Rub - We must be the same age, I remember going to Yankee Stadium for the Assembly many, many, many times as a kid, since I'm in NYC and being a kid the only thing I was interested in was the food, the cafeteria style lunch where you had to stand up to eat after you tray was filled, the snow cones, the bags of fruit, etc.
But getting back to dramas , the first one I remember was in the mid sixties and being just a kid since it was something new they held my attention as well as the rest of the crowd since it was new. After reading the posts here I see that the "glow has worn off" on the dramas now, same ol' same ol' not impressing anyone anymore.
What's sad yet interesting is, if I counted all the times I've been to Yankee Stadium I would be up there with the other kids who were taken there to see their favorite sports team, but I've never seem a sports game there, just the drivel of the old guys in Brooklyn