Hey Min - you are an old timer on this board, so I'm sure you know which topics have the longest running thread, going for 20 plus pages, the ones about race, and the majority here are folks who once were a part of the Borg where, as you say, "discrimination and profiling was not typically practiced", so either some folks were able to hide their racist views, while some were not.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Do Witnesses Experience Racial Discrimination To Your Knowledge?
by minimus inmy experience in the kingdom hall was that racial discrimination and profiling was not typically practiced....that i know of.
i was in a diverse city with every type of skin color and nationality imaginable.. i’m wondering if the witnesses have changed due to the current affairs exposed by the media everyday.
are there discrimination issues in jw land??
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, new member of the Governing Body
by ShirleyW inthe woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed mccain, i say she's an excellent candidate for the governing body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that".
i mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.. btw, that's also what i say with all the drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost.
they cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the circuit assemblies, they would make excellent jws, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said..
The woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed McCain, I say she's an excellent candidate for the Governing Body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that". I mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.
BTW, that's also what I say with all the Drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost. They cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the Circuit Assemblies, they would make excellent JWs, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said.
Things you didn't expect to like...
by sparrowdown instuff you never expected you would do or enjoy doing as a non-witness.... researching - always thought i hated study and reading turns out it was just wt literature i hated studying and reading.
having political opinions and just having opinons and beliefs that are not set in stone and that i am free to assess, review and adjust as i become more aware of imformation .
droping the f-bomb every now and again to make a point feels surprisingly good but that may just be post-religious rebellion that wears off... eventually.
I remember at 14 in high school (yes, I was already in high school at 14)
What's so unusual about being in HS at 14, that's the age I started HS also and graduated at 17, is that not the norm anymore (reason being for me by birthday is at the end of the year in December)
My JW Elder Brother Passed Away
by minimus inhe was basically a good man, just a believer in the religion.
when we were both elders we were best of friends and then things deteriorated when i was not an elder for a while.
then after becoming an elder again, i slowly drifted away from the religion and he drifted further away from me.
Sorry to hear Minimus.
Now you will have to deal with how you'll be treated at the memorial
Introduce myself
by John Moro indear,everybody,how are you?my name is john moro i join jevoah wittness.com this year 2018 in april in order to be jevoah wittness i live in yokine wa australia,i like to meet friends and share jevoah message to evangelize the word.thank you may god bless.
yours sincerely john moro.
I think you joined the wrong website Br. Moro,
Did You Ever Luke ANY Songs From The “Songbook “?
by minimus ini went on line looking for old jw songs and some of them were pretty good and some were just awful!.
did you ever like any of those songs?
Anyone remember when the pink first came out? At your KH did they have special mtgs on Saturday night to practice the new songs? I remember my KH did that, not a formal mtg, just the songs, no talks are anything.
Also at our KH for a while, along with our piano player when the pink songbook came out, we also had a sister playing the violin, then another sister joined in who could play the flute and a brother joined with his bass guitar. I don't think that little jazz combo lasted longer than a year. Was just a kid then, but now I'm probably sure that a Circuit Servant put an end to that.
Did You Ever Luke ANY Songs From The “Songbook “?
by minimus ini went on line looking for old jw songs and some of them were pretty good and some were just awful!.
did you ever like any of those songs?
Summer Angel - Quite a few were blatant hymn rip offs
As far as the pink songbook and the green songbook before the pink one, that's not much of a secret. That's why,for the old timers here who remember #1 from the green songbook "Hail Him" they kind of let that one go, I remember when we sang that one back in the 60's, that one was almost like a Baptist Church hymn that had folks running up and down the aisles speaking in tongues, it got you going.
As far as the other songs, "from house to house, from door to door" I remember the melody and those words, I remember #19,the Hawaiian song. Take Sides with Jehovah seemed to be a popular one. Keep your eyes on the prize. Since I was a born in and a child when these songs were sung of course I remember the melodies and a few of the words.
Craziest Speculations You’ve heard about the end and paradise
by Addison0998 inwe’ve all heard them all our life.
my two biggest stupidest ones i think are, “ we can really tell the end is almost here with the way people drive on the highway.” and a girl who said she wants to hurry up and marry her boyfriend because she’s scared if the end comes before their married, she’ll have to wait 1000 years to marry him.
oh and also a poor old lady saying that she hopes jehovah wipes away the memory of her disfellowshipped sons that he will have to destroy.
- Our resurrected spouses wont be married to us anymore.
- Our resurrected spouses will be married to us still.
- Our resurrected spouses wont be married to us anymore.
- Our resurrected spouses will be married to us still.
I remember a year or so after my dad died and my mom was talking to one her friends who lost her husband a decade previously, she was saying the above " well I heard the brothers are now saying that we will still be married in the new system". "The Brothers" have the insight to know what's going to happen in the new system? What she should've said was seven old guys in Brooklyn are playing with the hearts of all their followers who blindly follow any BS they just happen to come up with.
sometimes he was and other times he wasn't so every couple of years he'd stop partaking
one time when he thought he wasn't anointed and my then-gf asked him why he said "because I've just thought, i'd quite like to ride on an ostrich in the new system".Yup, that sounds exactly like the kind of faithful servant Jehovah wants to be surrounded with floating around up there in heaven
Craziest Speculations You’ve heard about the end and paradise
by Addison0998 inwe’ve all heard them all our life.
my two biggest stupidest ones i think are, “ we can really tell the end is almost here with the way people drive on the highway.” and a girl who said she wants to hurry up and marry her boyfriend because she’s scared if the end comes before their married, she’ll have to wait 1000 years to marry him.
oh and also a poor old lady saying that she hopes jehovah wipes away the memory of her disfellowshipped sons that he will have to destroy.
I remember my mother told me that at her Tuesday night bible study mtg, the conductor went around the room and asked everyone there what kind of animal did they want in their back yard when the new system was here, mind you she told me that, like that was going to interest me in attending the mtgs again - smh
I posted this last week in another thread (someone else posted it first but I keep busting out laughing and shaking my head every time I read it) but this quote below still takes the cake for me, First Prize in the looniest thing a JW has ever said:
A sister told me that since she had worn a bathing cap when she was baptized, she was afraid her head wouldn't make it into the new order.
Again - another measles exposure at Watchtower locations in New York
by OrphanCrow inhttp://abc7ny.com/health/heres-how-to-find-out-if-youve-been-exposed-to-measles/3376832/.
two tourists from europe sparked a local measles scare.new york state health officials say anyone who visited the following locations may have been exposed:- kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses in brooklyn (april 15th)- watchtower facilities in orange and putnam counties (april 16th and 17th)health officials say the risk of developing measles is low for anyone who has been vaccinated or is immune.symptoms include fever, rash a cough and runny nose.anyone who thinks they may have been affected should call their doctor if they experience symptoms.. this is the second measles exposure at wt locations in ny.
the last one occurred 2 months ago:.
this was also covered by WNBC here in NYC too, I knew I heard this happened before up at Warwick a while back like it says it happened two months ago, what's up with foreign JWs and the measles?