Frozen - do you have a sense of humor? You really haven't heard anyone say "you two ladies" are you girls" when referring to two men before?
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
Are You Horrifed if Someone Goes Into a “Massage Parlor”?
by minimus inyesterday, robert kraft, the owner of the new england patriots, got busted for getting a massage and more.
they say there is another more high profile person who also got busted.. does this stuff upset you that some men have gone into a massage parlor for possibly more than a massage?
Are You Horrifed if Someone Goes Into a “Massage Parlor”?
by minimus inyesterday, robert kraft, the owner of the new england patriots, got busted for getting a massage and more.
they say there is another more high profile person who also got busted.. does this stuff upset you that some men have gone into a massage parlor for possibly more than a massage?
Frozen, I don’t get why billionaires would go to a strip mall for a rub and tug either
To Frozen and Min - I bet if you two girls won a jackpot lottery with such an excess amount in your bank account, you would be paying for things that you thought were silly that other folks paid for , just like the ol' rub and tug at the local mall.
Are You Horrifed if Someone Goes Into a “Massage Parlor”?
by minimus inyesterday, robert kraft, the owner of the new england patriots, got busted for getting a massage and more.
they say there is another more high profile person who also got busted.. does this stuff upset you that some men have gone into a massage parlor for possibly more than a massage?
Yeah, thanks, I had no idea that massge parlir meant massage parlor, although all the other comments responding to you somehow managed to spell it right and they all have massage parlor in them, but, I had no clue whatsoever as to what you meant, thanks for the clarification Min
Are You Horrifed if Someone Goes Into a “Massage Parlor”?
by minimus inyesterday, robert kraft, the owner of the new england patriots, got busted for getting a massage and more.
they say there is another more high profile person who also got busted.. does this stuff upset you that some men have gone into a massage parlor for possibly more than a massage?
what's a massge parlir?
Society Ditches Older Publications
by new boy init has been reported that many of the older publications are being dumped.
the watchtower bible and truck society have a long list of books, pamphlets and brochures that are no longer available either in print or in their data base on their web sight.
of course the reason is that this books have a lot of old information that is incorrect, false prophecies, flip flops and a lot of "new light" that became old light.
So the bound volumes are being tossed out too?
As FedUpJW said above they're hiding the lie.
You would think that would wake folks up about just what kind of religion is this, but probably won't do a thing.
Removing Mr. Trump from office.....
by mikeflood informer fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
BTW Min, it took you a whole 24 hours to come up with that response? Sad
(can hardly wait to see how many dislikes I get)!!
Removing Mr. Trump from office.....
by mikeflood informer fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
Shall we go back to calling people by their slave names because that’s what they were once called? That would be racist.
Well, considering that the original slaves and their grandchildren, dare I include their great-grandchildren, but they're might be a few ones left, but, we can't go back to calling people by their slave names Minimus, because the folks that had those names are . . . . . DEAD !!!! You come up with the most inane things to prove your not the "R" word, kinda reminds me of Archie Bunker and I still enjoy watching those reruns! And like I said yesterday do your research on your Lord & Savior Drumpf, find out what his great great grand dads name was
Removing Mr. Trump from office.....
by mikeflood informer fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
Shirley , we know you hate the President. You show your ignorance every time you can’t even properly spell his name.
Min- since you're such a lover of Drumpf, I'm surprised you didn't know that I'm using the spelling of his name from generations back when his great grandfather changed the spelling of it and you have the nerve to say I'm showing ignorance when you don't know the history of current Lord and Savior, That's sad Min, very sad
Removing Mr. Trump from office.....
by mikeflood informer fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
I think he’s a lot smarter than the last few presidents
That statement alone says it all, you and Drumpf are on the same level of intelligence,
Removing Mr. Trump from office.....
by mikeflood informer fbi deputy director mccabe confirms: there were discussions within the department of justice about invoking 25 th amendment to remove trump from office.... .
i mean the us democracy isn't a third world country, a least the people involved should be reprimanded, they acted like trying a coup d'etat..
Whether you like his politics or not , he certainly not crazy.
So, what is he Min? Are you saying he's the stable genius that he says he is?