If a regular brother died from an OD from a chronic problem with painkillers would his funeral be held at the KH or would they DF him posthumously?
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
There will be a Funeral service for Prince in the Kingdom Hall this sunday
by Farai inabout 30-50 high profile guests are expected among 300 other guests.
the kingdom hall has requested for support from the police for crowd/traffic control .
What should I visit while in New York
by wannaexit ini am planning a trip to new york and trying to develop an itinerary.
t will be my first time.
what do you suggest i see?
Since I've lived here everyday of my life I don't know what to say accept for the usual overcharged tourist traps, umm I mean attractions. Perhaps you can explore some things in the other boroughs instead of sticking to Manhattan. My borough of Queens has the best Chinatown, better than the one in Manhattan, it's been featured by Anthony Bourdan and Andrew Zimmern on their shows. I'm there at least once a week for some real authentic takeout, but of course you don't have to do takeout.
Are the anointed really "lovely people"?
by purrpurr ini've personally never met any of those who claim to be anointed but the other jw's who have are always unanimous in their praise of how lovely and what wonderful people they are.
and i don't mean the gb i mean common or garden anointed.
i was told that when they speak about being in heaven that they almost "seem to glow".. is this right?
The majority of them are usually one sandwich short of a picnic.
Although I was kid, the one anointed in our Cong used to get talked about for being a bumbling, Barney Fife type of guy.
BTW he and his wife saw the real light and walked away from da troof more than 20 years ago.
I'm still on my JWN holidays but had to pop back to share this experience.
by nicolaou ini'm a postman with the royal mail and was assigned to train a new starter yesterday.
my line manager introduces me to 'dave', within seconds my jw radar was on maximum!
in his mid to late 30's, politely spoken and with that haircut - i just knew it.. the post he'd applied for was saturdays only, he said he did a lot of volunteer work.
When you mentioned to him that you were once a Dub, if that was me I just would've left it there. Then let him think that maybe I was DFd, then he'd have to think "oh, no, just got a new job and I'm working with a DFd Dub, what should I do"? I bet if you didn't tell him you weren't DFd he would probably run to the elders and get counsel as to what he should do, which would be to ask. If he asked me I would've said it's not proper to discuss religion on the job and I don't have to answer that anyway, then let him run to the Elders again like a five year old runs to mommy. -
Why is Mother's Day wrong?
by stuckinarut2 inso why is celebrating mother's day wrong according to witnesses?.
is it not an opportunity to show respect to the giver of life (mother) and therefore god, the originator of families?.
does it not give an opportunity for members of the family to give a hard working mother a day off?
Nothing wrong with it at all, they just want to take all the fun they can out of a Dubs life.
Use of Tablets During Meeting
by Simon Templar inas i seem to remember, in april 2010 i bought one of the first ipads.
i saw the virtue of using it immediately.
it was wifi.
Every time I read of IPads being used at the meeting I always think back to when they were admonishing the brothers from the platform to stay away from the Internet, yet at the time they were doing that they already had a website. I asked someone doing cart work about and mentioned the scripture about "not being a part of the world" sounds like the Borg just gave up and joined the world regarding social media. She couldn't give a clear answer as usual, saying yes we still believe in not being a part of the world, "then why are the Dubs so heavy into Ipads and the using the computer" because so many people are using them know, "so you are backing down on the script about being a part of the world"? NO she says, then just round and round and round in circles with her answer, like they all do -
A flash from the past
by wasone inthis is a photo of the bethel repair shop taken in 1976. anyone recognize any of these lads from 40 years ago.
i know it's a long shot, but was wondering how many were still in after all these years.
i remember a few of them.
Well, one strike for me ! But the guy on the far left of him kinda looks like Jack Nicholson.
A memoir in the making - good read
by stephanie61092 inhello friends,.
i was on he ex jw reddit page the other day and came across a posting from a woman who has become a successful author.
she was raised a jw in new york and pioneered at one point in her life.
Just reading the first two sentences of your post made me think of another former JW who is a successful author and former pioneer. Have you heard of Gloria Naylor, who wrote Brewster's Place which was also made into a TV movie and she wrote some other books as well. She used to be a pioneer up until the 70's when she finally realized what a crock the Borg is. She was on the 25,000 Pyramid and won some money, but not the grand prize and all the nosy ones in the Cong were saying, "well, you know we shouldn't be on TV gambling!" She wasn't gambling, she was playing a game which just happened to be taped for broadcast and she won some money !! Plus the fact they were probably jealous of her winning some money. -
A flash from the past
by wasone inthis is a photo of the bethel repair shop taken in 1976. anyone recognize any of these lads from 40 years ago.
i know it's a long shot, but was wondering how many were still in after all these years.
i remember a few of them.
The guy on the front row, brown shirt looks like a total wise ass. Like he's in Bethel but his room was probably party central with illegal substances and booze.
Were you beaten as a child?
by purrpurr ini've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.
Spanking to the point that leaves welts and scars I don't believe in AT ALL , but I have to say though that it isn't just JWs who believe in spanking, if you watch a certain rerun of The Andy Griffith Show at the end he asks a dad if he wants to go to the shed in the back and teach his son a lesson. Raven Symone on THe VIew is just 30 and she has several times that since her folks or southeners as she is, if she even attempted to do certain things she knew she was "gonna get a whuppin".
I'm over 50 so of course most of the kids back then were spanked but nowadays not too many parents believe in spanking, which just might be the problem with some of the young folks today (yea, I said it) since some parents do the "friend thing" with their kids and/or just give up. I believe in spanking, have no kids, but believe in it. Just my opinion and probably not a popular one here on this forum.