Reasons that get you disfellowshipped with out sinning :
Joining another church
Exposing the watchtower Tract society
Celebrating holidays
Taking a blood transfusion or donating blood
Celebrating a birthday
Disagreeing with Jehovahs witness doctrine
What I have mentioned above are not sins. I know Jehovahs witnesses will try to tell you its a sin but there is no Biblical proof or truth to it.
I went to a catholic mass and a Baptist Church and if found out I would be disfellowshipped and shunned. no sin committed......
You forget To mention that merely resigning or dissasociating yourself gets you shunned. it is the same treatment as a disfellowshipped person. Why do you nitwits encourage people to change to your belief system but then penalise your members of they want to change their belief system?
Please don't come on here and outright lie. We have exposed your lies.
We the ones who are shunned have been punished and persecuted against because your evil cult leaders shit themselves when someone disagrees with them.