A BELIEVER you have made claims like jwfacts.com are full of lies yet don't expand on what those lies are? Can you please divulge? I have studied that site and I haven't found any misinformation. I have been a jw for 40 years and have allowed myself to think critically and independently and what I found out was that the watchtower Tract society was the one guilty of lying.
Such lies include :
"The generation that saw 1914 will not pass away "
The affiliation with the United nations which I personally contacted the u.n. The one lying was watchtower, there was no need to join the u.n to obtain a library card prior to 9/11
watchtower has lied in their publications about the true expectations of 1914.
It has also purposely misquoted many scholars in which they have had to retract them.
You claim we are to far gone? Why? because we left a religion? some have become atheist or agnostic or wiccans? Why make such a claim.and assuming that your religion is the one true one out of millions of beliefs? Facts are all belief systems are based on faith and not facts or truth. The only true facts are scientifically proven. Would you take a dangerous medication without the science backing and proving it's use? Science gives the facts and proof, faith is only a belief that can't be scientifically proven. I am agnostic leaning towards paganism, I don't claim my belief's are the only truth, it's a belief. We all can have different beliefs that does not mean we are all far gone, that's just how you have been brainwashed to believe.
I also find you to be ingenious. You claim you have studied other religions with in a 2 week period. You have studied in depth the millions of other belief systems in that period?
A BELIEVER you have come on this site to basically berate us and preach to us to go back to your belief system of the Jehovah"s witnesses, you have also thrown around some very big lies to make your cult look better than the reality eg" you can just leave and you won't be shunned" which is a bold face lie..... Being inactive makes you still subject to their rules and resigning by dissasociating has the same repercussions as a disfellowshipped person. There is no way to leave with out being subjected to shunning. many on here come on here to get away from people like you, you represent the evilness in their life. I don't mean you as a person but you as a mindcontrol cult drone. The very cult you represent has caused such horrid heartache, parents have lost their children, children have lost their parents through shunning, then we have cult drones like you come here and claim that:
It is deserved because either the shunned one sinned, and that only unrepentant ones are shunned or that we can just leave and won't be shunned.
This is not true, and this is victim blaming and you are partially lying.
I also suggest if you don't like us posting jwfacts.com links on your posts maybe you shouldn't be on a obvious apostate site π.
Cheers π»