Can you imagine if at my old Cong all the blind followers chose to follow a southern brother that wasn't the best at speaking or reading when giving talks, he pronounced The Hiittites hi-titties
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Sometimes it's the little things....
by dubstepped ini'm listening to a podcast where a former elder describes how another elder conducted the watchtower study about hyperbole.
the elder called it hyper-bowl.
soon the whole congregation called it hyper-bowl.
Did You Care About The Royal Wedding?
by minimus ini don’t get it.
who really cares?
in the usa, it’s such a huge newsworthy event.
NO !! I don't get it either why all the news outlets here in U.S. covered the wedding like it was a President's daughter getting married.
Although I remember when I was a kid, I remember, after field service of course, after I went with my mother to do the weekly shopping I could hardly wait to get home in time to watch the wedding of LBJs daughter, Lucy on TV.
Paranormal stuff: is it a cultural thing? Rant ahead
by Whynot inparanormal stuff is common where my family is from it's almost expected.
native american background, my great grandmother was a witch doctor a damn good one too, my non witness relatives dabble in it.
so i have seen stuff and experienced stuff.
I'm not one that really believes in the "hokus pokus" stuff either but, after my mom died and I sold the house, the realtor and I were sitting at the dining room table and I was signing the paperwork. I was facing the wall where the furnace box was to turn on and off the heat, right next to it is the former opening in the wall where the old box was that was covered up with a small little framed picture my mother put over it. When she first put up that frame (more than twenty years ago) with just a nail I remember the frame used to just slide down to the floor a lot until I guess my dad made it a bit more secure.
ANYWAY, as I was sitting at the table, at the actual point when I was signing my name, that little picture then didn't just slide down to the floor, it practically jumped off the wall, like a tiny little mini explosion, no, not across the room or anything, just about six inches or so from the wall. So I'm thinking my Dad or mom thought I wouldn't sell the house. That was really kinda creepy seeing that, the exact moment I was signing my name to finalize the sale!
Weird, weird. Newest internet debate, Laurel or yanny?
by James Mixon ini heard laurel and the wife heard yanny.
maybe someone can post the spoken word..
Laurel. My wife and I both clearly heard Laurel, over and over again. Anyone that believes differently is a mentally diseased apostate and lost to Satan.
Yanny. I clearly heard Yanny, over and over again. Anyone that believes differently is a mentally diseased apostate and lost to Satan
Posters You Miss
by minimus inanyone that you miss from this site, dead or alive??.
i miss farkel, blondie and a host of others!.
THere used to be a poster named Mulan who posted quite often, then she just disappeared.
JW MATCH——Is this an acceptable site for JWs?
by minimus inhow does feel about this site for jehovah’s witnesses who want to find a partner?.
The sites not run by JWs, but it's funny as Hell to read though, you don't have to pay to join.
The real, sincere JW men on there, some are truly pathetic, my all time favorite is from an African brother who is looking for a marriage mate to sing Kingdom Songs with and watch TV and his spelling in his bio is absolutely horrendous. Hmm, I wonder if he's found his mate yet, haven't been on the site for a while, have to see if he's still available.
Quick hello and recent baby pic.
by Darkknight757 injust wanted to say a quick hello.
this was a pic yesterday on nurses week at henry ford with one of izabella’s primaries.
the first pic was at her nicu graduation.
I love that graduation cap, so cute !!
Every year for decades now they always have these special meetings, get everybody all hyped up, then find out it's nothing new, yet, the blind followers still fall for it , unbelievable.
I remember some friends from the Philly area came to NYC and stayed with my mom so they could attend one of those bogus meetings, just to hear something they've heard before.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, new member of the Governing Body
by ShirleyW inthe woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed mccain, i say she's an excellent candidate for the governing body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that".
i mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.. btw, that's also what i say with all the drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost.
they cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the circuit assemblies, they would make excellent jws, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said..
G'morning MIss Tara/Sylvie! Long time no see ! Don't be a stranger too long a time again
and Gio - thx for answering Jehalapeno's comment, since it appears to him that Drumpf was actually born with orange skin.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, new member of the Governing Body
by ShirleyW inthe woman has been deflecting the orange one's lies for quite sometime now as we all know, but after hearing her doing the same about the staff member who dissed mccain, i say she's an excellent candidate for the governing body, "nothing ever happened, we didn't say that, yes the number of 144,000 is growing every year and we accept that".
i mean, why look elsewhere, she would fit in perfectly.. btw, that's also what i say with all the drumpf supporters that show up at his rallies he holds whenever his sensitive, deflated ego needs a boost.
they cheer and rave just like the blind followers do at the circuit assemblies, they would make excellent jws, they have no problem buying into bullshit without putting any thought into anything that's being said..
Nope, not incoherent, just thought you were siding with the folks who gave my original post a minus 6 and Fulano's a plus 7 (which of course are the same folks)
I just "assumed" you were on their side, now do you understand why I said what I did?