THere used to be a poster named Mulan who posted quite often, then she just disappeared.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Posters You Miss
by minimus inanyone that you miss from this site, dead or alive??.
i miss farkel, blondie and a host of others!.
JW MATCH——Is this an acceptable site for JWs?
by minimus inhow does feel about this site for jehovah’s witnesses who want to find a partner?.
The sites not run by JWs, but it's funny as Hell to read though, you don't have to pay to join.
The real, sincere JW men on there, some are truly pathetic, my all time favorite is from an African brother who is looking for a marriage mate to sing Kingdom Songs with and watch TV and his spelling in his bio is absolutely horrendous. Hmm, I wonder if he's found his mate yet, haven't been on the site for a while, have to see if he's still available.
Quick hello and recent baby pic.
by Darkknight757 injust wanted to say a quick hello.
this was a pic yesterday on nurses week at henry ford with one of izabella’s primaries.
the first pic was at her nicu graduation.
I love that graduation cap, so cute !!
Every year for decades now they always have these special meetings, get everybody all hyped up, then find out it's nothing new, yet, the blind followers still fall for it , unbelievable.
I remember some friends from the Philly area came to NYC and stayed with my mom so they could attend one of those bogus meetings, just to hear something they've heard before.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, new member of the Governing Body
by ShirleyW inthe woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed mccain, i say she's an excellent candidate for the governing body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that".
i mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.. btw, that's also what i say with all the drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost.
they cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the circuit assemblies, they would make excellent jws, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said..
G'morning MIss Tara/Sylvie! Long time no see ! Don't be a stranger too long a time again
and Gio - thx for answering Jehalapeno's comment, since it appears to him that Drumpf was actually born with orange skin.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, new member of the Governing Body
by ShirleyW inthe woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed mccain, i say she's an excellent candidate for the governing body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that".
i mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.. btw, that's also what i say with all the drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost.
they cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the circuit assemblies, they would make excellent jws, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said..
Nope, not incoherent, just thought you were siding with the folks who gave my original post a minus 6 and Fulano's a plus 7 (which of course are the same folks)
I just "assumed" you were on their side, now do you understand why I said what I did?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, new member of the Governing Body
by ShirleyW inthe woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed mccain, i say she's an excellent candidate for the governing body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that".
i mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.. btw, that's also what i say with all the drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost.
they cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the circuit assemblies, they would make excellent jws, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said..
Hey Morpheus - what's you point, ALL presidents have an Inauguration Day and people gather.
I guess you're saying at least Drumpf doesn't have as many people chanting his name as Obama did on his Day, post a pic of that and notice the huge difference of the crowd
Do Witnesses Experience Racial Discrimination To Your Knowledge?
by minimus inmy experience in the kingdom hall was that racial discrimination and profiling was not typically practiced....that i know of.
i was in a diverse city with every type of skin color and nationality imaginable.. i’m wondering if the witnesses have changed due to the current affairs exposed by the media everyday.
are there discrimination issues in jw land??
Hey Min - you are an old timer on this board, so I'm sure you know which topics have the longest running thread, going for 20 plus pages, the ones about race, and the majority here are folks who once were a part of the Borg where, as you say, "discrimination and profiling was not typically practiced", so either some folks were able to hide their racist views, while some were not.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, new member of the Governing Body
by ShirleyW inthe woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed mccain, i say she's an excellent candidate for the governing body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that".
i mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.. btw, that's also what i say with all the drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost.
they cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the circuit assemblies, they would make excellent jws, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said..
The woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed McCain, I say she's an excellent candidate for the Governing Body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that". I mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.
BTW, that's also what I say with all the Drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost. They cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the Circuit Assemblies, they would make excellent JWs, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said.
Things you didn't expect to like...
by sparrowdown instuff you never expected you would do or enjoy doing as a non-witness.... researching - always thought i hated study and reading turns out it was just wt literature i hated studying and reading.
having political opinions and just having opinons and beliefs that are not set in stone and that i am free to assess, review and adjust as i become more aware of imformation .
droping the f-bomb every now and again to make a point feels surprisingly good but that may just be post-religious rebellion that wears off... eventually.
I remember at 14 in high school (yes, I was already in high school at 14)
What's so unusual about being in HS at 14, that's the age I started HS also and graduated at 17, is that not the norm anymore (reason being for me by birthday is at the end of the year in December)