Ya' don't have to tell me being a born in, I thought my mom was the wackiest JW mom, but at least I didn't have to sit outside the Principal's office or go to the library during holiday parties like I've heard so many say they had to do.
I didn't play my cards right on this one, but a few of young sisters my age back in the day were going to see Anita Baker, so my mom turns it around like I turned down the invite when, of course, I never received one or had any idea they were going until she opened her big mouth, she says "I don't know why you're not going" don't remember if she thru in the " if you were doing what you should be doing in the truth" line but, for a concert obviously you tickets, you just don't show up at the front of the venue.
What I should've said was "yeah, I want to go" then she would've royally embarrassed me by begging them to add me along and get me a ticket like the stepchild nobody wants to be bothered with Wouldn't have gone anyway, but obviously it bothered her as well as to why I was never included in activities including my peers. Also I found out they went skating every week when I was in my early 20's, never was invited to that either. FUCK THEM ALL with their conditional love.