"Real estate, like I said, has doubled in recent 18 months or so. That is a form of inflation. "
NO DUMBASS, that is called supply and demand. MONEY has not lost its value, people are just willing to pay more for houses! This is not inflation!
Here is a link for your stupid ass to learn some economics.
"Nearly every week for the last couple of years, and particularly since 9-11, the money supply has been inflated by between 20 and 50 billion dollars per week."
Now this is just plain incorrect. As you can see from below, the total currency as of 7/31/00 was $540 Billion dollars. At your 20-50 Billion a week (They cant even print that much dumbass!) The current money supply would be anywhere from $2.62-$5.74 TRILLION! Sorry Dumbass but there is not that much money floating around.
As of July 31, 2000, of the $539,890,223,079 in total currency in worldwide circulation, $364,724,397,100 is in the $100 denomination
Maybe, just maybe (I will give you the benefit of the doubt) when you say "the money supply has been inflated by between 20 and 50 billion dollars per week." you are talking about money created through loans and such. This is NOT inflation. In fact this ''money supply inflation" is the reason why you have a car and a house DUMBASS. Dont YOU KNOW anything about banking? Or did you pay for your shack in CASH?????
Let me give a simple example.
By Federal Law, all banks have to have 10% on hand for all the loans they give. So when you bought your shack for $50,000 the bank by law had to have $5,000 on hand in reserve. So the Banks loaned you $50,000 (thats $45,000 they didnt have) and thus created $45,000 (on paper anyways). This is called EXPANSION of the money supply not INFLATION. ONCE AGAIN inflation means that the value of the money goes down, not that the supply of money is increasing.
Maybe you should stick to misquoting the Bible as YOU KNOW nothing about economics! What is your degree in anyways?????? DR. DUMBASS