The consensus here would seem to indicate those of us opposed to the ongoing Bleeding Lambs tragedy might as well hang it up and that simply is not true; so to overturn that notion note:
The fact is that kids and adults are still bleeding to death.
As to the Governing Body being smug as to their ability to legally stay safe from lawsuits about whole blood emergency transfusions, note that they have also been smug in the same way about child molestations.
Those who put total faith in the Governing Body's interpretations as the Faith Discreet Slave instead of Jesus Christ and the Bible are likely NOT 90% of JWs but likely 20%, the rest having to seem to go along with the fanatics.
I spoke to a male nurse about a month ago who says he has lots of stories he could tell showing that when Hospital Liaison Committee member (JW Elders) are out-of-sight, many JWs do gladly accept or consent to emergency blood transfusions. As some of you have pointed out, when HLC members are present they put JW patients under duress, like a gun to the head.
JWs indeed have been mistaught that blood transfusions often lead to reception of AIDS, but this is totally false as common sense tells.
Thanks to Dr. Sam Muramoto and Lee Elder through professional journals articles have informed most doctors that all JWs do not agree with the Governing Body.
HLC's do exist and have spread but once their coerciveness becomes more understood by not only individual hospitals but governments in general there could quickly be an outlawing of them in the hospitals. This is not only desirable but deserves to be encouraged.