Morpheus- CAs are held during the summer, when the District Assemblies are held? Could be, but growing up in NYC never heard of that happening before, when I was growing up in the 60's we had to travel sometimes to another city for our assigned DA, like Baltimore, DC, New Jersey, which was asking a lot for certain families that couldn't afford to pay for lodging.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
District Assemblies now being held at Circuit Assembly locations?
by ShirleyW ini haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
Financially Are You Doing Better Than a Year Ago?
by minimus inthis isn’t a usa question.
is your financial situation better or worse or pretty much the same?.
There's a curiosity behind every question Min, so what is yours, is it because you Lord and Savior the orange moron is now POTUS, or is it because you were just wondering on a lazy afternoon?
District Assemblies now being held at Circuit Assembly locations?
by ShirleyW ini haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
I haven't been to a KH in decades, so I get the Google Alerts for JWs and I got one featuring a local news channel in Brooklyn covering the assembly being held in Flatbush, Brooklyn. I'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the District Assemblies are being held. Why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding District Assemblies in Circuit Assemblies locations ?
Over eating v over drinking
by Normalfulla inwhen i was in, i couldn't understand why the subject of over eating or gluttony was almost never discussed, there was countless talks and articles about over drinking but over eating is lumped in as the same offence in the bible but was never discussed?
an elder who was serving in the islands told me he heard a talk given by a local in the cong there who professed that "in the new system we can eat as much as we want and not get fat".
so why was /is it not talked about?
I love this topic regarding the Dubs, because my mother was overweight all her life and was and Uber-Dub, I was always wondering if they would start DFing for being overweight because she would've been one of the top three in our Cong to go !!
Another thing is with this yet another Dub myth that would never happened is, of course the obese elders would've somehow been overlooked with this "new light" rule. Besides the Dateline story, ABC did a story on the Dubs, I believe it involved a sister that was killed in an auto accident, anyway, whatever the story was, when they interviewed her hubby I believe it was, This guy had the typical beer belly build, but add times 10 to it He looked like if you stuck a pin in his humongous belly, fart gas and beer would've filled the immediate area, including the neighboring counties.
“Monkey this up”...
by minimus inthat expression is a no-no now.
it is racist and hateful.
some people just need to get the monkey off their backs..
Hey Min, just thought of another response to you when you say we're alike. I should've said "yeah, and when I open the door with my robe on I make sure my huge wanger is hanging out for all to see .
Then you would PM all your followers an say " wow, I thought she was a female I didn't know she had a huge one"!
Umm, just for the record, I think I just have to clarify for all the exjws that don't catch on to quick and say yes I am female, no huge wanger whatsoever
“Monkey this up”...
by minimus inthat expression is a no-no now.
it is racist and hateful.
some people just need to get the monkey off their backs..
Ha ha Min, I even laughed at that !! If that's what you think so be it, you must be one the crowd here, even when I'm 100 per cent in agreement with something, when I look at the likes an dislikes there's always a few number of dislikes, I've been told by someone here that there are certain cliques (sp?) that stick with each other and PM each other and say "can you believe what so and so said, yada yada yada ) !! So whatever, after all you all used to be JWs and chose that crazy cult, I was born in had no choice until a certain age. unless of course dear Min, you are a born in too !!
“Monkey this up”...
by minimus inthat expression is a no-no now.
it is racist and hateful.
some people just need to get the monkey off their backs..
Hey Min, are you now officially the old man down the block who always says "you kids get off my lawn"! and always opens the door with his bathrobe on and just sits in front of the TV all day curses at the news all day? Just wondering . . . kinda sound like it now
Strange first names among jw's
by fulano indo you remember those families where all the sons and daughters had weird biblical names?.
i recall a " machlon" , "eunice" , even a "jehosafath".
can you believe it..
Well, speaking of just plain ol' strange names not biblical, when I used to work at Ernst & Young, in the local directory for our office, there were three guys with the name Homy Bomy, and Bomy wasn't the last name either. I guess that's a popular East Indian name.
27— I Got My Results! Very Surprised
by minimus inso i got my results in on sunday and my bloodline is mostly from great britain and italy and greece!
not what i expected at all but it does explain my love of italian and greek foods.😎.
I have a feeling that sometime down the road these ancestral websites will be blasted on 60 Minutes or just the news in general for misleading people about their genetic history.
Strange first names among jw's
by fulano indo you remember those families where all the sons and daughters had weird biblical names?.
i recall a " machlon" , "eunice" , even a "jehosafath".
can you believe it..
When I was a kid growing up in da troof in the 60's I was shocked to find out the name Gomer is biblical, every time you hear that name how could you not think of the bumbling Gomer Pyle from the TV show.