JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Why do witnesses feel the need to put JW ORG on all their social media sites?
by stuckinarut2 inhave you all noticed the obsession witnesses have of putting on all their social media sites like facebook, twitter, instagram etc?.
so many put it in their bio some sort of loud proclamation to other witnesses that they are righteous and spreading the message.. it's also very lazy.
now with no personal effort at all, they can just say and be "witnessing".
What Outlaw said above, there Cult indoctrinated brains makes them happy whenever they see a blue square with jworg in the middle of it, also the smugness behind it like they're the only ones that will live forever, we're the only ones that have da troof. That's why that grandmother last week at the White House wore that mini-billboard on her chest. -
Someone anonymously tipped the elders?
by raven inso here an update on my current situation, in a nutshell i've been trying to quietly fade for the past 5 months.. well, my mom somehow found out that i am currently fading and that i live with my boyfriend (for more info on this check my previous posts) i told her yes i live with him and yes i no longer want to be a jw.
anyways, yesterday she met my boyfriend.. awkward.
and after lunch she pulled me aside to tell me that the po came up to her (he was part of my jc when i was reproved) he said to her "someone came to me and said - i cannot say who so they will remain anonymous- but that your daughter is living with someone" my mom confirmed and apparently he told her that i have one week to confess this, and if i don't my parents are obligated to tell them everything.. what kind of nonsense is that?
Someone blabbed to the elder about you, but a brother with a pain killler addiction was just given a memorial at the Kingdom Hall AFTER the family already held theirs and his closest family member said she had nothing to do with the planning of it and didn't attend, what's wrong with this picture?
Hey, Y'all
by snowbird inhow is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
Miss Sylvie - I just gotta ask, are you teasing us again or, are you gonna stick around this time ? ? ? ?
Hey, Y'all
by snowbird inhow is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
Hello stranger!
The smug arrogance of "having the truth".
by stuckinarut2 inhas anyone noticed that witnesses (from the top down) seem to have a quiet form of smug arrogance toward all non witnesses?.
perhaps it comes from being told how "special and unique" they are but they end up looking down on all normal members of the community because they are not witnesses.. so any form of "love" they show those in the territory is also limited as long as they accept the message...otherwise they are viewed contemptuously as "worldly" and therefore of little value...after all,they will be destroyed right?.
stuckinarut2 - you must not have been in da troof very long if you even have to ask that question !!
Medal of Valor given by Obama to JW Grandmother - Check her Lapel Pin
by Da.Furious inthis grandmother found the best way to advertise by wearing a huge lapel pin.. .
some of the comments are really interesting.. link to article:.
I think her wearing that pin was hypocritical and self-serving
hypocritical and self-serving and there you have the makeup of a Jehovahs Witness
She was probably hoping that Obama would ask her what that mini-billboard as someone else called it was all about and she would tell him and then claim that she was able to witness to the President of the United States. Oh, and he took the magazines, yeah right. I bet she had her speech all planned out for the next meeting,
The food and ice cream was my highlight at the assemblies too when I was a kid, what else is there for kids to look forward to after sitting 4 hours straight listening to old guys drone on about Jehooober.
There will be a Funeral service for Prince in the Kingdom Hall this sunday
by Farai inabout 30-50 high profile guests are expected among 300 other guests.
the kingdom hall has requested for support from the police for crowd/traffic control .
If a regular brother died from an OD from a chronic problem with painkillers would his funeral be held at the KH or would they DF him posthumously?
What should I visit while in New York
by wannaexit ini am planning a trip to new york and trying to develop an itinerary.
t will be my first time.
what do you suggest i see?
Since I've lived here everyday of my life I don't know what to say accept for the usual overcharged tourist traps, umm I mean attractions. Perhaps you can explore some things in the other boroughs instead of sticking to Manhattan. My borough of Queens has the best Chinatown, better than the one in Manhattan, it's been featured by Anthony Bourdan and Andrew Zimmern on their shows. I'm there at least once a week for some real authentic takeout, but of course you don't have to do takeout.
Are the anointed really "lovely people"?
by purrpurr ini've personally never met any of those who claim to be anointed but the other jw's who have are always unanimous in their praise of how lovely and what wonderful people they are.
and i don't mean the gb i mean common or garden anointed.
i was told that when they speak about being in heaven that they almost "seem to glow".. is this right?
The majority of them are usually one sandwich short of a picnic.
Although I was kid, the one anointed in our Cong used to get talked about for being a bumbling, Barney Fife type of guy.
BTW he and his wife saw the real light and walked away from da troof more than 20 years ago.