This story is on the Yahoo Homepage also, lot's of folks that have left comments are aware that the Dubs are nothing but a Cult, which is good to hear.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
JW's make the big time news
by eyeuse2badub inlifestyle.
ex-jehovah's witnesses break silence on shunning: 'my mother treats me like i'm dead'.
detroit free press 3 hours ago .
My take upon reading CoC for the 1st time
by nowwhat? inwow!
the gb.
1.0 demanded absolute loyalty back then too.
What FLipper said above, especially the blood issue, playing with peoples lives having them believe Jehovah said in the bible that you shouldn't take blood, but now you can take blood fractions. They should be locked up and shut down for that issue alone. Many have died for no reason just because seven old guys in Brooklyn had them believe they would be disappointing Almighty Jah.
Do You Care If A World Leader Had An Affair Before Taking Office?
by minimus ini don’t care about it unless someone runs on a record of being a model family man or woman.. does it bother you if a president or princess or top government official “cheats “??
Some claim that Obama was on the "Down-Low" until he became recognizable from his Statewide campaigns
Surprised that the Orange Moron (and all his blind followers) hasn't tweeted about that with all the other things he blames on Obama, including his birth certificate.
Do You Care If A World Leader Had An Affair Before Taking Office?
by minimus ini don’t care about it unless someone runs on a record of being a model family man or woman.. does it bother you if a president or princess or top government official “cheats “??
Certain people here say that don't care one bit, if Obama did the same things the current POTUS was doing he would've been hung out to dry years ago by the same folks that say was this orange is moron doesn't make a difference. If I get dislike votes on this post, those are the folks who think that way.
He Loved Her, by Snowbird
by compound complex inhe loved her.
from the time she was a faded-denim-overall/flannel-shirted-wearing 3rd grader until she was a bell-bottomed-jeans/embroidered-dirndl-top/afro'd teenager.. when they graduated high school and went their separate, fortune-seeking ways, he loved her.. hundreds of miles apart, lonely and sad, each let their bucket down into the well of life and drank warily of its contents.
yet, he continued to love her.. forty years, two marriages apiece, kids and grandkids, he still loved her.. divorcing, retiring, selling out, cashing in a 401k, moving back down south - home!
I was here seven years ago but certainly don't remember that post, so thx for the repost CC, nice post Syl, or Tara I guess I should say now.
Thoughts of Suicide?
by Simon inwe are not a support forum for people with serious depression or thoughts of suicide.
if you or someone you know are struggling with such issues there are professional support services in most countries with people who are experienced and qualified to help:.
I think the folks that climb the bridges and tall buildings (and post here) and just sit there for hours and put trained personnel in jeopardy for trying to save them, those folks never to go through with there actions, I think because although they are definitely going through something, they just want some attention, which they do need, but that's not the way to handle the situation.
Who is going to make the earth a paradise?
by Sour Grapes inwhen i was a jw elder and dreamed of living in paradise, i pictured all of the animals, beautiful people, perfect weather, welcoming back the dead and teaching them about god.
the only problem is to get to the point of making the earth a paradise first there will be around 8 billion bodies to bury.
then how are we going to dig through all of the rubble and collapsed buildings using what tools?
That's a question that most of the blind followers haven't thoroughly thought out that much.
Back in the early 80's NYC area had a hurricane just about like Sandy and we lost power in part of the house, which was weird, the outage lasted from Friday around noon until Sunday afternoon, but at least we still had some lights and could cook, the back of the house where the bedrooms were totally out, but I remember my mother saying, she's just about had it with these lights being out, etc, so I said, how are you gonna live after Armageddon when there won't be any electricity? . . . . no answer.
Crooked Teeth
by Introvert 2 inwell 55 yo this summer times flies.. was in my late thirties when i started thinking about getting braces or some other treatment for my crowded teeth.
decided to put it off a few years later as 'the new system' ™ was right around the corner.
then went through a huge burn out depression and my teeth became a lesser priority.
One thing I've heard as an adult from Dentists after wearing braces as a child is they wear down your bone density in the mouth which is my problem, so if you're already an adult an still have great bone density in your mouth then I guess it's no problem, but for those who wore them as a child, of course that was never pointed out t our parents
Can anyone name a single incident when bethel has fed the poor ever ?
by Chook incharity is lacking from the house of god.
i remember reading once about some young pioneer sisters who needed emergency accommodation and where turn away from brooklyn because they weren’t special pioneers.
charity begins at home..
I heard that on 9-11 they opened the doors and handed out cookies or sandwiches as people fled Manhattan over the bridge.
I heard they just handed out water for a while then went inside and locked their doors
Thanks, but no thanks!
by FadeToBlack inthat was essentially my reply to a recent sms i got from the elder of the group i am supposed to be in, requesting a visit to encourage me and get to know me better.
my wife has been attending english language meetings in warsaw for the last year or so (i have never been) and i think they are getting antsy about where i stand.
i've met many of them at events my wife hosted at our house, but so far nobody has pressed me on the issue of my inactivity.. at one of the events, an elder mentioned that he'd heard i 'had been' a jw for many years and he was curious what first attracted me to the org.
That is a great reply, so if they contact you again just tell them to fuck off, I've answered you already, it's my home and I'm head of the house (they still believe in that stuff) and I don't want you in my home.