Master Member
United States of America
Posts: 214
Since: Dec 14, 2001 Re: Will this earth be destroy by fire??? May 25, 2002 06:45
No where in scripture does the bible forbid alcoholic bevereges, drunkeness yes booze no. Infact God commands us to buy booze Duet. 14:26 You need to learn about Christian liberty.
Evangelist, what the bible does forbid is disco and dancing as a means of corprate worship. not to say that disco and dancing in themselves is wrong but not as worship this is strainge fire. God commands us to sing psalms hymms and spiritual songs Col 3:16.
I would like to introduce you to the Regulative prinapal of Worship.
Quote by c.moore
Thank you for reading and going to my website //
Second, I think you are trying to make an excuse to buy alcohol, and support people to help get filled with evil drunkard spirits when you say , Infact God commands us to buy booze Duet. 14:26.
You must learn rightly to divide the Word of God, because the devil can take the bible and turn the scripture around to decieve you in doing something that is not God`s will.
If this was really a command from God I think every church would have a bar, or liquor store at the front door of the church so we can be obedeint children of God and support the liquor business.
Drinking alchohol is a form of temptation, and the bible says something about staying away from any form of evilness, abstain from evil. I think this verse is in 1 thess 5:22.
Do you know what people was being spoken to in deut and what law were they under????
I know the christian liberty is in the spirit of the Lord, and that we are not bond by the law which you have pointed out , but we are free, because we live by the spirit.
Ga:5:18: But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
Ga:5:25: If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
But we have still people living out of the will of God when they get in the flesh like doing these things , including drunkeness, which is started by somebody buying alchohol.
Ga:5:19: Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Ga:5:20: Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Ga:5:21: Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
This is why I have a disco without alchohol,drugs, and no smoking, because it can do harm to our temples, which do not belong to us any ways.
clash_city_rockers, I think you are forgetting that we are living in the year 2002, and God has anointed other tools as well to win the lost .
If you read my website, you will see scripture I wrote protaining to dancing, and music.
I mention that David danced, and he dance out of his clothes, but for joy.
We dance in the revival disco as for a testimony, and Joy that we are saved, and that, we have eternal life with Jesus, and that we have peace and overflow of happyness.
When people come to the disco, and really it not in a disco teck like you think, but the disco is in our old church building that holds only about 300 people.
We have people getting saved ,and born again on the dance floor, and people set free from demonic religions, and healed by dancing in our revival disco.
That is why we called it revival, because people do come alive again and they find their first love in Jesus. We are the only disco in Germany right now that is serving no alchohol, and the power of God is moving with sign and wounders.
Drug user come and get free from drug addiction , from hearing preaching in the revival disco, and the testimony of others.
The disco is also on television, and I hope very soon you can watch on your internet.
If you what to see a little of the disco now , you can by this link I will give you .
This was an guest speaker that came to us and preached , and he has the gift to cast out demons.
I`ll let you judge for yourself, and you see if this is from God or not, praise God.
You might have to click in where it says Jay in Kassel Germany .
I think I will ask others about this vision I had from God to start this revival disco, on a new post, maybe you can give some more opinion on the disco.
Here is the link
God Bless you