So the bound volumes are being tossed out too?
As FedUpJW said above they're hiding the lie.
You would think that would wake folks up about just what kind of religion is this, but probably won't do a thing.
it has been reported that many of the older publications are being dumped.
the watchtower bible and truck society have a long list of books, pamphlets and brochures that are no longer available either in print or in their data base on their web sight.
of course the reason is that this books have a lot of old information that is incorrect, false prophecies, flip flops and a lot of "new light" that became old light.
So the bound volumes are being tossed out too?
As FedUpJW said above they're hiding the lie.
You would think that would wake folks up about just what kind of religion is this, but probably won't do a thing.
former fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
BTW Min, it took you a whole 24 hours to come up with that response? Sad
(can hardly wait to see how many dislikes I get)!!
former fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
Shall we go back to calling people by their slave names because that’s what they were once called? That would be racist.
Well, considering that the original slaves and their grandchildren, dare I include their great-grandchildren, but they're might be a few ones left, but, we can't go back to calling people by their slave names Minimus, because the folks that had those names are . . . . . DEAD !!!! You come up with the most inane things to prove your not the "R" word, kinda reminds me of Archie Bunker and I still enjoy watching those reruns! And like I said yesterday do your research on your Lord & Savior Drumpf, find out what his great great grand dads name was
former fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
Shirley , we know you hate the President. You show your ignorance every time you can’t even properly spell his name.
Min- since you're such a lover of Drumpf, I'm surprised you didn't know that I'm using the spelling of his name from generations back when his great grandfather changed the spelling of it and you have the nerve to say I'm showing ignorance when you don't know the history of current Lord and Savior, That's sad Min, very sad
former fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
I think he’s a lot smarter than the last few presidents
That statement alone says it all, you and Drumpf are on the same level of intelligence,
former fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
Whether you like his politics or not , he certainly not crazy.
So, what is he Min? Are you saying he's the stable genius that he says he is?
i moved to where i'm currently living for 10 years now.
once in a while, i would have jws come to my door and every single time either i or my husband would send them on their merry way, although my husband is quite rude about it.
i'm not sure when the cart witnessing (or whatever it is called) started up, but the only time i ever heard about it was on the internet, or someone here talking about it.
Come to NYC and visit some of the subway stations and you won't be able to escape them. Two or more right across from each other and at some stations they have tables set up with four or five people standing there. It reminds of the sisters who have a study with someone at their home, but she invites four or five other sisters to come with her so they can get an hours time in by just sitting around someone's dining table.
thought you might like to know that during a visit to london yesterday, the jw's were conspicuous by their complete absence.
admittedly it was a tuesday in february, but myself and my ex jw friend thought we would see at least one or two trolleys in their usual haunts, but nothing.
we checked out the area around westminster station where we have talked to jws before, but there was no sign.
I see London has a lot to learn from New York City when it comes to the carts. In some subway stations here they have two or three (yes 3) carts in the same station right across from each other. The Bros across the pond need to fly across the pond and see how the preaching work is being done in NYC.
many witnesses in my opinion know nothing about the religion.
they don’t understand the history, the doctrines or the bible.
many people become jws because they were raised as witnesses so they take the plunge.
Born in. Didn't have a choice. Didn't know what choice even meant. Didn't sign up. It was done for me
then new and improved purple song books that came out in 1966. then there was the brown song book and a even newer one in 2006. .
thousands of hours wasted singing those stupid songs and their stupid lyrics.. song 106 "watch how we walk and watch we talk.
i remember inserting different works in the lyrics to relive the boredom.
You mention remembering the green songbook, which I do, but your list looks like it's either from the magenta or the brown book. Anyway, I remember the green book some songs I can think of right now are:
Take Sides With Jehovah
Plus the one on Page 1, which was titled Hail HIm, which sounded straight out of a Baptist revival meeting, which is probably why they stopped using much when the green book was still out.