greenhornet - I remember that picture so well, as well as the others that predict doom and gloom, great pictures to plant in the memory of children's heads.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Was looking at my childhood book "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained" I found something interesting.
by Still Totally ADD ini was showing a friend of mine what kind of books my parents allowed me to read when i was very young.
no children books that was age related but the so called orange paradise book was my only children book i had.
she was taken back on how violent it was and showing little kids being killed by god was just unspeakable.
So JW's are not allowed to vote because.... "no part of this world." Ok then explain why the WTBTS lobbied politicians on numerous
by kpop insorry if this was posted before but if it was then it is worth repeating and discussing.
the hypocrisy of the jw cult knows no bounds.
supposedly, the reason jw's are not allowed to vote is because they must not be a part of this world.
Somebody posted here quite some time ago a quote in the Awake magazine that said JWs could vote, he gave the exact page in the bound volume for Awake, it was either 1961 or 1963. Anyone here know of that quote in the mag? I showed it to my mom and she gave one of those round about confused Dub answered when faced with such evidence in their own publications.
JW.ORG Now requires personal address
by AverageJoe1 inlogging on to the user area access today, there appeared a message saying that they now require a postal and physical home address to attach to your profile, with a note saying that the branch may change the details as they see fit.
this raises several questions in my mind:.
why would they need to have your physical address on file?.
give them either your neighbors address or the local KH address
Assembly Dramas:They were so bad.... but.... you waited for them to break away from the monotony!
you do remember the four day assemblies... sitting outdoors being fried in the sweltering heat,getting heat stroke in the middle of july in an outdoor baseball stadium.sitting outdoors from 9:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. was so much fun while you wore a suit,long sleeve shirt and a tie while your brain fried.
mom's who had children to take care of,lug strollers,feed all the kids,take them for bathroom breaks and try to not faint from the heat.. the sound and audio was always breaking and barely audible from the wind,airplanes flying over and (if you attended the cicero,illinois circuit )you would smell horse manure from the horse stables next door.. you know that you are a jehovah's witness.... when the only excitement waiting for the drama... where brothers and sisters dress up in ancient cloths,fake beards,fake rocks and fake soldier uniforms and wave their hands incessantly to pretend that they are acting out a drama.the excitement was unbearable!.
Rub - We must be the same age, I remember going to Yankee Stadium for the Assembly many, many, many times as a kid, since I'm in NYC and being a kid the only thing I was interested in was the food, the cafeteria style lunch where you had to stand up to eat after you tray was filled, the snow cones, the bags of fruit, etc.
But getting back to dramas , the first one I remember was in the mid sixties and being just a kid since it was something new they held my attention as well as the rest of the crowd since it was new. After reading the posts here I see that the "glow has worn off" on the dramas now, same ol' same ol' not impressing anyone anymore.
What's sad yet interesting is, if I counted all the times I've been to Yankee Stadium I would be up there with the other kids who were taken there to see their favorite sports team, but I've never seem a sports game there, just the drivel of the old guys in Brooklyn
Homeless guy begs with the Watchtower
by ShirleyW inafter that crazy story about the bride and groom going out in service in their wedding attire, that reminded me of a scene yesterday in one of the subway stations, a disheveled homeless guy had one hand out begging for some money, "does anyone have some spare change to help me " he kept saying, in his other hand was a copy of the magazine.
so what must've happened was some dub passed him by and instead of giving him a quarter gave him a copy of the latest publication.
although some of the beggars use their money for alcoholic beverage anyway instead of food i'm sure that magazine will be put to good use when he feels the need to take a squat somewhere and needs some paper.
After that crazy story about the bride and groom going out in service in their wedding attire, that reminded me of a scene yesterday in one of the subway stations, a disheveled homeless guy had one hand out begging for some money, "does anyone have some spare change to help me " he kept saying, in his other hand was a copy of the magazine. So what must've happened was some Dub passed him by and instead of giving him a quarter gave him a copy of the latest publication. Although some of the beggars use their money for alcoholic beverage anyway instead of food I'm sure that magazine will be put to good use when he feels the need to take a squat somewhere and needs some paper. Maybe that's why he was holding on to it, I came back to the same station after doing my errands about two hours later and he was still there, magazine still in hand.
Top Bar
by Hecce ini used to have a slim bar with information at the top of my page, it seems like i did something and now what i have is a slim bar without any information and i have to click in the right hand side to be able to see the information that used to be on that top bar.. any ideas?.
please and thanks.
Hecce from your description it sounds like you're talking about the toolbar, you say it's now on the right side of your screen and instead of running side to side it's top to bottom.
"Heritage" Vintage JW movie from 1966
by NikL ini can't remember where i first heard about this movie but it was recently.
i guess they even showed it on tv.
probably payed for like an infomercial.. anyway, i looked it up on youtube and viola!.
I remember that, There were even posters in the windows of local corner stores about it. Here in NYC it didn't make any of the three bit networks, think it came on WPIX Ch.11. I remember they showed it at the Hall on a Sunday instead of the regular talk.
2017 Circuit Assembly: Lesbians at school demonstration
by darkspilver insteve2: is there some way this can be presented so that it is crystal clear what was actually in the demonstrations and what was added?
i guess some will think it should be obvious - but this is where misunderstandings arise because we end up wrongly attributing something to jw organization that was never said.. circuit assembly theme: maintain love for jehovah!.
note to speaker: warmly encourage young ones to prove their friendship with jehovah by observing his commandments and defending his standards.
Just thought of the fact that probably the first demonstration at an assembly about homosexuality was about female homosexuals, does that mean they're accepting of male homosexuals? They could've mentioned something about an LGBT march going on and had the same conversation, but they singled out female homosexuals.
We all know that there are many male and female gay folks that are baptized JWs so why just focus on the female gays.?
2017 Circuit Assembly: Lesbians at school demonstration
by darkspilver insteve2: is there some way this can be presented so that it is crystal clear what was actually in the demonstrations and what was added?
i guess some will think it should be obvious - but this is where misunderstandings arise because we end up wrongly attributing something to jw organization that was never said.. circuit assembly theme: maintain love for jehovah!.
note to speaker: warmly encourage young ones to prove their friendship with jehovah by observing his commandments and defending his standards.
I have some extra lines for Hannah to say in this little demo at the Assembly,
Hannah later on in the day has some time to herself to think over that little conversation, then says to herself " Hmm, I wonder if I was a little harsh in that convo with Emily, because SIster S and SIster C have been in the Cong ever since my parents were kids and they're still attending, but everyone knows that they've been roommates for more than 40 years and some of the brothers and sisters do talk about them being in a relationship, Oh well, Jah will clean out his Organization in due time and they will be taken care of, but I still believe in what I said to Emily".
BTW this little conversation is real life in the Cong I used to attend.
How clean is Heaven?
by pleaseresearch inso when i think of the word heaven.
i see angels, clouds and harp players.
but in reality when we think about it, for thousands of years it's been occupied by the devil himself and his demons.
"How clean is heaven"?
Well, nobody's come back to give us the full report, so we'll never know