My user name is on the back of my footy jumper!
JoinedPosts by ssrriotsquad
How would you react if someone at the hall called you by your username here
by JH in2 years ago, i went to a meeting and the brother talking in the front said that the internet was full of dirty rats..... he was looking at me when he said that.
Does anyone know the Caldwell's in Australia?
by ssrriotsquad ini'm sure plenty of you'se have plenty of stories to tell regarding this family.
especially if you were on the wrong side of them.
i know of a few that i heard but am wanting to more of what they are like.
A family that moved England to Western Australia. Lived there for some time in Perth (wrecked the cong with their stern and strict ways) before leaving for South Australia and did the same but didn't last a long. They moved to the Illawarra area about 23 years ago before moving the the Hunter Valley 6 years ago.
In each congregation he has caused that much friction, that he either moved away by force (death threats supposedly for which I dont blame) or that the family outstayed their welcome. But with each move, the body of elders gave him a letter of recommendation to the following congregation just to get rid of him.
He was referred to as "Bobbie" Caldwell, "Bobbie" being slang for a English policeman due to the hat they wear called a "Bobbie". He wife we refer to as being Mrs Hyacynth Bucket (from the english sitcom "Keeping Up Appearances" (pronounced Bouquet - its french) which highlights her fakeness and being sophisticated when she really isn't. A daughter whom we call Mega-Me which is due to her being a larger version of her mother (both in height, width and ugliness). Their youngest son we have two names, one "Skinny-Me" due to he being like his father or "Sheridan" the son's name of Mrs Bucket.
They have a son that was a Bethel for a time and that now has married with a child and now is being a CO in around the southern part of Western Australia. I have given him the name of "Weasel" because that's what he is and being a combination of his parents.
They have a daughter in above the Sunshine Coast of Queensland which does not want anything to do with her parents. A son in the ACT which stirs his parents because of their strict ways. A daugther who is disfellowshipped in Sydney area I believe.
Does anyone know the Caldwell's in Australia?
by ssrriotsquad ini'm sure plenty of you'se have plenty of stories to tell regarding this family.
especially if you were on the wrong side of them.
i know of a few that i heard but am wanting to more of what they are like.
The word is - he is now goooooonnnnnnnnnne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Specific banned shows, songs, etc...?
by AllAlongTheWatchtower ini know the society tells people not to listen to rock n roll cause its from teh satan, not to watch r rated movies because they're "worldly", etc.
but i was wondering if folks had any specific instances where one song, one show, one movie, or whatever was singled out as being particularly 'evil', and banned on an individual basis?
i was never a jw, but was in the worldwide church of god...the two are rather similar, i've seen many (and made quite a few myself) comparisons on the board; and i can remember as a child that every once in a while certain things would get brought up as being more evil and worldly than others.. examples of specific bans:.
I know 'Saturday Night Fever' was mentioned in a 70's WT when the movie was released, mainly to do with the illicit lifestyle of discos.
Chubby Checker's "The Twist"
A CO outlined a certain radio station in Australia regarding Triple J due to its homosexual contents etc. Only thing I listened to was Roy & HG - and still do.
When we were extending our KH, we used to play the radio and/or tapes/cd's out loud through the sound system(to which some bro's didn't like). We used to play alot of JJ Cale with songs such as Cocaine, After Midnight, I'll Make Love To You Anytime, Cherry, Let Me Do It To You etc. I had no problem playing Poison, RHCP, Guns & Roses (the songs that didn't have swearing), Def Leppard. As regards AC/DC name, read Wikipedia as it stipulates how the name was brought to be. (I should know as my father was given the invitation to play bass for them when they first formed, but passed it to a mate of his, to which his mate passed to another of his mates).
If some of the elders ever came to my place when I'm working around the house,
1 - it will be load,
2 - it be R&R or Blues
and 3 - if they don't like it - Get Nicked!
What is your favorite Mythical creature ?
by 5go inmine is the japanese kitsune.
the fox spirits humbler of haughty samurai and foiler of crooked bussiness men..
The Minotaur.
I always wondered if was like a bull in other areas other than the head and the tail.
That's what happens when you have sex with animals.
Favourite quotes from films.....
by fifi40 ini love this quote and often find myself using it on the kids and my dog.
it is from cats and dogs and james earl jones doing the voice over.
"not for you young puppy, for you the war is over".
You crazy beeeeeeccccchhhhh!!!!! - 50 First Dates
The shitters full! - National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
When I get angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset... people die! - Austin Powers I.M.O.M.
Y'know, this was supposed to be my weekend off, but noooo. You got me out here draggin' your heavy ass through the burnin' desert with your dreadlocks stickin' out the back of my parachute. You gotta come down here with an attitude, actin' all big and bad... and what the hell is that smell? I could've been at a barbecue! But I ain't mad. - Independance Day
I like college and I like football and I'm gonna keep doin' 'em both cause they make me happy! [Slams door, then comes back.] And you're wrong, Mama! Alligators are ornery because of their medulla oblongata! [Slams door, then comes back.] And I like Vickie Vallencourt and she showed me her boobies and I like them too! - Waterboy
Now let's cut the stupid cake 'cause I know the fat guy's gonna have a heart attack if we don't eat again soon. - The Wedding Singer
Why do the local congregations always pay for the D.O. and C.O. visits?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inevery time a circuit and district overseer visited our congregation,the elders always wanted a show of hands from the congregation to see if we would pay for their car expenses and travel.sometimes the congregation would pay for airline was always approved.. do you know if the idea came from the local congregations to pay?
did the wts send out letters to each congregation to see if they would pay?
we know that the wts always get what they want.. it's amazing how we paid $250-$400 for each overseer visit and the wts paid nothing..
Fact of the matter is that he knows our congregation is not financially equiped to pay for the majority of his bills, due to our current situation as we have with a certain element within it that has destroyed the spirit within our congragtion. But he could at least hand over a few of the billed to a neighbouring congregating to reimburse those expenses.
The sad part is that his wife likes to do business territory, which not a problem in its self. However, she was with my wife doing a certain clothes shop where she was trying on various outfits, and there was one she happen to particularly like but didn't buy it - could not afford it. The next meeting, my wife notices that she is wearing that dress that she tried on while out witnessing. My wife enquired to who she got that dress, and found out that a particular sister (who generally is not of sound mind at the best of times) within the cong had bought it for her later that day. My wife then realised what she was alluding to when she was saying that she couldn't afford it and emphasised that she really liked the dress, hoping that my wife would buy it for her.
This is what gets up peoples back and especially mine, its okay to recieve gifts from your brothers, but dont make it a scene of trying to persuade the bro/sis to get it for you. It is suppose to be from the generosity from the brothers themselves, not at your encouragement. Big difference. And we have a particular section of our congregation that expects this type of behaviour.
Help! they're giving me a talk #4 entittled:" IDENTIFYING APOSTATES"
by dark angle inthis is quite awkward for me to give!
our elder gave me that assignment last week and should be delivered next week on the theocratic ministry school.
considering i have very unconventional views for the wts about blood, evolution, bible, and the gb, delivering this talk seemd quite maladroit.
Dark Angel, I have given the same talk along the lines of the four points that you have brought out. However, I indirectly pointed them at a particular party in our congregation who feel that they are high and mighty over everyone else.
Needless to say, I have just recieve my first Bible reading in over 5 years after doing # 4 talks all this time. Maybe the points that I had presented actually hit where I was aiming for!
Does anyone know the Caldwell's in Australia?
by ssrriotsquad ini'm sure plenty of you'se have plenty of stories to tell regarding this family.
especially if you were on the wrong side of them.
i know of a few that i heard but am wanting to more of what they are like.
I'm sure plenty of you'se have plenty of stories to tell regarding this family. Especially if you were on the wrong side of them. I know of a few that I heard but am wanting to more of what they are like.
Why do the local congregations always pay for the D.O. and C.O. visits?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inevery time a circuit and district overseer visited our congregation,the elders always wanted a show of hands from the congregation to see if we would pay for their car expenses and travel.sometimes the congregation would pay for airline was always approved.. do you know if the idea came from the local congregations to pay?
did the wts send out letters to each congregation to see if they would pay?
we know that the wts always get what they want.. it's amazing how we paid $250-$400 for each overseer visit and the wts paid nothing..
Our current CO on his last visit sent us the bill which was $150, with a note attached saying if we cannot pay the full amount, just send it back to him. Let alone this CO is the most expensive CO we have ever had that I can remember of as previous CO's bills were about $80 max, and that included the car expenses.
The PO when doing the announcements asked for a show of hands to support the payment, nobody put there hand up. To go against, nobody put there hand up. To partial pay, still nobody. When he asked "what are we to do?" my father yelled out, "Send it back as we dont have the money."
However, after the meeting, I asked the PO what the bill was made up of, he reluctantly said it was made up of the following:
$88 for a meal when he went down the coast
$30 for a mobile prepaid card (whose wife is forever on it)
$25 for a hair for the CO (This bloke is half bald and the town barber only costs $16)
$10 for stationery.
There are no car bills as we have an automobil program for the CO's & DO's.
I said that they are giving money by the society for personal expenses, and the the meal, haircut and prepaid card are personal expenses and should not be charged to the congregation. If he is not satisfied with the meals that we give him, he can starve. The PO didn't like what I said either, but he didn't take any further with me.
In the end, the elders decided to pay only $45. For all I care, that's $35 too much.