Do you have some time of time frame for you Idiotic "the dollar is failing" nonsense? Billions of Dollars are traded everyday dumbass. Its called money exchanging. You obviously have never taken an economic class. If you had you would realise that the Gold Standard put incredible limits on trade and economic growth. If money is based on a fixed asset then growth will never occur. If you figure that the GDP last year was $7,000,000,000,000 you would some how need to find 720,000+ tons of gold (at $300/ounce) to back up that value. Your claim that the world has gone bad since the gold standard was dumped is just plain stupid. Hmmm lets see lets compare 1932-2002.
Which year did the average american: 1932 2002
Live longer X
Have better health care X
Have a better education X
Have a better Living X
Have electricity X
Have running water X
Ok lets try bad things
Small Pox X
Polio X
no-anibiotics X
Hitler X
Forced Sterilization of handicapped X
Primative Medical technology X
Well the list could go on and on but it is quite clear to anyone with a brain that we are much better off now, than we were in 1932. We would not be where we are today if the Gold Standard was still in usage. YOU KNOW, YOU would KNOW that if you where not such a rambling idiot. Read the facts before you start preaching all of your nonsense. You take anything you see, no mattter how unrelated or out of context, and then apply it to your Doomsday "JWs will survive" cult nonsense. Can we quote you on your predictions??? I didnt know that you were now a prophet! Are you going to be on a Watch Tower cover soon??????? I guess the only good thing about 1932 was that your dumbass wasnt born yet.