I have to laugh at that slipper thing, it is funny. Your unbelieving mate walks into the room and you put a slipper on your head for a covering to show subjection to men, that your not as worthy as men are. Just wondering, was it one of those fuzzy slippers?
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Kleenex Head Covering
by jwundubbed ingrowing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
Anyone remember LP album circa 68 with Awake on back cover?
by cabasilas ini have a memory of some rock artist of the 60s placing a pic of herself and some guy in bed and her reading an awake magazine on the back cover.
it could have been "is time running out for mankind" or something like that.
anyone remember?
was Maria Muldaur ever a Dub?
13th Dec 2017
by zeb ini have a 'financial advisor' email tell of massive changes coming to us (and thereby world currencies) on the above date.. does 13-dec 2017 mean anything to anyone.?.
he is talking about the removal of cash etc now if this is half way correct where does it leave the money machine of the wt?.
positive responses welcome..
Does 13-Dec 2017 mean anything to anyone.?
Yeah, it's the day before my birthday, other than that I've heard nothing about money disappearing from the U.S. or whatever
BTW, did you get this email in your Spam folder or Inbox?
Nicolas King: JW celebrity and example of hypocrisy
by neat blue dog innicolas king frequently sings with the watchtower chorus and had a supporting role in the dvd released at the 2014 convention.
(he's on the bottom row, second from the right.).
but he also is a jazz singer, traveling constantly performing at concerts, casinos, charity events, even a brief appearance on the tonight show.
and had a supporting role in the DVD released at the 2014 convention
is he the jerk off guy?
Whatever happened to them??
by jeffory1 injust talking to someone recently about former co's in our area.
it went as follows,,,,george cook,saw that he was now in princes congregation or should say the former prince.. brother gwaltney,,nw usa area now drives a school bus his wife sold cosmetics at a nordstrom.
brother spangenberg had to leave co work as his wife was sick ,,went to low paying menial job.. brother ---- cant remember his name but he is now working a a waiter in a italian restaurant,,singing as requested by customers.
Angelo Catanzaro?
I remember him somewhere between late 60's early 70's, had a professional voice, could've done voice over work in my opinion. Well, since I was a kid then and I'll be sixty this year wouldn't he and his wife be pushing their nineties if still alive? And speaking of alive, wasn't there a rumor that he committed suicide?
If the WTBTS Was Disbanded Tomorrow...
by Cimarrona inhow would the gb, do, co, bethelites, elders, pioneers, etc list their now-meaningless positions on their resume?
How would the GB, DO, CO, bethelites, elders, pioneers, etc list their now-meaningless positions on their resume?
They wouldn't
If alcohol was a DF offense
by James Mixon ini guess the question which is the hardest to give up smoking or alcohol.
many folks gave up smoking in the 70's including me but i have known some hard drinking brothers and if consuming any kind of alcohol became a df offense, i wonder.....
The real deal is, if alcohol to excess was a DF offense, there would be no elders left, not even taking into account the rest of the Cong.
Why "fancy dress" and "theme weddings" were BANNED by our Congregation!
by Witness 007 inour kingdom hall was in a boring town of 30,000 people so to spice things up me and some special pioneers living with us decided to have a fancy dress up party!
what could go wrong?
nice clean fun, and no booze (oh crap!).
I know someone who grew up in Baltimore during the 70's and she told me that the Congs couldn't play records at wedding receptions, can someone tell me what scripture supports that ??
How Many Witnesses Would Really Take Blood?
by minimus inup until the very end, my mother refused blood.
it didn't matter if it was a blurred line or not, the bible says "no blood"!
i wonder if she was in the minority, in her thinking.
So even when they allowed fractions, she wouldn't bend on the previous application of 'no blood, no how, no way'
You know what, my mother is the same. But she is old school and there are few with that sense of conscience and fundamental principle anymore
That applied to my mother, however, when she was in the hospital and I was Court approved as her legal guardian I gave consent for her to receive blood and she did.I posted this part before, but the day she had the hookup in her arm of course some nosy sisters from the KH were visiting who in turn reported it to the Elder, who in turn called me, who I in turn told him in the most 4 letter worded way I could think of to mind his f***ing business.
Who has a harder time leaving JW's - Born Ins or those who converted?
by HeyLittleGirl inmy freind (who is also out) and i were talking about this the other night.
i was a born-in, 3rd generation jw and she converted when she was in her late 20's.. when she left, she said that she knew the world wasn't as bad as she was told as a jw, so she knew she would be fine.
also, she still had lots of "worldly" family who welcomed her back with open arms.. it was harder for me - i had nobody in the "world", no family or freinds.
I think it is harder for born ins because your whole life you've been told that "the truth" is the right way to live
Not this born in, so as a kid I just found sitting thru meetings boring, I guess I would've felt the same way at any other church, when I was growing up most kids went to some kind of church service. When I got older and saw the "goings on" in the Cong and most of the other kids during our teenage and young adult years used to leave me out, i guess because I wasn't baptized or whatever and have my mother stand by them, and say " if only you showed interest . . . .", yet they claim to be the only true, loving religion on earth?