How did the kangaroo, the koala bear, and the platypus get from Noah's ark to Australia? How did any animals get to Australia for that matter?I know that this has been considered before but I just love asking JWs this question.
how did the kangaroo, the koala bear, and the platypus get from noah's ark to australia?
how did any animals get to australia for that matter?i know that this has been considered before but i just love asking jws this question.. nvr.
How did the kangaroo, the koala bear, and the platypus get from Noah's ark to Australia? How did any animals get to Australia for that matter?I know that this has been considered before but I just love asking JWs this question.
this is great.
i was suffering through an interminably long sunday p.m. public talk (we flip-flopped w/ the other cong--at least sunday a.m. was a little more tolerable because there was still some of the day left to do something).
the speaker was talking about "physical training being beneficial for a little" and how some exercise was necessary.
Hello Alpaca,
I have found peace of mind and spirit in agnostic/atheist secular humanist philosophy.
That's where I'm at as well. Pleased to meet you. Check out The Church of Reality website. I think you'll get a real kick out of it.
New around here too but feeling the love,
what qualifies as successful?
a huge bank account, at work, health, family, friends, education?.
Success is the sense of well-being that comes as the result of a long history of good decisions (interpersonal,economic,intellectual,etc).
Striving to be successful,
if you had your chance who would you want to meet face to face, talk to them, spend some time picking their brain, have a dinner with, get to know better?.
i have many but want to hold off for now!!!.
In the new system of things, when the Watchtower no longer exists, we'll all have plenty of time for that.
Wanting to meet you all,
i will try to make this brief but how can you abbreviate love and kindness?
this is truly amazing!!!!
as many you have seen i ran into a small glitch on the forum the last couple of threads, without going into detail and really not necessary as there have been plenty of comments and views on both threads, i was willing to walk away from the forum because this is my nature as paul said in .
To expound on Q.bert's comment
Feel the unconditional love
if any of you have experienced similiar circumstance to me, and understand what im going through, then feel free to contact me, even the lurkers.
we can keep this confidential if you prefer.
i would love to talk with other xjw's facing similar problems.. .
I feel I have very little in common with you in the personal circumstances of our lives, excepting our previous association with JW's. Having said that, I care about you as a fellow human being and wish you the best. I think success in life, in all aspects, is about making good decisions and making the best of decisions already made. I hope you're able to clear any and all obstacles in your path.
Love and respect,
yearbook of churches issues 75th edition
from "ncc news" <[email protected]>.
date mon, 05 mar 2007 15:00:19 -0500. .
Brothers and Sisters,
Indeed we are living in exciting and momentous times! Aren't we thrilled to contribute to this wonderful decrease?!?! (Roaring applause fills the auditorium)
i actually attended the bookstudy on friday, don't ask me why.
anyway the revelation book is being considered and we're at the paragraph where the congregation in ephesus is comended for "not bearing bad men.." apostates.. .
the comments from the ones attending were so baised and ignorant.
Numinous- Exactly!
i would like to pose some questions that may challenge your thoughts, if i may.... .
former elders, while i may commend you all for seeing the real truth on about the so called "truth" and thus leaving the borg for what it really & truly is, a lie.
former elders, have you ever thought about or attempted to contact anyone that have been disfellowshipped by your involvement in the j.c.?
Hello Balsam,
Glad you're alive to tell your story!
i actually attended the bookstudy on friday, don't ask me why.
anyway the revelation book is being considered and we're at the paragraph where the congregation in ephesus is comended for "not bearing bad men.." apostates.. .
the comments from the ones attending were so baised and ignorant.
Anybody remember the picture in a study article about a year ago with some "bad" Witnesses smiling and happy in a Jeep en route to some recreation passing some "good" Witnesses in service, who incidentally didn't seem to be enjoying themselves at all? The caption asked something like "Which activity would you prefer to engage in?" They've got to be kidding. Is there really any contest? The point I'm trying to make is that this is yet one more example of wanting to have it both ways-Are apostates sad, miserable ghouls that isolate themselves or happy-to-be-free, fun-loving, people-loving individuals trying to enjoy whatever life they have left after escaping the cult? Which is it Watchtower? Make up your minds!
P.S. -Lovesdubs,
Funny, very funny. I pity whoever has to clean the hall that night!