Ha ha! I love that movie! I wanna try that now! lol How did he respond to that?
JoinedPosts by pierogi
Can the JC be far behind?...
by Justice-One ini ran into an elder from our local hall today.
first thing he said is "hey, you have been missing some meetings.
" (i have not been to a single one in over 5 months.
Not an Oprah fan?
by looking_glass injoin the club.
first of all i am in chicago, so we get tons of stories about the woman.
is she any different from any other wealthy powerful person, probably not, but she certainly is not the golden child she presents herself.. 1) she can be demanding (not any different from many wealthy rich people) and if you do not ask how high when she says jump, you are fired.. 2) she is known to agree to something, disappear for a while and then people get a form letter from "her people" saying that oprah cannot participate in ___[fill in appropriate word here]_____.
What, you don't like her?
She looks like such a nice person. Lol!
memorial new light
by shadowofbathory inno spoilers here.
take note in the new memorial outline for somewhat new light.
unusual to mention it at the memorial but its related to the remnant.
Welcome to the site!
I'm fairly new too. Tell me what they will say! How do you know, are you an elder or something?
Get A Load Of This Anti Watchtower Site!
by minimus ina preview of what's coming in january is on this link, it sounds scary to me!!!!
In a way, Rick Fearon creeps me out. I don't think he is crazy really, just a little weird. I listened to the judicial committee hearing and for the most part I liked what he had to say. At the end though, I thought it was weird when he was saying that at this time onward the elders will no longer have Jehovah's spirit. I don't think that religion has God's spirit, but to me since he says he's part of the anointed it seemed like he thought he had the power to know and decide that God's spirit would leave them. And also the fact that he has this other organization is a little weird. I don't go to the meetings anymore, but I have no desire to be a part of another organization. I don't know the whole story, this is just what is seems to me as an outsider.
Why does the WTS only look for righteous members?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmark 2:13-17jesus went out again beside the lake; the whole crowd gathered around him, and he taught them.
as he was walking along, he saw levi son of alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, follow me.
and as he sat at dinner in levis house, many tax-collectors and sinners were also sitting with jesus and his disciplesfor there were many who followed him.
Sorry, nevermind about my comment. I'm confused bewteen the scriptures you posted and 1 Corinthians 5:11. The society DFs people for associating with DFed people and they use the 1Cor 5:11 (about anyone calling themself brother but is......not even eating with such a man) to back it up, but in Mark 2:13-17 Jesus is eating with sinners. Is it b/c those people weren't called brothers? How are you considered a brother, if you are baptized? And in 1Cor 5:12-13 is it saying it is okay to judge those inside while God judges those on the outside? Sorry that this is off topic a bit, but I'm confused!
Why does the WTS only look for righteous members?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmark 2:13-17jesus went out again beside the lake; the whole crowd gathered around him, and he taught them.
as he was walking along, he saw levi son of alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, follow me.
and as he sat at dinner in levis house, many tax-collectors and sinners were also sitting with jesus and his disciplesfor there were many who followed him.
Thanks R&R for those scriptures. Does the WTBTS completely leave this scripture out when DFing people for associating with DFed people?
how long should it take before a sheparding visit?
by DannyBloem inhaven't been to the meetings some months now.
about 5 or so.. haven't heard a single thing.
how long should it take before i'll receive a visit?.
I don't know Danny, it's been a year for me with the same result.
Things YOU eat, that other people think is weird.
by misanthropic inthis mornings events have got me thinking about things.
i love peanut butter, not the sweet kind but i like the old fashioned peanut butter, usually laura scudder's with no sugar or preservatives - it just tastes better imo.
i put it on everything including pancakes which are really good with peanut butter and maple syrup.
Dip my Wendy's fries in a frosty! I think this is normal, my boyfriend doesn't.
Ran into a JW and DFed, DAed, or faded?
by pierogi inokay, i'm interested in experiences where you are dfed, daed or faded and you ran into a jw somewhere.
if you are dfed or daed, most likely they'd just ignore you.
this is unless you ran into them at work (like a restaurant, bank, grocery store) where it is there job to talk to you.
I couldn't see someone being that nosey and annoying. Gossip is what would spread the news probably.
Lol. Ok, this what I said. I just thought it was funny b/c I said I couldn't see someone being that nosey and annoying, then I go on to say that gossip would probably do it. Gossip is VERY nosey and annoying! But I still have to admit that taking the time to talk to an elder from a congregation she doesn't go to just to tell them about the books is a much losery thing to do.
I could swear that a librarian at the college I attended was a JW. Just the way she looked, I can't explain it. And on the magazine bookshelf there was a label for the WT and Awake. I didn't want to ask her because she would ask what congregation I was from and then pretty soon I'd have a new JW friend at school, yay! I would have to have small talk with her every time I went in there.
Ran into a JW and DFed, DAed, or faded?
by pierogi inokay, i'm interested in experiences where you are dfed, daed or faded and you ran into a jw somewhere.
if you are dfed or daed, most likely they'd just ignore you.
this is unless you ran into them at work (like a restaurant, bank, grocery store) where it is there job to talk to you.
Yeah, good thing you didn't get those ones (unless she didn't know what the books were about). You never know if they would tell the elders. I couldn't see someone being that nosey and annoying. Gossip is what would spread the news probably.
Yeah, when I run into a JW, I am too nice. I sort of want to run into one again too so I can have a second chance. When I ran into the woman at the grocery store, she only asked how my brother was. Next time if someone asks me that I'll say, "Actually, my whole family is doing great. Thanks for asking." (If you don't know it's b/c my parents aren't JWs anymore) I mean, didn't she realize that it was an insult? It made me feel like they just pretend they don't exist anymore.
Also, I think that this would be fun to do if anyone wants to. If you run into a JW who confronts you, you could look really confused and say, "Sorry, I don't know who you are. I was in an accident a while back. There was memory loss and I'm still in the process of recovering. How did I know you?" But I mean you would have to do a really good acting job. I don't think I could do it with a straight face. It would be fun to do though.