I've found that when I have hung up the phone when someone with an accent I can't understand what they are saying, after I've done that two or three times, the next caller I got someone in America, who said we noticed that this is your third call and I think he said he was a manager, so they are even paying attention to hang ups coming from the same number, Time Warner Cable was the company where this happened.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Incite Better Handling of Complaints
by The Fall Guy inever feel as if companies or their telephone complaint handlers couldn't care less about your problem?
i don't know if it's just me, but in recent times i seem to have had more than my fair share of companies/tradesmen who acted with contempt.. admittedly, many of them are given a really hard time by extremely irate customers, but each customer should be treated as an individual.. i have found that i receive a more focussed & attentive response when i inform the person on the other end of the line that i am recording the call for my personal reference & security.
from that point on, i generally receive their full attention and achieve a satisfactory outcome for my complaint.
Meeting Days Felt Different?
by pale.emperor ini dont know if it was the same for you, but for me when i was a jw meeting days seemed to have a black cloud hanging over them.
on thursdays i knew i would be going to the meeting that evening.
that i would be getting into my meeting clothes at 6:30pm, leaving the house at 6:55pm and be sat in the kingdom hall from 7:15pm-9pm, then milling around for about half an hour before finally getting home for 10pm.
As a kid you kinda get used to it, but,when I was growing up he had our mtg on Friday, but in the 70's it got changed to Wednesday,and at first our sunday mtg was 2pm, then got changed later on when they started that rotation thing, first we went at 9, then it rotated to noon.
But as a kid the older you got the more you resented going to the meetings. Some Congs used to meet, or probably still do on Saturday evening, the best part of the weekend and you have to drag yourself out the house and sit thru that BS, so glad that never happened to the Cong I used attend
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
A sister told me that since she had worn a bathing cap when she was baptized, she was afraid her head wouldn't make it into the new order.
Seriously? That's the best wackadoodle statement I've heard from a Dub, but why should that shock me, that's the kind of folks that are drawn to da troof.
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Friends, this may be our last convention before armageddon."
That was back in 2002.That's been said numerous times before 2002.
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Can't take blood, but only blood fractions, whatever that is, but anyway, blood fractions come from blood . . WTF ???
How long since your last memorial?
by NewYork44M inthis is my 15th year without going to the memorial.
based on comments, it seems i did not miss anything.
Haven't been since the early 1980's
I used to ask my mother what happened to all the people that attend the Memorial the rest of the year? You never see the KH crowded for ministry school or Sunday meeting the way it is (or was I should say) at the Memorial, then her weak response would be " some of them still attend" which was a flat out lie, yet, they're always the first ones to point out Christendom always go the church on Christmas and Easter and that's about it, same for the Memorial.
Remark at memorial about growing annointed numbers
by Gorbatchov indon’t know if it was part of the script.. at the memorial the remark about growing annointed numbers including this numbers from 2015 to 2017 was made (from 13.000 to 18.000+).. reason for the growing numbers could be:.
- feeling annointed because of former believe.
- psychical reasons.
So now they're saying that it's OK for the numbers of partakers to grow and back when I was growing up the number was supposed to get smaller and smaller, yup, the Dubs certainly are the only "TRUE" religion on earth. . .
Memorial Weekend Questions
by Iamallcool ini just don’t remember when it was the last time the memorial falls on saturday.
anyway, do they meet for field service tomorrow(saturday)?
do they have their meetings on sunday?
Didn't they start cancelling the meetings the week of the Memorial like 20 years ago or something? Or did that new light fade away.
Being a JW kid is hell
by JRK inin therapy, i was told i should write a letter of grievances to each of my parents.
i really do not have any for my mother, except for things that directly relate to being raised as a jehovah's witness.
upon reflection, my childhood was hell because of the religion and its pernicious corruption of a normal childhood.
JRK - Interesting thing is my dad didn't get baptized until I was around 19 or 20, everyone in the KH just loved him, and my mother, but me . . . . well, read the above again. So glad as a child though the Borg encouraged wives to still fix the holiday meal for their UBMs so I have great memories of the holidays going to friends and family houses and celebrating and gifts. But when you become a teen when,you want to be accepted, he started attending off an on, he was love bombed, even was appointed and Elder after a while. But still, my peers,the MFers, male and female, still decided to pull the "mean girl act" on me, but the thing that gets me my mom always seemed to back them up, saying only if I took an interest in da troof they would like me. That's why when she still crosses my mind to this day, the thoughts are not pleasant, at all.
Being a JW kid is hell
by JRK inin therapy, i was told i should write a letter of grievances to each of my parents.
i really do not have any for my mother, except for things that directly relate to being raised as a jehovah's witness.
upon reflection, my childhood was hell because of the religion and its pernicious corruption of a normal childhood.
Ya' don't have to tell me being a born in, I thought my mom was the wackiest JW mom, but at least I didn't have to sit outside the Principal's office or go to the library during holiday parties like I've heard so many say they had to do.
I didn't play my cards right on this one, but a few of young sisters my age back in the day were going to see Anita Baker, so my mom turns it around like I turned down the invite when, of course, I never received one or had any idea they were going until she opened her big mouth, she says "I don't know why you're not going" don't remember if she thru in the " if you were doing what you should be doing in the truth" line but, for a concert obviously you tickets, you just don't show up at the front of the venue.
What I should've said was "yeah, I want to go" then she would've royally embarrassed me by begging them to add me along and get me a ticket like the stepchild nobody wants to be bothered with Wouldn't have gone anyway, but obviously it bothered her as well as to why I was never included in activities including my peers. Also I found out they went skating every week when I was in my early 20's, never was invited to that either. FUCK THEM ALL with their conditional love.