My father had a saying before he died, "They have 'love' on their lips, but none in their hearts!"
If ever asked to describe the JWs just use above sentence
When my mother died, I knew the folks in the Cong were not going to come and visit me like they did when my dad died at my mothers house, however I must say just "3" did stop by the day after but I wasn't home. Only 2 phone calls from folks who called who knew my family for decades. HOWEVER, my aunt of course told a few of her friends that she lost her sister, and three of her friends who I never met or could identify if my life depended on it called me and offered their condolences. Which phone calls do you think meant more to me, the big two (out of hundreds from the same Cong my mom went to) that knew my family forever, or the three from people I don't even know and the Borg would call them "worldly people"?
Like Blondie said above, action speaks louder than words.