Me personally I wouldn't let no knife near my back
No problem Chook, my aunt had "back"surgery a few months ago but they went in from the front!
The surgery itself was successful (so far) but they put some kind of pain medicine in there so when they sewed her up and sent her home she thought she was doing fine, until that wore off, even the meds they sent her home with didn't help, she had to go back to hospital for a few days and what they first gave her pain didn't work either. They finally found something to give her and that did the trick. Btw, she's no stranger by far to surgery, so she was no crybaby concerning the pain, she's had sooooo many surgeries from head to toe can't even remember all of them, she's had five on just one leg for an infection that wouldn't go away, and those five don't include two knee replacements, so she knows the drill when it comes to surgery, but that's the first time she had to go back because of so much pain.