Born in. Didn't have a choice. Didn't know what choice even meant. Didn't sign up. It was done for me
many witnesses in my opinion know nothing about the religion.
they don’t understand the history, the doctrines or the bible.
many people become jws because they were raised as witnesses so they take the plunge.
Born in. Didn't have a choice. Didn't know what choice even meant. Didn't sign up. It was done for me
then new and improved purple song books that came out in 1966. then there was the brown song book and a even newer one in 2006. .
thousands of hours wasted singing those stupid songs and their stupid lyrics.. song 106 "watch how we walk and watch we talk.
i remember inserting different works in the lyrics to relive the boredom.
You mention remembering the green songbook, which I do, but your list looks like it's either from the magenta or the brown book. Anyway, I remember the green book some songs I can think of right now are:
Take Sides With Jehovah
Plus the one on Page 1, which was titled Hail HIm, which sounded straight out of a Baptist revival meeting, which is probably why they stopped using much when the green book was still out.
in my city philadelphia they closed many kingdom halls.
my hall was desolved and most of the publishers were added to a congregation that only had 50 publishers.
iknowthetruth - Wow, a major city like Philly has shut down a lot of KHs, good, hope the trend does the same here in NYC, I only know of one Cong in Philadelphia, Mt Airy Congregation, is that one of Congs that has been shut down, hope so!! Now I'm wondering if the large family I know that attended that Cong is having second thoughts about the Dubs!
i was thinking of how witnesses were always admonished to take care of their own before they should ever help a worldly neighbor.
i don’t think they ever do anything for the community unless it’s a benefit to them..
i just cant begin to express my reactions to this....just watch it right through and see what i mean.....
Couldn't make it through that crap, Like others are saying I wonder what my mother would say if she were still alive, I wish I could show her that vid and watch her stumble through an answer and try to defend the Borg like she did when I used to bring up valid points and she had no answer
i knew of several elders who would tell their wife's everything that happened in a committee meeting.
he is still and elder and very old but i doubt he has changed.
we used to call him.
OF COURSE ! ! ! That's what elders wives do !
Where do you think they get all the stuff they gossip about ?
I've heard my elder dad tell my mom a few things after he got back from attending an elders meeting !!
i think they talk a good game and that’s about it..
Do You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Really Believe They Are Living In The Time Of The End?
Of course they do, they've been thinking that for the last hundred years or however long they've been around. Even for my peers that are still in da troof, we're in the way over 50 crowd and from day one that's all we've heard and they're still preaching that. When do they wake up - - Never! ! !
interesting video explaining how to end a bible study.. watch the kind of uber behaviour of the witnesses: make a choice or we leave.... so hard, so not christian.
no love for the person.. g..
You mean to tell me people are actually studying with the Dubs now? I would think since the internet is such a big thing now and everybody looks things up, I would think there would be no new people studying with them at all. Instead of bringing back that six month thing I'd think they would be coming up with slick, new ways to get people interested. How to pump up the love bombing at the carts or something.
i guess some of you have heard that a woman that worked at a hotel and was forced to work on sunday's has now filed suit and won some major moolah.
so, how long before the pompous dubs who work on mtg night will follow suit and collect big bucks, i honestly think that a few have tried this before, but now that this woman and her bogus religion almost as crazy as dubs got a shitload of money, there will be many more lawsuits to come from a certain cult that either knock-knock on your door every weekend or sit in a subway station and just sit there and gossip about the other folks in the cong or steady dial up stuff on their phones..
I guess some of you have heard that a woman that worked at a hotel and was forced to work on Sunday's has now filed suit and won some major moolah. So, how long before the pompous Dubs who work on mtg night will follow suit and collect big bucks, I honestly think that a few have tried this before, but now that this woman and her bogus religion almost as crazy as Dubs got a shitload of money, there will be many more lawsuits to come from a certain cult that either knock-knock on your door every weekend or sit in a subway station and just sit there and gossip about the other folks in the Cong or steady dial up stuff on their phones.
reading the thread on mind numbing meetings reminds me of the following event that occurred when i was about 19.. i'd got a full time job away after leaving school and was working about 20 miles away - thursday night meetings necessitated working later , catching a 6.10pm bus after work and walking 10 minutes or so straight to the kh , often arriving just as the meetings were starting or a few minutes late and getting the "evil eye" from some of the jws when i arrived.
my parents ( father was the presiding overseer ) would bring my clothes in the car and i would get changed into my suit in the kh toilets.. it was one of those moments when all the stars seemed to align.
i had had a particularly stressful day at work and was even more tired & hungry than usual on a thursday night.
dozy - Interesting when you say your dad would lose his position as an elder if his whole family wasn't in da troof, I've heard that happening, but my dad was an elder and I was still living at home when I was over 20. I was never baptized and when I was around your age at the time my dad finally realized that I really wasn't into it and said I didn't have to attend the mtgs anymore, (my mother wasn't too pleased with that, but the wife must obey the hubby)!
The thing is though my dad didn't even get baptized until I was 18 or 19 and for some reason the brothers thought he was good elder material, so he was basically new at the game when he said I didn't have to go to mtgs anymore and he didn't lose being an elder. Just goes to show you that sometimes they come down hard with their BS rules and then sometimes they just breeze right by and nobody gives a damn