Oh, so that's why he's stocking up on the Scotch bottles, I would think the liquor stores in the Philippines aren't as stocked with the good stuff as they are here in U.S.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Jw.org news about new assignment
by Gorbatchov injust read this interesting news at jw.org.
g.. .
Tony Morris video footage of him buying a dozen bottles of scotch
by UnshackleTheChains ini was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
So the Borg even quotes a scripture in Galatians when they warn about drinking, yet we all know they can put away. Before my dad was baptized my folks had a anniversary party and basically the whole Cong was invited. My father (a drinker) asked the waiter for a box at the end of the party because "this isn't a drinking crowd". Guess how many bottles were left to be put in the box for him to take home . . . . . NADA !! He's told that story several times to a few Dubs and they laughed, weren't even offended, but they why should they be?
Chris Rock skewered “jessy” last night. He said he lost the U when he lost all respect.
Min, are we finally in agreement with something? I guess Armageddon is on it's way then! Chris is on point, he usually is in my opinion, just a few things he's said I don't agree with, but on point with this one. BTW I wouldn't call it a "skewering" but he did say what he had to say especially since he started off with he was warned not to say anything anything about Smollett
Chicago is charging Smollett $130,000. Good ought to be more than that
Here We Go...AGAIN!
by FedUpJW inso here is a newer post over on that other site that reminds me of wash, rinse, and repeat.. this could be "our last memorial"!!!!
by shannie, wednesday at 08:14 pm in our meetings, ministry, and life as a christian.
well once again the memorial is upon us... tonight at our meeting.. .
Interesting how the Dubs believe in the scripture that says no man knows the day nor hour, or the one that says a day to the Lord is like a thousand days or whatever, but they still claim everyday that the end is near.
Anyway, as those here that can somehow sit through that drivel every year have reported that the days of people standing up and wrapped around the walls for the memorial are basically over. I wonder though if some Congs still rent out school gymnasiums like I heard they did back in the day to handle the massive crowds, I guess only if they now combine a few congs at one time for the memorial
Whoever the Top Paid actors in Hollywood are, Jussie Smollett is no where near that list, so how the heck were his charges dropped, he has no clout, like the top paid actors.
I agree 100 per cent with what Rahm Emmanuel said this afternoon at the press conference.
Funeral Fashion
by ThinkerBelle ini have a funeral to attend for a non jw family member and the jdub family member reminded me that i should not wear black.
for the life of me, i can't recall where this belief came from in jw teachings and i'm born in.
is there something in print or is that just a personal opinion belief?
Yes, please wear something black!
Do You Think The Obama Administration Should Be Investigated For How They Treated The Trump Accusations?
by minimus ini hope that the trump administration looks into obama , clinton and all the other players for trying to usurp the legitimacy of the trump presidency..
Exactly jp, Finkelstein I quoted the same sentence, don't schedule the big celebration yet, he hasn't been 100 per cent cleared yet.
Do You Think The Obama Administration Should Be Investigated For How They Treated The Trump Accusations?
by minimus ini hope that the trump administration looks into obama , clinton and all the other players for trying to usurp the legitimacy of the trump presidency..
Since Trump is Putin's girlfriend, any chance that will ever happen in U.S. ??
That's my comment I found in the above attachment. I still believe he jumps everytime Putin says something. I still believe Trump runs to the phone like a five year old when Putin gets in touch with him, what does that have to do me with me being thoroughly convinced that the Russians are indeed the reason he won as Min says I am? I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm not thoroughly convinced either
Do You Think The Obama Administration Should Be Investigated For How They Treated The Trump Accusations?
by minimus ini hope that the trump administration looks into obama , clinton and all the other players for trying to usurp the legitimacy of the trump presidency..
you and others were convinced that Trump conspired with the Russians to gain the presidency
when did I post here that I, myself, was convinced that he conspired with Russia? Seriously, when did I say that, I admit I can't stand him, but when did I post that Min, don't lump me in with the others here who said that, I would not doubt it, but i never said that. if I did PROVE IT