Well that was basically the only way folks came in back in the day, now I'd say it's probably at the 2 per cent mark.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
How many do you figure are converted through the door to door ministry?
by HereIgo ini regular pioneered for 2 years and never have actually converted anyone through the door to door work, in fact, i only knew a few individuals that joined this way.
most were born-in or at least had some type of family influence.
i had several bible studies but they all got cold feet when things got serious and potential baptism was discussed.
JW.org is a real estate and publishing company disguesd as a religion.
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE insince my awakening i have tried to understand why and how people could continue to believe so blindly in a proven false "religious" cult that has such an extensive and detailed record of scandals, lies and cover ups???
i've come to the personal conclusion that there are three major reasons.
i call them the 3 f-ups!
um, in the daytime hours I do believe it's a well known fact if it's a clear day the sky is blue, only a JW would mention sunrise or sunset . . . -
How much do you think the internet has hurt JW growth?
by HereIgo inthe internet is what helped bring me and so many others out of this evil organization or at least confirmed our doubts.
i have to say, i have seen quite a few youtube videos recently of ex jw's secretly recording their interactions inside of different congregations, halls, etc and see how empty the halls are!
so many people comment on how the attendance is so low, far more emptier than when i was in 6 years ago, even on a weekday meeting.
Of course the internet has hurt growth, remember when the internet first caught on and at the meetings they used to admonish the brothers and sisters to stay away from it? Why do you think they did that?
But to show you their hypocrisy, they had a website back then . . just goes to show you what a cult is all about
JW.org is a real estate and publishing company disguesd as a religion.
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE insince my awakening i have tried to understand why and how people could continue to believe so blindly in a proven false "religious" cult that has such an extensive and detailed record of scandals, lies and cover ups???
i've come to the personal conclusion that there are three major reasons.
i call them the 3 f-ups!
on a clear day Unconditional, on a clear day, the sky is blue, you're kinda sounding like the JWs who just hate to admit when you prove them wrong
JW.org is a real estate and publishing company disguesd as a religion.
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE insince my awakening i have tried to understand why and how people could continue to believe so blindly in a proven false "religious" cult that has such an extensive and detailed record of scandals, lies and cover ups???
i've come to the personal conclusion that there are three major reasons.
i call them the 3 f-ups!
As those of us on this board have learned over the years, saying that the Borg is nothing but a real estate and publishing company is just like saying the sky is blue.
Assembly experiences that strech the truth
by karter inelder and his wife build a flash house.. they go on the stage at an assembly and give an experiences of how they sold the flash house to simplify their life so they can go pioneering.. the real story.. elder and wife can't afford the flash house and have to sell it he never goes pioneering she does until they are declared bankrupt.. why were they bankrupt?.
the money leaft over from the flash house they invested in a yet to be build apartment and the developer goes bankrupt takeing their money.. just one of many.. karter..
When I hear these fake news stories that are manufactured by the Org. I always say , Where are they now?. or tell me the rest of the story.
Yup, I've always wondered why they don't do a "Where Are They Now", like the show on Oprah's network. Maybe they did try to do that but found out that the faithful servants from twenty years ago who turned down good jobs and education have since seen their own new light and left the Borg.
JW critically injured after being electrocuted in assembly hall
by Anders Andersen ina newspaper reports that in bornem, belgium, a jw volunteer was critically injured after being electrocuted:.
bornem - a man was electrocuted while performing maintenance on a high voltage installation in the assembly hall of jw in bornem friday afternoon.
the man was critically injured.. possibly the man, who is a volunteer with the jw, tried to clean the installation with a vacuum cleaner.
If he's an older brother he might not want to bring reproach on Jehovah or the Org with a lawsuit. Only the newer blind followers would think of a lawsuit
Do you know anything about Live Kingdom Hall?
by Hecce ini learned recently about this link that allows for a person to listen or watch the meetings at the kh that have contracted the service.
you have the option to watch the meeting live or just listen.
there will be a recording of the audio available until the next meeting.. i don't think that this is an official wt arrangement, it might be a private enterprise like the preaching materials .
I guess the video part is new, but my mother used to dial in and listen to the meetings when she got older and couldn't get to the KH
Chapter 28 Part B New Boy 50 years a Watchtower slave
by new boy inback in the nineteen seventies hundreds of cars were stolen, in the city every day!
the new york post said "the average life span of a corvette stingray (sports car) parked on the street in new york was only 24 hours!".
one time driving back from rhode island at 2:00 a.m. i took a wrong turn in the south bronx’s.
Thought so, always interesting to read about what really goes on at Bethel
Chapter 29 New Boy 50 years a Watchtower slave
by new boy inchapter 29.
1500 bottles of brandy.
i'm driving down the fdr drive late one sunday afternoon.
This story sounds like it's been posted before too, I know I've read the story about the bottles of Brandy before