Whats...*scratches head* What's that?
You mean my mom? Those things? I guess they are okay.
I hear they don't have a penis though so I wonder how do they, like, survive and stuff.
i think it's obvious that the answer must weigh in favor of the more humble gender.
and what's more humble that posing a question with an obvious answer for the sake of letting the weaker gender feel better about themselves?
therefore, "male" is the obvious answer.
Whats...*scratches head* What's that?
You mean my mom? Those things? I guess they are okay.
I hear they don't have a penis though so I wonder how do they, like, survive and stuff.
hey folks,.
i'm wondering if you all could help me with my next video that i want to put up in the next couple of days (though i'm hoping for tonight), i want to come up with a list of the most prominent urban legends surrounding jws and then refute them whatever they may be.. i'm thinking there's the urban legend about the question on jeopardy that said the nwt was the most accurate would be a good one.
that one stems from an online powerpoint presentation named theological jeopardy and a book which was written comparing six different translations of the bible.
I can't believe no one has mentioned the ring Urban Legend.
JW legend has it that there was this couple that had been studying off and on with Jws. They were going through hardships (and it just dawned on me that JWs love the word hardships where you will hardly hear said word anywhere else) when they started studying with witnesses. Since they weren't baptized they did not have Jehovah's protection... and sadly the demons were inside of their home trying to discourage them from learning the truth!- moving things, screaming in the middle of the night, invisible forces pushing them, etc.
One day the couple informed the witnesses of what was happening to them and God's Faithful Servints (tm) told the couple to go through their home and find any and everything that was wicked and evil. The couple did a quick cleaning of their home and got rid of anything relating to other religions and the occult.
But sadly the couple were still being attacked- and now even worse! The Witnesses asked them to think of anything else in ther home that may have come from a wicked person that may allow the demons to attack them. had they been to any garage sales lately? had they borrowed Grandma's quilt with that large crucifix on it?
The wife then remembered that her Wedding Ring had been purchased by a woman that was known to be heavily involved with the occult in the area. At last, they had discovered the evil item! The husband took the wife's wedding ring, drove it by a nearby bridge and hurled it into the lake!
Finally, they were free from Satan's influence! The following day, though, the husband and wife awakened to noise coming from their bathroom. Shaken up a bit they entered the porcelein throneroom to see there cabinet shaking about. When they opened the cabinet, they screamed finding the wife's wedding band- the one the husband had thrown in the lake the night before sitting right there! The jewel in the ring even glowed back at them, like an evil "F*&% You! hahahahahahaa!"
Art once they called the Witnesses who came to their aid (obviously it wasn't a meeting night or else they would have been stuck with the Flying EvilRing... maybe this happened on Saturday night?) and with the help of the elders, the couple set the evil ring on fire!
The demonic ring burned slowly and turned the fire into a demonic-unnatural- green flame (I'm thinking Jungle Green but some people say it was Seaweed Green... who knows what color demons turn when you set them on fire). Deep gut wrenching screams could be heard around them as the ring slowly burnt in the fire blessed by Jehovah!
Afterward the couple were so moved and convinced by the Jehovah's Witness, they asked for the elder's to baptized them outside in ther daughter's kiddie pool. And they are faithful to this very day...
We don't know who they are or where they are... but I'm pretty sure they are faithful to this very day...
okay so i try to explain this to 'wordly' people and they just blink but i still do not get this christmas stuff.
at work i have managers and coworkers who got me gifts and i'm trying to think if i should get them gifts as well.
do i get the people who gave me a gift a gift?
Well, seeing as I am GAY (I'm glad you capitalized the word since it describes my gay in the awesomeness in which it is)
Its not difficult to buy stuff for people but I just wanna know the limits- if you get me something and its way more expensive than what I bought you if that a problem and do folks usually hold it against you? I buy you an expensive watch you get a tie that was on sale at Target.. is that a problem and will it affects my gift next year? ;-)
I don't feel as though this holiday is going to absorb me as all that decorating crap is work and on a holiday I wanna relax... but maybe. if I end up with some guy whose big on it and he's doing all the major stuff then I'll go along with it.
But otherwise *shrugs*
okay so i try to explain this to 'wordly' people and they just blink but i still do not get this christmas stuff.
at work i have managers and coworkers who got me gifts and i'm trying to think if i should get them gifts as well.
do i get the people who gave me a gift a gift?
LOL, elsewhere thats what I usually do but the women around me say how cheap and unfun that bag is compared to a wrapped one.
okay so i try to explain this to 'wordly' people and they just blink but i still do not get this christmas stuff.
at work i have managers and coworkers who got me gifts and i'm trying to think if i should get them gifts as well.
do i get the people who gave me a gift a gift?
UC: the problem is I feel like I have to work at the last minute to get folks stuff who've gotten me stuff because I never planned on doing it and am spending a little over my budet because of it. I want them to know that I care about them because I do and I *could* get them gifts and I feel a little selfish becaue I haven't and never thought about it either.
again I rarely got gifts so I have this nasty selfhish habits of buying myself gifts. I'm not saying my family never got me anything bcause they did but I've always treated myself on my birthdays and around this time... am I the only one?
Thetrueone: It's not that it's a religious holday, its the fact that people around me who I care about have gotten me something and I haven't thought about them when I could have. I'm not offended since I got something I really liked and another gift I really needed. And I just want to say thank you and feel kinda wkward since I'm not use to it or how to go about it now.
HappyGuy: I'm not worried or losing my mind about it but it's just one of those things I feel I should know that I don't. It's like driving stick shift... I should 'know' how to drive stick shift in my mind but I can't. Don't know why that is but that's how I feel. And I shouldn't be at my age trying to figure out something simple that children easily understand.
okay so i try to explain this to 'wordly' people and they just blink but i still do not get this christmas stuff.
at work i have managers and coworkers who got me gifts and i'm trying to think if i should get them gifts as well.
do i get the people who gave me a gift a gift?
Okay so I try to explain this to 'wordly' people and they just blink but I still do not get this Christmas stuff. At work I have managers and coworkers who got me gifts and I'm trying to think if I should get them gifts as well. Do I get the people who gave me a gift a gift? if I don't, will they take offense? Do I buy them items around the same price as my gift and if I don't will they think I spent too litle or too much?
I can't wrap to save my life. I'm serious too- I just asked someone else to wrap for me and I was just gonna take my gift and saran wrap the gift until half the roll was gone.
I had a coworker who seemed a little annoyed that I got her a gift just because she got me a gift and told me I didn't hve to do that but how could I not?
Again, I'm not big on this holiday. You do go from believing Jehovah is watching you when you play the five finger jive to a atheist and 'do Christmas, right? I mean I get its a commercialized holiday like any other and hardly has any connotations to God, Jesus, or any holy baby born in a barn anymore...
But its like, when in Rome, you know?
So how do you all deal around this time? I've never celebrated Christmas before so I'm kinda clueless and I feeel weird because I'm a grown man who can't 'do' a holiday... I mean how many weird looks can you get from people when you say you can't wrap a gift when well you've never been given a gift that was wrapped?
well, let me tell you about my experience in dating a married woman about a year ago or so, i was dating a married woman, she did not tell me that she was married, but i found about it and i told her that i know that she is married, then she decided not to see me.
she is really hot.
well recently, i learned that my recent date is actually married, but she is also really hot, should i keep my mouth shut not telling her that i know that she is married, so i can keep the relationship with her, i would not mind because i really like her..
Cheating is wrong period. It hurts to have it done to you. If you want to mess around, you should be honest about it. In this new age of polyamory/polygamy/open relationships and marriages... if people are cheating its because they don't have the balls to be honest.
am I saying there is never a reason to cheat? Eh... I hear of some stories of epople who have sexless marriages..people who love them enough not to leave but are human and get neds met elsewhere. So, you don't necessarily have to be a ho. However, I think you have to be honest about said person's character to cheat on their spouse.
You know if her husband ever found out how much that would hurt and you can never be flippant and go, "That's not my problem" bcause in a drunken rage he could be at your door and become are serious problem.
You're a grown man and you're going to do what you're going to do. If you didn't want to date married women the you could easily say no. Hell, you could easily hit it once and move on but you choose to make a relationship with them when you know how they feel about relationships (i.e. when things aren't easily look else where and lie about it).
Le sigh. Never treat your relationship with these woman as if tis free of this other man because you are usually together because of said guy to begin with... think about if she were single, would she really be that interested?
I'm not going to 'judge' you morally but I think you and the other lady in here are making a mistake by being with people who are involved (and aren't honest with their partners). You may not be the culprit, but its like your the Door man to the Heartbreak Hotel.
So not cool. think about if that was you...
if this town of sodom was *supposedly* all homosexuals..... why would lot throw his virgin daughters out to them when the crowd came to his house?.
were these girls ugly and needed help with make-up or finding their colors?.
why would lot think that homosexuals would be happy having the company of his virgin daughters?.
Thats not the real issue. I want someone to tell me how you can get so wasted after watching you spouse become a pillar of salt that you bang your daughters! I'm gonna need someone to break that down to me nice and slow.
Kid, stop dancing around to Janet jackson so much and go play football or somethin' productive that involves lots of man on man contact... ignore what they say at the hall and stop trying to live to their expectations...
Besides, you can listen to Janet and Madonna... yes you will eventually like her too... when you go to sleep.
And work out some more and put the damn Hot Pockets and Oreos down! You won't be skinny forever!!!
i have a question for the regulars on this site which are mainly ex-jws and atheist.
my first question is just for the atheist.
why do you guys spend so much time discussing and researching a book you believe to be fiction?
Hmm, Blue Grass I actually made a similiar comment a while ago why people were still here, and why they couldn't just let it go since they weren't a Witness anymore.
And then I got my answer by walking back into a Kingdom Hall to see a history of people I grew up with and how intricate it was to my family's life. And how I wasn't over it like I thought I was over it. I can't get over it when every time something goes wrong a Watchtower is place at my door or instead of a real answer, I'm told to 'wait and pray to Jehovah', and when I ask my mother to go back to school to better herself in this economy I'm told that 'the system is coming to an end and school won't say anyone' all the while she struggles with the day to day.
Also, for the people who can't call their mother and/or their father or their close friends, thats not easy to get over and yeah some people are ENTITLED to their biterness. Hopefully they will make peace with it, but that doesn't come overnight, and you then make admit only coming by once a month to read stuff.. meaning you don't participate in the lively discussion that goes on here the stuid arguments and ebates that hapen, the fights and the make ups. So by that admission, you aren't a fair person to view what really goes on here.
As for Atheist who read and attack the bible you also have to understand that most atheist were not raised atheist and have to go through a process of undoing/unraveling their religion, which may just be your own religion. So don't take it personal..although I guess its hard not to, huh?
Hmm *shrugs* Your post was seriously rude though as you attack a group because of the actions of a few (and may I just add those actions weren't even directed at you since you don't even post that often, so yeah...)
You kinda sound like a douche and thats why people are responding harshly to you. You could have worded what you said a little better...