Why do you ask that?
if you closely look at revelation, it may click in your head (like it just did in mine) that "mystery babylon the great, the great harlot" sounds an awful lot like the sadducees and pharisees who killed jesus and persecuted the apostles, and tried to suck up to rome.. .
paul spoke about a *jerusalem below* and a *jerusalem above,* in galatians.
jerusalem below are the freshly and evil jews and jerusalem above is the church made up of christian jews and gentiles, the seed of abraham in christ.. revelation also picks up on this theme by declaring there is a *new jerusalem,* while also declaring that the jerusalem below, which killed jesus, is called *sodom* and *egypt* in a symbolic way.
Why do you ask that?
if you closely look at revelation, it may click in your head (like it just did in mine) that "mystery babylon the great, the great harlot" sounds an awful lot like the sadducees and pharisees who killed jesus and persecuted the apostles, and tried to suck up to rome.. .
paul spoke about a *jerusalem below* and a *jerusalem above,* in galatians.
jerusalem below are the freshly and evil jews and jerusalem above is the church made up of christian jews and gentiles, the seed of abraham in christ.. revelation also picks up on this theme by declaring there is a *new jerusalem,* while also declaring that the jerusalem below, which killed jesus, is called *sodom* and *egypt* in a symbolic way.
If you closely look at Revelation, it may click in your head (like it just did in mine) that "Mystery Babylon the Great, the Great Harlot" sounds an awful lot like the Sadducees and Pharisees who killed Jesus and persecuted the Apostles, and tried to suck up to Rome.
Paul spoke about a *Jerusalem Below* and a *Jerusalem Above,* in Galatians. Jerusalem Below are the freshly and evil Jews and Jerusalem Above is the Church made up of Christian Jews and Gentiles, the Seed of Abraham in Christ.
Revelation also picks up on this theme by declaring there is a *New Jerusalem,* while also declaring that the Jerusalem Below, which killed Jesus, is called *Sodom* and *Egypt* in a symbolic way. (**Revelation 11:8**)
Also, Revelation repeatedly describes *Babylon* as being an unfaithful adulteress and Harlot. Usually in the New Testament, these phrases are figuratively used to refer to God's people who have become worldly and unfaithful. This would fit in with the Jerusalem Below Paul spoke of in Galatians.
Finally, what Revelation says about *Babylon* being responsible for all the blood of the prophets and apostles matches what Jesus told the Pharisees in **Matthew 23:31-38.**
What are your thoughts on this?
referring to tim3l0rd who posted 12 days ago following message (see below) and the postings in which the "scattered" non organised anointed from 100 ce - 1900 ce are discussed, and the parabel of the weed among the wheat, i found out that it is not necessary at all that a "slave class" of anointed does itself distincts frome the weed , founds a new separated church,declares itself clean and holy, and begins a denunciating and destructive unnecessary harvesting.
the slave class of anointed should have better remained in the church and waited for jesus judgement.basis: .
tim310rd wrote: this goes along with the 2013 wt that changed the definition of the fdsl.
And one other point I'd add:
David Splane, in the New 1900 Years Video, makes the comment that we don't know if anyone was anointed or not during those 1900 years.
So David Splane is saying it's possible there was no wheat at all for 1900 years.
How would that fit with the prophecy?
i have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Does this sound like a madman?
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one" (Galatians 3:28)
"Do not owe anything to anyone except to love one another; for whoever loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law. For the law code... is summed up in this saying: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore, love is the law’s fulfillment." (Romans 13:8-10)
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but do not have love, I have become a clanging gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and understand all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I do not benefit at all." (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
i have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
It's sad to see people on this website doubt the existence of Paul, something which even the most skeptical scholars and historians on earth do not do.
What makes you a better historian than they are?
Why should I trust your judgment over that of professional historians and scholars?
for many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
I'm not 100% sure, but perhaps Galatians 3:28, which says all males and females are equal, all races are equal, and all social/financial statuses are equal.
inspired by the three recent threads on david splane's new video declaring, among other things, that there was no faithful slave for 1900 years, and there may not have even been any genuine anointed ones during those years, i decided to make this post.. here are the three previous threads on this topic:.
Yeah, it's very interesting how they've gone from what they used to say: That Russell and Rutherford were **restoring** The Faithful Slave that existed in the Apostles' time, to what they're saying now: That the Faithful Slave is something new that never existed before 1919.
for many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
If the rules of logic aren't man-made, then what invented logic?
for many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
Isn't the whole idea or rule of "burden of proof" equally as much man-made as atheists claim the Bible is?
Why should I follow YOUR man-made rules instead of any other man-made rules?
for many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
Are you honestly suggesting that the Golden Rule and Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son morality has no place in the 21st Century?
Or the total equality of Galatians 3:28?