BourneIdentity - you question the hypocrisy of the Borg? That's what they're based on !!
Everyone knows two things about the Borg, they don't celebrate Christmas and they don't take blood. There is a picture from the 1940's or 50's that show them celebrating Christmas at Bethel and there's a tree behind them with everyone gathered it around it,so, when did Jehovah write an addendum to the bible in the 1940's saying " it is no longer acceptable for JWs to celebrate Christmas ?
Also everyone knows Dubs don't take blood, what scripture now says you can now take blood fractions? BTW, just where do blood fractions come from? Like a cotton fraction comes from cotton, just where does a "blood fraction come from" and once again, what scripture now says it's OK, the Borg wrote the book on hypocrisy !!