I have to include my visit to Bethel when I was a kid back in the mid 60's, to show you how things have changed.
After the tour and lunch we went back to this brothers room for a while, when it was time to leave, my father, who was an unbelieving mate back then was the last to walk out, so he asked before he shut the door, do you want to lock it, or use your key, whatever he said, but the brother said "we don't have to lock our doors around here"! My mother could hardly wait to get back to the KH and tell that story to everyone, like it was a good witness for my father to finally come into da troof. - smh, makes me sick just thinking about it.
Btw, this visit was in either 1967 or 1968 and my father didn't get baptized until 1977, so I don't think that one little experience had anything to do with it. And as you know, now I"m sure Bethelites lock their doors now!!