Ha ha Min, I even laughed at that !! If that's what you think so be it, you must be one the crowd here, even when I'm 100 per cent in agreement with something, when I look at the likes an dislikes there's always a few number of dislikes, I've been told by someone here that there are certain cliques (sp?) that stick with each other and PM each other and say "can you believe what so and so said, yada yada yada ) !! So whatever, after all you all used to be JWs and chose that crazy cult, I was born in had no choice until a certain age. unless of course dear Min, you are a born in too !!
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
“Monkey this up”...
by minimus inthat expression is a no-no now.
it is racist and hateful.
some people just need to get the monkey off their backs..
“Monkey this up”...
by minimus inthat expression is a no-no now.
it is racist and hateful.
some people just need to get the monkey off their backs..
Hey Min, are you now officially the old man down the block who always says "you kids get off my lawn"! and always opens the door with his bathrobe on and just sits in front of the TV all day curses at the news all day? Just wondering . . . kinda sound like it now
Strange first names among jw's
by fulano indo you remember those families where all the sons and daughters had weird biblical names?.
i recall a " machlon" , "eunice" , even a "jehosafath".
can you believe it..
Well, speaking of just plain ol' strange names not biblical, when I used to work at Ernst & Young, in the local directory for our office, there were three guys with the name Homy Bomy, and Bomy wasn't the last name either. I guess that's a popular East Indian name.
Ancestery.com— I Got My Results! Very Surprised
by minimus inso i got my results in on sunday and my bloodline is mostly from great britain and italy and greece!
not what i expected at all but it does explain my love of italian and greek foods.😎.
I have a feeling that sometime down the road these ancestral websites will be blasted on 60 Minutes or just the news in general for misleading people about their genetic history.
Strange first names among jw's
by fulano indo you remember those families where all the sons and daughters had weird biblical names?.
i recall a " machlon" , "eunice" , even a "jehosafath".
can you believe it..
When I was a kid growing up in da troof in the 60's I was shocked to find out the name Gomer is biblical, every time you hear that name how could you not think of the bumbling Gomer Pyle from the TV show.
Did You Ever Think You Would Be A Member On A Site Like This?
by minimus inwhen i first started looking at “apostate” sites , i was always watching over my shoulder, hoping no one would catch me viewing “spiritual pornography”.
i found these types of sites mesmerizing but i never thought i’d join one.... look at me now.😈.
Tishie's site was the first one I became familiar with, way before I even owned a computer, used to read it at work and when I wasn't working I used to go the library just about daily to keep up with.
Do You Think President Trump Will Be Impeached?
by minimus inwhether you like him or not.... it doesn’t matter.
do you think he will be impeached?
An arrogant prick in a tan suit is all he'll ever be
Wowww, just wow. . .! TO EACH HIS OWN OPINION, but wow.
Do You Think President Trump Will Be Impeached?
by minimus inwhether you like him or not.... it doesn’t matter.
do you think he will be impeached?
I don't know the legalities of impeachment, but he should've been kicked to the curb already. I'm sure there's enough evidence to do so right now, total incompetence being one of the reasons.
Police use stun gun on woman, she was 87
by James Mixon inthe 87-year old woman often ventured outside-with a kitchen knife and plastic bag in hand-to cut a collect the plants for cooking.
aug. 10 when she crossed the street from her home in chatsworth, georgia, and arrived at a partially fenced lot belonging to the boys and girls club.
there, she began gathering the plants she needed.
collard greens and escarole have two different tastes, I don't even think you can compare the two, they're so different
How many JDubs would believe this ridiculous statement?
by Sour Grapes ina circuit overseer or a member of the gibbering body is giving a talk about demonism and he says the following, "there was an elder in a congregation in california who let his 8-year-old daughter watch disney movies that involved witches, gremlins, magic, and sorcery.
many may feel that they are harmless movies and are just entertainment.
well, the 8-year-old daughter actually brought a blue smurf doll to the public talk and watchtower study.
There's an ex-Dub named Veronica that has made some videos that are on YouTube and she used to be regular on Rick Fearon's conference call. She swears she is the originator of that story with one of her dolls or something, it's really a bizarre story and I think she's a sandwich short of picnic myself.
She also swears all her uncles or something are all Masons and the GB are all members too and they all wear the rings and stuff and her uncle's were including in the special meetings with the GB and stuff when they actually discussed how they're tied in with the Masons. Some folks believe it, I have some SERIOUS doubts about all that.