The January 1, 2036 Watchtower will contain a study article explaining the appropriate way to view the thousands who have abandoned Jehovah's organization in the last year: Paragraph 20. It is unwise to associate with all those who have stumbled due to "new light" regarding the paradise earth. Such ones have shown that their motives for serving our God were selfish. They fail to appreciate that though some amongst Jehovah's people at one time entertained the hope of living forever in a paradise earth, a more spiritual perspective reveals that the Paradise is amongst us in the form of the bounteous spiritual provisions of the slave class. Due to their fleshly view of things, many such ones have become bitter because their expectations were not realized as they would have liked. Some made great sacrifices to promote their hope of enjoying physical healing and blessings in the paradise. Yet others were negligent with regards to planning for their financial security later in life, and caused themselves and others burdens due to their lack of foresight. They now resent the situation they find themselves in. Such ones do well to ask themselves,"Did I not do so willingly? Was I forced to do as I did?" Of course not! Their own strict manner of interpreting the well-intentioned counsel of the slave class, now numbering into the tens of thousands, is where the real fault lies. All who continue to appreciate the channel that Jehovah has used to feed his servants here on earth for the last 156 years have accepted the new understanding with great rejoicing. One excellent way they show their loyal support for true worship is by sending the appropriate tithe to the slave class. New and exciting ways to support the Kingdom with our valuable things will be considered in the next article.
JoinedPosts by nvrgnbk
Lady In The Water
by gaiagirl ini just saw this wonderful film, directed by m.night shyamalan, who also directed "the sixth sense", "unbreakable", "signs", and "the village".
basically, the film illustrates some philosophical points by means of a fairy tale.
i don't think the storyline is meant to be taken as literally true, only the points which the story illustrates.
Thanks for the tip gaiagirl. I'll see it right after Pan's Labyrinth.
Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!
by AnnOMaly inwatch out for the questions from readers in the may 1st 2007 watchtower.
"when does the calling of christians to a heavenly hope cease?
" it's a good'un.. included are the statements:.
In 2074 when it is asked why Jw's taught 1914 as doctrine, it will be answered in the way we put off nay-sayers about 1874, or 1925 in days past ' Well, Jehovah always makes adjustments, new light, yet this should not detract from his obvious selection of a name people.....'
Memory is short for most people - and none is shorter than that of cult members.
This is why I finally left. I hope they continue to lose credibility. Many more, not enough, but many more shall be waking up soon if they continue shooting from the hip like this.
300 The Movie
by lonelysheep inanyone planning to see this one?
i enjoy that type of stuff (battles, greek/roman anything).
on another note [and my main reason for posting this.
The only thing that wore on my nerves was all of the subtle "support our troops who are fighting for freedom" talk. It was a thinly veiled "support our troops who are fighting terrorists" movie.
I saw the pro-Bush/pro-war propaganda as more overt than thinly veiled. I was very irked by the message. The cinematography was rich and makes the movie worth seeing in spite of the message.
Has anyone ever been "outed" due to posting on JWD?
by nvrgnbk inbeing the paranoid, inactive, with alot of family and "friends" still in the org.
i'm sure it's been discussed before but i don't recall reading on that topic here on jwd.
i know that fear prevented me from posting while i was exiting as an elder.
Thanks Jeff for another insight on how to handle things,
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-11-07 WT Study (APPRECIATIVE)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 03-11-07 wt study (february 1, 2007, pages 17-21)(appreciative).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Thanks Blondie.
Do you know of JWs that prayed publicly that were shortly thereafter df’d? Did God hear those prayers?
Yes. I also knew elders that disfellowshipped and reproved members of the congregation while they themselves were carrying on immoral conduct.
Love and respect,
If the bible is from God then explain this!
by Anti-Christ innu 31:17-18 moses, following the lord's command, orders the israelites to kill all the midianite male children and "... every woman who has known man ...." (note: how would it be determined which women had known men?
one can only speculate.
dt 21:10-13 with the lord's approval, the israelites are allowed to take "beautiful women" from the enemy camp to be their captive wives.
Hello Brother Mad Brother,
It's always a pleasure.
Here's a question to inform your questions. If all of the sacred texts of all religions were in some way lost without the means to reproduce them, would any deity be so obviously existent and involved in the affairs of humanity that all thinking, intelligent persons would accept it's/his/her godship without debate? Illustration: If all scientific documentation of the theory of gravity were lost, in short order the theory could be rewritten based on unbiased, universal experience.
"This Generation Will Not Pass Away"
by TooBad TooSad inthe well written post yesterday by onthewayout got me thinking about the doctrine on "this generation".
wts doctrine was in their top 7 doctrines right behind: 1) only 144,000 go to heaven, 2) the earth will be turned into a paradise,.
3) god is not a trinity, 4) not to take blood, 5) hell is not hot, 6) be no part of the world, 7) this generation will not pass away until of.
Hey bigmouth,
If you like that, just wait until we get to the invisible Paradise and play with the invisible lions in the yards of our invisible houses. I'm so psyched, I can barely wait.
Invisibly elated,
Jehovah's Christian Witnesses??
by Grammy inis it true that jw's now refer to themselves as jehovah's christian witnesses?
Hello kaput,
That my friend is the question.
If Jehovah isn't the true God then who is?
by unbaptized inif jehovah isn't the true god then who is?
if the jehovah's witnesses aren't god's people then who is?.
please let me know and i need current information, not outdated information regarding the origin of the organization.
Here's a question to inform your questions. If all of the sacred texts of all religions were in some way lost without the means to reproduce them, would any deity be so obviously existent and involved in the affairs of humanity that all thinking, intelligent persons would accept it's/his/her godship without debate? Illustration: If all scientific documentation of the theory of gravity were lost, in short order the theory could be rewritten based on unbiased, universal experience.