The picture that is right side up doesn't measure up to the pic that is upside down, not the same picture IMHO
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
This is my fav. pic of girl petting a lion.
by rockemsockem in[img][/img].
No need to apologize, but the show at that time was an all time ratings grabber and everyone knew that on Thursday nights they knew at least one show they had to be home for, that's why you through me off with the Tuesday reference
Love Among Yourselves?
by Lost in the fog inyou have to wonder why a congregation which claims to have love among itself would not do something to help this poor off member of the congregation.
oh wait a minute, they preached to him, got him in, so now he's on his own - just like all the rest of them! .
Sigfrid - Now show the other factual list about Trump OK? fair is fair and if you say you have no idea what I'm talkin about then I see how blinded you are. Fair is fair YES I do remember Trump paying for Jennifer's hotel bill after her mom and nephew were killed, a few other things on the list I'm sure. But they don't balance out with what this moron has done since he started residing in the WH, please be fair and acknowledge ALL sides, OK, can you do that or you just want to call me Trump hater, which I certainly am, but weight both sides
Love Among Yourselves?
by Lost in the fog inyou have to wonder why a congregation which claims to have love among itself would not do something to help this poor off member of the congregation.
oh wait a minute, they preached to him, got him in, so now he's on his own - just like all the rest of them! .
The next visit of the CO he instructed the elders to tell all the cab companies in town that this disabled brother wasn’t welcome at the Hall
Seriously?? Who the Hell was that CO, Trump? Not only did he tell the elders to stop but tell cab companies to avoid this one person? That's just beyond mean, yet he travels from congregation to congregation to make sure they're spreading Christian love as Jehovah intended.
When the Cosby show was on primetime Tuesdays at 8pm
Cosby came on Thursday nights, because if was killing the ratings of Magnum PI, on CBS which was a Thursday night show. In one of the Golden Girls episodes when they're planning the funeral of their mean neighbor who wanted to cut a tree down, they even make a reference to Cosby coming on Thursday nights
Love Among Yourselves?
by Lost in the fog inyou have to wonder why a congregation which claims to have love among itself would not do something to help this poor off member of the congregation.
oh wait a minute, they preached to him, got him in, so now he's on his own - just like all the rest of them! .
My father had a saying before he died, "They have 'love' on their lips, but none in their hearts!"
If ever asked to describe the JWs just use above sentence
When my mother died, I knew the folks in the Cong were not going to come and visit me like they did when my dad died at my mothers house, however I must say just "3" did stop by the day after but I wasn't home. Only 2 phone calls from folks who called who knew my family for decades. HOWEVER, my aunt of course told a few of her friends that she lost her sister, and three of her friends who I never met or could identify if my life depended on it called me and offered their condolences. Which phone calls do you think meant more to me, the big two (out of hundreds from the same Cong my mom went to) that knew my family forever, or the three from people I don't even know and the Borg would call them "worldly people"?
Like Blondie said above, action speaks louder than words.
Satan deliberately put some great TV programs on meeting nights.
He sure did, only saw them when sick are when the CO visited and mtgs were rearranged that week
I remember Petticoat Junction and The Red Skelton show came on, on Tuesdays nights back in the 60's, so did Maude never saw that show back then in late 70's as well as Happy Days, and don't get me started on Friday nights when back in the 60's and early 70's we had our Ministry on that night
What Views or Beliefs Do Jehovah’s Witnesses No Longer Teach?
by minimus inevidently they have changed their creative day from being 7000 years per day.
all blood transfusions were taboo but now blood fractions might be allowed to be taken into the body.
vaccinations were sinful at one time but not now.. can you name other views or beliefs that have changed from being considered “truth” to no longer “the truth “?.
I don't even know why you bother to post such a question since the whole Borg is based on flip flops. However, I'll add a one or two, remember when the Tuesday night book study, or area study, as some of us old timers remember it, was to be called rendezvous? Also around 1969 at the DA it was announced that elders would rotate every year? I know they stopped it, but since I haven't been to mtg since the 80's have they started rotating again?
Bonanza used to come on Sunday at 9pm, some folks had there Sunday night meeting that late?
When I was still living at home and my parents went to the mtg - Margarita Night !! (or whiskey sour night)