Boasted about a four year old's shooting skills the day before, well there ya' go.
He certainly showed her how skilled he was.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
Boasted about a four year old's shooting skills the day before, well there ya' go.
He certainly showed her how skilled he was.
you all know how much jws loooove to gossip.
so...i just finished a email conversation with one of my self-righteous, super jw relatives back home.
let me preface this conversation by saying this relative is someone i don't communicate with, at all.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
There is no way that anyone with common sense would vote for someone with no political experience whatsoever to be President of the greatest country, the folks that support are mentally unstable, or just plain out racists because they like what he says about the Mexicans and Muslims.
His supporters are mentally unstable, like he is.
hi, i believe that a lady is put on earth to satisfy the needs of her partner and respect his views in all matters.. i realize some here may consider that old fashioned and not based on sexual equality.. yet a lady and man are not created equal because the lady gives birth and the man must sire many children.
if you are a lady under 30 and keen to meet me, willing to cook and breed, then please message me here.
please do not contact me if you disagree with my views, we can agree to differ.
THere's a site for you called JWMatch, where you can meet the sister of your dreams.
I get there emails,whenever I need a good laugh or want to shake my head at the stupidity of the brothers in the Borg I just go there and read the descriptions of the pitiful desperate prospects over there.
well, i'm 25% there, but i can't put in words how good i feel!!!!!!!!!
once i move to a different city i'll have this travesty of a religion out of my system, i'll be at 100%.
two more years, i'm 33 years old and more excited then ever.
the wife leaves it all around, not sure if this is by design i don't think so since the return to jah brochure was never left out.
it drives me a bit nuts but haven't done anything about it.
looking for ideas on what i should do?
Well if she's in the UberDub category then she believes the husband is head of the household. So tell her the head of the household does not appreciate literature being left all over the house waiting for you to read it.
i have a question.....if two jw have sex and only one of them goes to the eldurrs and they both get busted?
or does the boe need a confession from both people.?
if one of em denies it happened will that person still get df'd?.
TheLIstener - I know that goes on a lot, we had a brother in our Cong. when I was growing up who was known for getting married to nonbeliever, get DFd, get reinstated, get married again, get DFd, wash, rinse, repeat. I can remember four wives of his, why did the elders fall for his scheme when he kept repeating himself?
just now finding this web site and have enjoyed reading the comments.
i've never written down my story and it could be a jerry springer episode but here goes.
i was raised as a jehovah's witness from as early as i can remember.
years ago when i was "in" i loved the book study.
it was my favorite meeting by far.
mainly because it was a small group.
The book study started being held at my parents house when my father got baptized in the late 70's, I know the brothers could hardly wait to get that big finished basement available for meeting,since we had a lot of baby showers and gatherings at my house. I remember when they started having goody night my mother would call me and say "you should come to the meeting tonight if you want some good food, SIs, so and so is fixing this" and on and on. I just blew it off as yet another way my mother was trying to get me to attend the meetings again. How can chicken wings and cake make someone that interested to join da troof ??
just now finding this web site and have enjoyed reading the comments.
i've never written down my story and it could be a jerry springer episode but here goes.
i was raised as a jehovah's witness from as early as i can remember.
It's interesting that you wanted to be with a man and your wife wanted to be with a woman, I've heard of that happening before, but not among "Jehovahs faithful servants", but it probably has happened in the Borg. We all know by this point that Bethel is basically a meat market for young men. That plus the fact that there's so many obviously gay people in the Borg, but when the nosy folks get together and discuss how Bro/Sis so and so appears to be homosexual, someone always says Jehovah will take care of it, clean up his organization in due time, and let them continue pioneering or being an elder, but if a new obviously gay person starts studying, somewhere down the line they will have a "discussion" about what is their intent about coming a JW, such hypocrisy.
That's why I use the name ShirleyW on this board to show the hypocrisy, that's the name of one of the two pioneer sisters that started attending the KH I grew up in when I was about nine or ten years old, I'm pushing 60 in a few years and these two are still "roommates". Yes I know there are many roommates all over the planet that are not in a relationship, but if you knew these two, you can get a good read of what's going on.