tribulation. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-5)
- Say that "this Generation" refers to wicked religious leaders/clergy such as the Pharisees. Jesus was saying unfortunately the clergy would always be with us until the Tribulation. (Acts 20:29)
- Say that "this Generation" refers to the foundation of the"Disgusting Thing" (United Nations) on October 24th, 1945, and that a generation is around 100 years.
- Say that "this Generation" was referring to the Jewish people. As part of God's unconditional promise to Abraham, God feels obligated to keep some Jews alive at all times so they have the opportunity to hear the Good News and be saved. (Romans 11)