Hey Flip, forgot all about that one when I posted a few pages ago, "Misery loves company" , exactly !!
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Jehovah's people are not happy people
by Phoebe ini finally stopped attending the meetings about 4 months go.
i won't be going back - ever.. but i've decided the best reply to the watchtower is to be happy and i do try to be happy every day even thought i wasted my entire life on this religion.
i cherish every day, practice mindfulness and do my best to be content with the life i have.. it is only now that i see that most jws i know are deeply unhappy people.
Jehovah's people are not happy people
by Phoebe ini finally stopped attending the meetings about 4 months go.
i won't be going back - ever.. but i've decided the best reply to the watchtower is to be happy and i do try to be happy every day even thought i wasted my entire life on this religion.
i cherish every day, practice mindfulness and do my best to be content with the life i have.. it is only now that i see that most jws i know are deeply unhappy people.
Jehovah's people are not happy people
Something we've known here on the board for quite sometime, once you really leave you recognize it's all an act, JWs always say "Jehovah's people are a busy people", what they really mean is, they're not happy
why jw's commit suicide?
by notalone inwe all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
I just last Sunday visited with one of my peer group who commented that they feel NOTHING is ever good enough in the congregation
The organization requires a lot, but gives back so little, in support, encouragement and understanding, it's an all or nothing mind set, not a healthy way to live
These two statements sum it up perfectly as to why some Dubs kill themselves, ESPECIALLY the first one. -
Why Are More JWs Claiming to be Anointed?
by Ding inmost jws i know claim they are happy being in the great crowd.
they'd rather live on a paradise earth and pet lions than go to heaven.. heaven is a place they can't relate to, a place where they don't expect their friends and loved ones to be.. so why are more and more jws claiming to be of the anointed?.
aren't they looked down upon as if they are crazy, proud, ignorant, or engaging in apostate thinking?.
although I'm the first to comment on this post I must mention the first "anointed" I ever knew in the Cong I grew up in, he and his wife walked a way from da troof thirty or so years ago because they both realized things don't just add up, all the BS they put out their about the new generation and 607 stuff
Why Are More JWs Claiming to be Anointed?
by Ding inmost jws i know claim they are happy being in the great crowd.
they'd rather live on a paradise earth and pet lions than go to heaven.. heaven is a place they can't relate to, a place where they don't expect their friends and loved ones to be.. so why are more and more jws claiming to be of the anointed?.
aren't they looked down upon as if they are crazy, proud, ignorant, or engaging in apostate thinking?.
Because you have to be just a bit loony to belong to such a cult to begin with, so being among the special bunch that will be privileged to live in heaven are whatever sounds mighty good to folks that are a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
After being in the so-called "Truth" makes me despise all religions.
by Fader812 inafter being a jw made me lose trust in religion, from the lies, hypocrisy and greed of this organization made me lose faith completely.
what does one do after this mind f$%@, what is there to look forward to?
do i make up my own agnostic theory in head and hope for the best?
After being in the so-called "Truth" makes me despise all religions.
Gerrit Losch Claims JW's Attending College Are Spiritually Weak
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.facebook.com/jw.0027/videos/799049613609936/.
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
Oh, so now you're spiritually weak again if you pursue college, I'm in my 50's and that was the thing, no college, the kids who were ten and more years younger than me in the Cong ALL went to college, now it's not Okay anymore, well there you have it, Jah's holy spirit flip flopping once again
I am looking at back surgery any thoughts on should I or not?
by Still Totally ADD inback in march i fell and injured my back at work.
my back has been a problem for many years but certain exercise has able me to function normally through the years.
now i walk bent over with a cane and cannot walk very far, stand, or sit in a straight back chair.
Me personally I wouldn't let no knife near my back
No problem Chook, my aunt had "back"surgery a few months ago but they went in from the front!
The surgery itself was successful (so far) but they put some kind of pain medicine in there so when they sewed her up and sent her home she thought she was doing fine, until that wore off, even the meds they sent her home with didn't help, she had to go back to hospital for a few days and what they first gave her pain didn't work either. They finally found something to give her and that did the trick. Btw, she's no stranger by far to surgery, so she was no crybaby concerning the pain, she's had sooooo many surgeries from head to toe can't even remember all of them, she's had five on just one leg for an infection that wouldn't go away, and those five don't include two knee replacements, so she knows the drill when it comes to surgery, but that's the first time she had to go back because of so much pain.
Clapping and singing in Conventions... like the evangelicals??
by ILoveTTATT2 inhttps://www.facebook.com/traslapados/videos/1470101566382318/?hc_ref=otherwhat do you think of this video?.
do you think they're imitating evangelicals?is this happening in other places?
the one with the subtitle: compare to this:
Is that JW meeting?
Have you ever come across someone on this site or other exjw site that you knew?
by karter in2 for me 1 from my old congro in the 80's and another that was in the same circle of friends.. karter..
About five or so years ago someone started posting here and mentioned the area she grew up in, turns out my mother studied with her husband and his family when he and I were Junior High School age, after she turned that study over to a brother because his father got interested, my mother started a study with his aunt and grandmother