I remember Tishie's site, wonder what every happened to her
Randy's was one of the first also
i had two episodes of visiting exjw websites:one time around 2007 when i just googled "jehovah´s witnesses" and dared to look at those sites.
i was scared and i promised myself i would never come back to them.
however, that one didn´t really count.the moment that woke me up was this:i got to know that whitney heichel was a jw and murdered by another jw, because i overheard that conversation in a kingdom hall.i looked up the news and in one of the news comments, there was one where an exjw was complaining that they were hijacking her funeral and they were really trying to downplay the fact that her murderer was a jw... and then it said "visit jwfacts.com"... which i did.and the rest... is history.what exactly got you onto an apostate website when you woke up?
I remember Tishie's site, wonder what every happened to her
Randy's was one of the first also
my wife and me have a booth at the local framers market.
there is usually about 12 t0 14 vendors each week on a small short street in town.
what is funny on each end of this short street are cart setups with 3 people on each cart.
Last Sunday I noticed a cart at the subway stop that leads to the Tennis Open here in Queens at the Arthur Ashe Stadium, because folks on there way to a sports event are usually up for a little religious propaganda. I'm sure it's a safe bet to say they didn't speak to anyone, which is the case for 99 per cent of the cart setups.
just lately i've become weary of following recipes in books or online.
recently when on holiday in the lake district i wanted to make pasta with a tomato and cheese sauce but the only interesting cheese they had at the local store was a somerset brie.
i discovered when peeled of its skin and tossed in with tomatoes and pasta it melts beautifully and tasted amazing.
Since the slow cooker is mentioned above, I've found that the best way to cook pernil,or pork shoulder it's also called, that huge cut of pork you probably see in the supermarket with the skin still on it. Pernil is a popular Latin dish, which some folks marinate with sour orange, garlic, oregano etc. I just stick some garlic cloves inside the roast and let it marinade overnight, most people put it in the oven to make the skin crispy, but I prefer it in the slow cooker, comes out perfectly, not dry or leathery at all.
so my born-in cousin who recently left the org is looking to start an ex-jw / group instagram based in socal.
he asked me if i had any ideas for a photo that can used for the instagram page and this is what i made for him:.
That one with the guy knocked out sleeping is the best, I think my neighbors heard me laughing at that one.
Of course the icing on the cake with that pic is if he started snoring!!
about a year ago i started going to a local christain church.
they were good to me.
i missed the the jw type of always find some one to hang around with.
Of course all schools in the USA are GFZ
It would've just taken you ten seconds more to type out gun free zone, just one of the few things that set me off when people abbreviate things like the everybody is supposed to know, especially with health/medical referrals to sickness or some kind of meds or therapy, . . .oh well, that's my rant for the day. . . moving on . .
i haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
Didn't know that ctrwtf, haven't stepped foot in a mtg for decades, so Regional is new to me.
i haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
Morpheus- CAs are held during the summer, when the District Assemblies are held? Could be, but growing up in NYC never heard of that happening before, when I was growing up in the 60's we had to travel sometimes to another city for our assigned DA, like Baltimore, DC, New Jersey, which was asking a lot for certain families that couldn't afford to pay for lodging.
this isn’t a usa question.
is your financial situation better or worse or pretty much the same?.
There's a curiosity behind every question Min, so what is yours, is it because you Lord and Savior the orange moron is now POTUS, or is it because you were just wondering on a lazy afternoon?
i haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
I haven't been to a KH in decades, so I get the Google Alerts for JWs and I got one featuring a local news channel in Brooklyn covering the assembly being held in Flatbush, Brooklyn. I'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the District Assemblies are being held. Why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding District Assemblies in Circuit Assemblies locations ?
when i was in, i couldn't understand why the subject of over eating or gluttony was almost never discussed, there was countless talks and articles about over drinking but over eating is lumped in as the same offence in the bible but was never discussed?
an elder who was serving in the islands told me he heard a talk given by a local in the cong there who professed that "in the new system we can eat as much as we want and not get fat".
so why was /is it not talked about?
I love this topic regarding the Dubs, because my mother was overweight all her life and was and Uber-Dub, I was always wondering if they would start DFing for being overweight because she would've been one of the top three in our Cong to go !!
Another thing is with this yet another Dub myth that would never happened is, of course the obese elders would've somehow been overlooked with this "new light" rule. Besides the Dateline story, ABC did a story on the Dubs, I believe it involved a sister that was killed in an auto accident, anyway, whatever the story was, when they interviewed her hubby I believe it was, This guy had the typical beer belly build, but add times 10 to it He looked like if you stuck a pin in his humongous belly, fart gas and beer would've filled the immediate area, including the neighboring counties.