Mad writes:Why thank you so MUCH, NVR! I never expected to receive such AGAPE on THIS board! I don't spend as much time here as I'd like- but it truly IS enjoyable, and puts my faith to the test! The only biblical use of the word "Apostasy" I can remeber, is a reference to those rebelling against Christ (and, by extension, his Father), so it's a word that is as abused a "Christian", in MY book; it has NOTHING to do with working against what you truly believe to be wrong! I DO have concerns about my brotherhood's HQ- but I don't 'harbor' them...unless I feel it would discourage rather than help! What I am "looking for"- and have found- is a religious 'Free-For-All", where we can all express doubts, fears, findings, opinions & feelings- and, hopefully, still remain Friends! Agape, your Brother- the Mad Brother!
Thanks for your kind reply. I knew you're not a troll. Troll's don't wear such cool sunglasses. What I personally found troubling about the brotherhood's HQ is that they unequivocally oppose the "religious 'Free-For-All", where we can all express doubts, fears, findings, opinions & feelings- and, hopefully, still remain Friends!" that you are enjoying here at JWD. That made me wonder, " If we have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth why be concerned about "apostate" ramblings." The truth, if based solidly upon reality, should stand up against all argumentation. When householders hesitate to speak with us about religion we entreat them to join us in discussion. We say, "We respect that you have your beliefs, but surely no harm can come from simply discussing matters." Once dedicated and baptized, however, such discussion with persons who have discontinued their association with the brotherhood or simply disagree on some points with the brotherhood's HQ is strictly prohibited. Please take no offense personally Brother Mad, but this high-control tactic smacks of cultic behavior.
Sincerely pleased to converse freely and openly with you,