"MY Husbands Religious Beliefs are Ruining our Family" is the topic
I"m not home when it airs on CBS in the afternoon so I watch a rerun on Ch 55 here in NYC at 8pm. I have my cable box all set to switch over at the appropriate time.
"my husbands religious beliefs are ruining our family" is the topic.
i"m not home when it airs on cbs in the afternoon so i watch a rerun on ch 55 here in nyc at 8pm.
i have my cable box all set to switch over at the appropriate time..
"MY Husbands Religious Beliefs are Ruining our Family" is the topic
I"m not home when it airs on CBS in the afternoon so I watch a rerun on Ch 55 here in NYC at 8pm. I have my cable box all set to switch over at the appropriate time.
of course the religion condemns homosexuality but did you know any gay witnesses?
i knew some bethelites that were very effeminate and i remember 4 women who were suspected of being lesbians by many in the congregation.
they eventually moved away and were very vocal against males, especially elders..
I'm sure 99 per cent of the congregations have a gay person or a few, just like there's always the crazy sister or brother. I've said it here before I use the name Shirley W to show the hyprocrisy in da troof. She and her "roommate" attended the cong I grew up in they moved from FLorida to NY to my cong when I was about 9 or 10, which was five decades ago. How they remained faithful servants of Jah I'll never understand. Even when folks used to discuss them someone would always say, "well Jehovah will clean out his organization in due time". Besides them I think of quite a few obviously gay people who were baptized.
only stumbled upon this letter today:.
apparently, the father of bobby kennedy's killer was accused of being a jw.
I remember them reading this at our Friday night meeting about Sirhan Sirhan, being just 9 or 10 back in 1967-68 don't remember the details, but I definitely remember that announcement at our Hall, about him being a Dub, or I guess someone in his family
how about .... the international brotherhood of stupidity.. the righteous zombies club .
uh oh, looks like that name is already taken! The Borg lawyers will buy it from the originals and claim it as their own!
how about .... the international brotherhood of stupidity.. the righteous zombies club .
living in new england means having lots of snow and cold.
elders were very reluctant to cancel or reschedule a meeting due to the weather.
i lived 3 towns away from the kingdom hall and if it was icy and treacherous my vote would always be to cancel the meeting....and forget about rescheduling!.
Very rare, but a few real bad Sundays when I growing up I remember my mother staying home . . . sometimes, during bad snowstorms. I think people, at least in my area, NYC, are more afraid to go out nowadays anyway during bad weather because the news people always show folks stocking up on food and buying the last shovel the night before we're supposed to get a lot snow.
I remember we had a baby shower at our house for a sister, wasn't snowstorm but it was snowing and sticking and we had a full house of folks, now people will probably cancel events like that in bad weather
i was talking to a jdub yesterday about child abuse in the organisation and this was his response:.
"it has been known for kids to make stuff up.
we have to trust the society on these things, also the legal process is there.
If your head is so far up your ass that you defend child abuse I wonder if there's any hope for those who think that way. They're so quick to point fingers at other religions but it's going on in their own.
I remember my mother used to dial in to the meetings sometimes and I heard this brother point out in the Washtowel study that very thing about the Catholics and child abuse, like the Dubs have no problem of child molesting - smh
it's a cold 13 degrees fahrenheit in tennessee this morning where i live.
glad i'm retired and don't have to work outside today.
what about where you live.
A friend posted some pics yesterday spending New Years Day at the beach . . . oh well, we can't all live in Florida, but here in NYC it's a balmy 19 degrees
i wrote her a text message telling her not to contact me anymore.
found out that she went back and told my mother some stuff about me.. i shouldnt have never given her my phone number....she's my next door neighbor.. she would always ask if i was going back to the kingdom hall, i would tell her no...people know that i'm not going back to the kingdom hall, and they still think that i'm going back.. i'm planning on moving from my hometown in 2 years and i cannot wait to leave!!!!
so tired of people still thinking i'm a j-dub, i've told people i havent been to the kingdom hall since 2011, and they still think i'm going back.
she's your neighbor, so, like she runs to your mom and tell her things, knock on her door and curse her out and set her straight.
my sister sent me this youtube.
in it are witnesses waving their phone lights and dancing in the aisles.
sorry if this vid has been posted before.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k7iw-zisgw.
They're just as pumped up like the folks who attend the ego building rallies Drumpf holds for himself when he needs his ego to be boosted.