Don't mind Mad. He is hard of hearing and seems incapable of heeding his mother's pleadings to stay away from the naughty, naughty apostate boys and girls.
Hello Mad, This discussion forum constitutes a support group for the thousands of publishers that have suffered in one way or another due to the antics of the self-appointed Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Some here were disfellowshipped, some disassociated themselves. Yet others simply walked away because they felt they couldn't stay for one second more. Others prefer a slow fade. Some who read or lurk here are currently elders, ministerial servants, pioneers, Bethelites, etc. Some may lead an immoral lifestyle according to your personal standards, others are more morally fastidious than many JWs. Some are atheists, others agnostics, many non-denominational Christians, and quite a few undecided in matters of faith. I'm sure I'm leaving out quite a few. If you like spending time here with this fascinating group of courageous individuals you're very welcome to do so.
Love and respect,
P.S.- The egomaniacal are also welcome, so you'll fit right in.